Classic Alfredo Sauce. The original Italian recipe from scratch.


– 1 lb of pasta
– 1.5 stick of butter (185 g)
– 150 g of parmigiano-reggiano


1. Start by boiling your pasta and draining it. (Dont forget to save about 1 cup of pasta water!)

2. Chop your butter into smaller pieces.

3. In a large pot, mix the butter with the pasta so it melts.

4. As the butter is melting, add the parmigiano cheese in layers so it melts evenly.

5. Add the pasta water and mix it until it is “velvety and creamy”!

6. Plate it and enjoy!

Useful tip:
Use an aged parmigiano-reggiano so that there’s little to no lactose in your dish! Those who are lactose intolerant love this!

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Ago was just pointing out seems philosophical to me when when the smokes why is it philosophical i don’t know it’s like something that dissolves into thin hair something that never existed but you got to see oh god hey everyone welcome to a new episode with pasta green and pasta bro

Today we’re making the classic roman alfredo sauce we’ve been asked hundreds of times to make it and hear how we make it is the classic version and that’s how i trick people when they come over and ask me for a mac and cheese i don’t make no mac and cheese i make

My roman alfredo sauce let me show you how first thing you want to do for this recipe is put on your pot of water ingredients so we’re going to be using one pound of pasta this is not one pound i’m just using it for decoration okay then we’re having one enough stick of

Butter that’s about 185 grams 150 grams of parmigiano reggiano cheese grated good one guys good one now there’s one little thing that i wanted to tell you which is actually quite interesting if you go and buy a parmigiano which is being aged from 24 months and above you can

Actually get it with almost no lactose in it so the aging process gets rid of the lactose in general parmigiano has almost no lactose anyways but if you want to be really hundred percent sure just go with the really uh aged one at least two years so 24 months

Aged cheeses have a longer opportunity for the enzymes to break down the lactose so as a consequence obviously fresher cheeses have a higher amount of lactose versus aged cheeses and that is probably why you get more stomach trouble from having milk or ice cream or things with fresh dairy products versus

A pasta with a little bit of sprinkle parmesan on top so this is good news guys you can have parmesan cheese you can and butter yes butter on the other hand because you’re thinking okay you’re using parmigiano but then you’re using butter which is it’s got really really tiny bits of

Lactose in it so if you’re lactose intolerant you can try this recipe and let me know how it goes no but really leave a comment from the bathroom if it impacted you and let us know how it went it should be going back to the bathroom it should be good if you’re lactose

Intolerant but there’s obviously two things lactose and dairy so you could be that intolerant in which way you shouldn’t have this recipe do not eat it time out so guys the time that it takes you to make this recipe is a time that the pasta needs to be cooked

Because the rest of the ingredients are completely ready to be mixed in the pasta so i’m just going to throw the pasta in so there’s been a lot of talk about this recipe i’ve had hundreds of requests on tik tok to make the original alfredo sauce please make

Us an alfredo please make us an alfredo so why is it called alfredo do you know and who was alfredo who was alfredo was he good looking he had a beautiful long moustache i actually made a dick talk video where i show a picture of him behind me

But he was a guy that simply loved his wife so much and owned the restaurant he’s known in rome as the king of fettuccine he made the most delicious fettuccine his restaurant is still open to this day in the city center of rome and he had this amazing wife who had

Just given birth he wasn’t feeling very well so he made up this amazing composition with the fit to china and it was named after himself of course fettuccine alfredo because he used simple ingredients that were delicious when mixed together it was double butter and parmigiano-reggiano cheese mixed with the pasta and it was

In a creamy delicious sauce that happens when you mix those two ingredients together a little bit of pasta water it just creates the most velvety of all cheesy creaminess and then of course some hollywood actors coming by rome brought it over to the u.s and later you have to find it

And later you find it with the cream you find it with some chicken you find it with different pasta types but that’s the original roman recipe you can actually go to rome and you will still find this restaurant how cool is that the funny thing is that a lot of

People come to my house and they’re like nadia can you make mac and cheese and i’m like sure i’ll make it for you and what i do i just trick them oh come here my love you want some food he’s saying you want some mac and cheese

I told you people just show up all of a sudden asking for mac and cheese and what i do is i make him this perfect alfredo creamy cheesy pasta and they’re like oh my god how did you make it and now the trick is about to be shown

Okay so we’re chopping the butter into small pieces and we start adding them to the hot pasta you want to do this while it’s really steaming hot you don’t want to wait you don’t want to cool down the pasta i heard some horror story of people even like washing their pasta

Are you nuts start melting that butter while you start adding in your parmesan cheese in layers so that it starts going everywhere so what we’re doing is we’re mixing really fast so that the the ingredients melt this is a very important step the starch of the pasta

Water is going to make it even more creamy and that’s the secret for the perfect alfredo go go baby go baby yeah yeah you can do this now we mix it and we make it velvety creamy i hope that’s the word right guys check out this cream just gorgeous you


  1. The flavor of this original Italian dish (only butter and parmigiano) is superior to all the versions that later Americans, over time, have made in America !

  2. I'm not Italian at all and I cooked Alfredo pasta exactly the same way except for I added some chopped parsley. Oh it's so tasty and creamy either with that parsley taste to it. Just couldn't get my fill. I thank you for the recipe and interesting video. 👍

  3. Just gorgeous!!!
    My dear Pasta Queen you are an angel , this vid is music to my ears. We're lactose intolerant and now how to avoid the tummy rumbles.

  4. Such a sad thing that this beautiful wholesome little dish got turned into the abomination that gets served to people around the world today. when the original is so wonderful as it was intended.

  5. I was never a big fan of what americans know as alfredo but i made this one night and its been a favorite ever since. Love you pasta queen.

  6. Funny enough, i have heared some Italians reacting to Olive garden dishes saying, there is no such thing as Alfredo Passta in Italy ?🤔

  7. Love the Channel especially with the AUTHENTIC Alfredo Recipe not Olive Garden Style! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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