Very few foods are as entrenched in American society as peanut butter. Beyond the indisputable fact that it’s exquisitely delicious, peanut butter is easy to store, easy to use, and cheap. It’s one of the tastiest treats in the ketogenic diet and is smashingly good in almost anything.

However, when knife comes to bread? Nothing tops the classic peanut butter and (fill-in-the-blank) sandwich. Now, when we say fill-in-the-blank, most people default to jelly. But given that there are so many foods that pair well with peanut butter, it feels shortsighted to stick exclusively to that option. Curious about what else is on the plate and in between two slices of bread? Let’s find out about the best things to add to your peanut butter sandwich!

#PeanutButter #Sandwich #foods

Marshmallow crème | 0:00
Bananas | 1:13
Raisins | 2:19
Berries | 3:44
Nutella | 4:44
Cheese | 5:43
Bacon | 6:33
Mayonnaise | 7:26
Apples | 8:20
Honey | 9:29
Pulled pork | 10:15

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Imagine a graceful melting of pulled pork  bursting from the seams of your peanut butter   sandwich. How about mayo if you’re feeling even  more adventurous? These combinations and more   aren’t reinventing the peanut butter sandwich  wheel – they’re just out to diversify it.

If you’re from New England, then you don’t need us  to elaborate on why the fluffernutter may be the   best peanut butter sandwich in existence.  It even surpasses jelly as an option. Now, what about for those of you who’ve  never experienced the delightfully gooey  

Combo of peanut butter and Fluff?  Well, we recommend you run out of   whatever you’re doing and find a  way to try one as fast as you can! Frankly, it’s a wonder this classic  regional sandwich hasn’t overtaken its   jelly-filled counterpart on the national  leaderboard. The enthusiastic adoration  

For the fluffernutter seems to  be truly limited to New England.   In fact, much of the nation remains in  the dark about this legendary creation. For those unfamiliar with the sandwich,   consider how fantastic the melted  center of a roasted marshmallow tastes.  

Now, add peanut butter, and you’ll get a  sandwich that’s good at any time, for any meal. Whether you go for the original Somerville,  Massachusetts -based brand Fluff or not,   you won’t be disappointed with this sandwich.   Soon enough, you’ll be wondering whether  you ever needed jelly in the first place!

One of the healthiest foods at our disposal,  peanut butter has the ability to be a monumental   component of a well-rounded meal plan.  Peanuts are high in protein and fiber,   and studies have shown it  can reduce one’s risk for… “Diabetes”. …cancer, and heart disease. Frankly,  if you’re looking to ditch jelly from  

Your peanut butter sandwich and truly  embrace its nutritional value – there   may be no better replacement for the  sugary-fruit byproduct than bananas. You really can’t go wrong when you  combine fruit and peanut butter.   And with their soft-yet-robust  texture and subtle sweetness,  

Bananas have a strong case for being the  best match out there for the nutty spread. Plus, since bananas themselves are also  nutritional powerhouses, adding them to   your peanut butter sandwich can make for  a well-rounded and filling meal or snack.

Now, this is America, so, there’s no shortage  of ways to take something superbly healthy and   destroy any and all nutritional value  in the name of increased deliciousness. Are you interested in upping the decadence  factor in your peanut butter and banana sandwich?   Then why not take inspiration from  Elvis Presley’s alleged favorite snack,  

By adding bacon and cheese, and  then pan-frying it in butter. For decades, ants on a log have been a beloved  snack for children and Michael Scott alike. “Whooooo’s hungry!” “What’s that?”  “Its Ants on a log. Michael would   always have me bring them in at  2:30 and say, ‘Whoooo’s hungry!'”

It has long been a go-to option for  parents desperate to improve their   child’s nutritional intake beyond  chicken nuggets and snack cakes.   The snack consists of raisin “ants” dotting  a peanut butter smeared “log” of celery. The utter simplicity, ease, and cost  associated with this snack help to explain  

Why it’s become such an iconic aspect  of so many Americans’ childhoods. It’s no surprise that peanut butter improves  the bland, nearly-flavorless profile of celery,   which adds a pleasantly fresh crunch to  the otherwise texturally-lacking food. But  

The clear reason why “ants on a log” works so  well with kids is the ants, or rather raisins! The combination of raisins’ sweet taste and  chewy texture makes them a fantastic foil for   the salty creaminess of peanut butter. So  it stands to reason that the duo will work  

On any canvas, whether it’s on  a celery stick or in a sandwich. Perhaps it never crossed your mind to  combine peanut butter and raisins on a   sandwich – yet it makes perfect  sense, doesn’t it? After all,   the wonderful flavor found between peanut  butter and raisins isn’t reliant on celery.

So, with that in mind, feel free to ditch the  lighter, less-filling celery for the heartier   option of two slices of bread. Or don’t skip  the celery at all! Instead chop some up,   and add it to a peanut butter and  raisin sandwich for an extra crunch.

If you’re a superfan of jelly in any or all  flavors, you may be aware that jelly has a smooth   and silky texture. This is because it’s made  with fruit juice rather than the fruit itself.   Similarly, if you’ve ever  gone to the grocery store,  

You’ve likely noticed most jellies are derived  from berries. Whether it’s one kind of berry,   or a mix of several varieties –  it’s always derived from berries. What does this mean, exactly? Well, for  those of you eager to replace jelly in   your peanut butter sandwiches  without reinventing the wheel,  

What better way to start that  shift than with fresh berries. Sure, it may not have the added  sugar found in jars of jelly,   but that’s a good thing since Americans  eat far too much added sugar already.   Besides, the inherent sweetness of fresh  berries makes any added sugars unnecessary.  

This means fresh berries can be a  delicious replacement for jelly. Rather than nitpick between types of  berries, we’ll lump them all together.   Why? Well, adding any berry to your peanut  butter sandwich — whether it’s strawberries,   blueberries, or any other variety —  will leave you sufficiently satisfied.

Unless you’ve been living under  a rock for your entire life you   likely know how heavenly the combination  of peanut butter and chocolate can be.   It would be a significant understatement  to declare this combo merely well-liked. You’d be hard-pressed to find another  food pairing more beloved! After all,  

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were the best-selling  Halloween candy in the U.S. as of 2021. Since there’s no confusion over what peanut  butter and chocolate taste like when combined,   there’s a fairly similar, tasty replacement for   jelly – chocolate hazelnut spread! While  it’s mostly known from the brand, Nutella,  

Chocolate hazelnut spread makes a wonderful  addition to any peanut butter sandwich. Don’t worry about mixing the nutty flavors! The  additional flavor of hazelnut isn’t detrimental,   since it meshes quite well with peanut   butter. Even if peanuts aren’t  technically nuts, but legumes.

For anyone eager to adapt their love of  peanut butter and chocolate to sandwich form,   the addition of chocolate hazelnut  spread won’t let you down. Whether   it’s sandwiched between bread slices,  or mixed together in the bread itself. Sometimes, a thing that seems unbelievable at  first glance isn’t as unlikely once you start  

Digging in. So while you may not initially jump  to the idea of adding cheese to your peanut butter   sandwich, the fact remains that peanut butter and  cheese have a history of working well together. Just take the mere existence of the popular  peanut-butter-and-cheese crackers snack  

As an example. While it may be  difficult to pinpoint why exactly,   this snack cracker combo works so well, there’s  no denying that it’s a delightful flavor mashup. If you’re opting for a cold sandwich,  consider a nuttier-tasting cheese. A   nuttier cheese is likely to compliment the  obvious nuttiness found in peanut butter.  

But if you want to make the most of your cheese  and peanut butter sandwich, consider going the   grilled cheese route. Youmay find your mind blown  by the sandwich’s sheer sweet and savory flavor. Everything’s better with bacon,  right? This phrase has become   such a well-known commandment in  our culture, that the video game,  

“Halo Wars,” has an unlockable achievement  called “Everything’s Better with Bacon”. Of course, just because you hear something  over and over doesn’t necessarily   make it true. Though in this case, it  just might! A piece of salty, smoky,   crispy-yet-chewy bacon does, in fact,  make everything a little bit better.

Most likely, given the widespread understanding  that bacon improves every meal it touches,   you may have heard about bacon and peanut  butter being combined on a sandwich before. The presence of both items can  be found in numerous food items,   from the trendy peanut butter bacon  burger to a twist on the classic PB&J.

Regardless of any additional ingredients, though,  there’s no denying that one of the best things to   add to your peanut butter sandwich is bacon.  The result will always be a delightfully sweet   and savory concoction. It’s one you’ll never  find yourself walking away from unsatisfied. Did you see the word mayonnaise and think…

“Surely, you can’t be serious?” “I am  serious, and don’t call me Shirley.” If that was your reaction, then you clearly  aren’t from the south, where this traditional   sandwich isn’t just well-known: it has a long  and storied history in southern U.S. cuisine. Something of a comfort food in the region,  

This uniquely unorthodox sandwich can  be traced back to the Great Depression.   Now, why did someone first think of combining  these two ingredients? That’s generally unclear. Though, a lack of other available food options at  the time may’ve been the culprit. Some speculate  

There may be another, far simpler explanation  since mayo tops all other condiments in the   south. According to food writer and cookbook  author, Sheri Castle, as stated in HuffPost: “A lot of people are going to start with  getting a jar of mayonnaise out of the fridge.”

In other words, for many people in the  south, mayo goes on every sandwich,   and peanut butter is no exception. As we’re all well aware, it’s hard to find a fruit  that doesn’t mix harmoniously with peanut butter.  

And since we’re not here to discuss exceptions,  but rather to highlight the best things to add to   a peanut butter sandwich, we’ll focus on another  fruit that can easily replace jelly – apples! We all know an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  

But what happens when you throw  peanut butter into the mix? Well,   you’ll only be increasing the nutritional profile  for both of these exceptionally healthy foods. Healthline emphasizes that the combination of  peanut butter and apples can aid your digestive   health, help with blood sugar regulation,  and reduce inflammation throughout your body.

Yet the health impact found from adding apples  to your peanut butter sandwich is only one piece   of the equation. The other, perhaps more crucial  reason, is the undeniable fact that the creamy,   salty nuttiness of peanut butter mixes  perfectly with an apple’s crisp sweetness. It’s not a surprising or  unexpected flavor addition,  

Since fresh apples will always pair well with  peanut butter. So if you’re sick of jelly,   go nuts with a few slices of apple  on your peanut butter sandwich. And no matter what variety of apples you fancy,   you’ll be happy with the results! Right, former  Men’s Wearhouse spokesperson George Zimmer? “I guarantee it!”

Realistically, whether you enjoy honey added  to your peanut butter sandwich depends on your   palate and the type of peanut butter at your  disposal. If you’re using a standard brand of   peanut butter, such as Skippy or Jif, then  there’s already added sugar in the product.

This might make the addition of honey a  little too sweet for some to handle. However,   if you opt for a peanut butter variety with an  ingredient list of just “peanuts” and nothing   else, then adding honey to your sandwich may  be one of the best decisions you can make.

Given the fact that honey is a  naturally-occurring, liquid-sugar product,   it’s perfectly logical that adding it to  a peanut butter sandwich will act as a   perfect sweetener. Honey also is known  to contain high levels of antioxidants.  Whether you’re opting for raw honey  or otherwise, you’ll be pleased with  

Your decision as you chow down! However, you don’t need to be   Winnie-the-Pooh-level obsessed with honey  to enjoy it on your peanut butter sandwich. When it comes to the best things to add to  a peanut butter sandwich that isn’t jelly,   we may have been a bit neglectful of  savory components in assembling this list.  

But don’t fear! Just because  there may be more sweet-leaning   suggestions to consider doesn’t mean  there aren’t any entree-type options. Like its pig-derived cousin in bacon, one  of the best additions to your peanut butter   sandwich can be pulled pork. It may be  weird, yes, but it’s not unlike the way  

Peanut butter compliments a warm burger so  well by melting down into a type of sauce. The addition of peanut butter to a pulled pork  sandwich can be an illuminating experience.   Peanut butter works so well with pulled pork, in  fact, that some may not even notice its addition.

The key to this unexpected pair delighting  your taste buds is all in how you serve it.   You’ll want to make sure you combine  peanut butter with warm pulled pork,   not lukewarm or cold. As this allows the  peanut butter to thin out and coat the meat,  

Creating an irresistible combination  that can only be described as… “Mmm…Delicious!” Check out one of our newest  videos right here! Plus,   even more Mashed videos about your  favorite stuff are coming soon.   Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit  the bell so you don’t miss a single one.


  1. Another good mix is hot fudge or chocolate sauce on a peanut butter sandwich. I havne't tried to marshmallow fluff with it, I guess I'll have to. I love mayo but I can't see it with peanut butter. I may try it for the hell of it.

  2. Here's the secret for making your bananas last. Of course you hang them up until they are almost ripe then you tear them apart and lay them flat on your fridge shelves inside and the skins will get dark but they will last a lot longer than you think. I love them chilled.

  3. I've heard of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches but never tried one. Maybe I should….or use real toasted marshmallows. LOL 😄 I've used sweet peanut butter with honey before. Very good. But, it probably would be more beneficial if I used sugar free peanut butter instead. Although peanut butter with apples would be a better alternative. My mom packed me a peanut butter and banana sandwich that I didn't eat back in elementary school. LOL 🙂

  4. I’ve tried all of these except pulled pork, I need to try it. One you forgot is pickles, dill is good but I especially like kimchi. Adding chicken would make it even better since the kimchi and peanut butter almost make a peanut sauce.

  5. For an over the top Elvis sandwich first cook about 3 strips of bacon in a pan. Set the bacon on some paper towels on a plate. Empty 1/2 of the bacon grease in a container. Ad a pat of butter to the remaining bacon grease in the pan than cut 2 bananas length wise and put them in the pan with 3 table spoons of brown sugar and cook the bananas until they are soft and the brown sugar is melted along with a touch of bourbon (bananas foster). Spread peanut butter on 2 pieces of soft white bread and place the bacon on both and the bananas on 1. Now with a paper towel wipe all the brown sugar out of the pan close the 2 pieces of bread into a sandwich butter the outside of the bread and return it to the pan until browned on both sides. It is crazy good.

  6. The best thing to add to a PB Sandwich, Negative PB. God I don't know how anybody can eat that stuff, it looks like Fecal Matter

  7. When hung over, I had a peanut butter, mayonnaise, and dill pickle sandwich for breakfast made by my sister. It honestly wasn't bad, but I never went out of my way to make another….

  8. I need my southern folks to answer this from to somebody from the San Francisco Bay Area. PLEASE tell me the mayo and peanut butter is not really a thing? Maybe an old school thing? I CAN NOT. Believe that 🤣🤣🤣

  9. My favorite combo is peanut butter with a slice of queso fresco on a toasted English muffin.

  10. Can't stand bananas.
    But I do love PB with apples.

    PB also blends well with
    cream cheese. When combined,
    it tastes much like caramel.
    Spread it on a thin bagel.
    With apple slices.

  11. My go-to is PB on raisin bread with strawberry preserves and banana slices. Sometimes I substitute orange marmalade, blueberry or cherry preserves.

  12. When I was pregnant, I couldn't eat enough Hellman's mayonnaise and Jiffy extra crunchy peanut butter sandwiches. I've never had one since, but I must have ate six everyday back then.

  13. I’m from Colorado and I’ve had fluffer nutters my whole life. I don’t even know anyone from the northeast. Sometimes I think you guys base your facts on here say and just go with it.

  14. I wouldn't say that the Fluffernutter surpasses jelly as an option, but I sometimes enjoy adding fluff WITH peanut butter and jelly or jam. For me, red raspberry and blackberry jam (with seeds) are the best that go with fluff. Bananas are also good to add to the other condiments I mentioned.

    In my opinion, raisins are only good with peanut butter on celery. I wouldn't put them on bread, though. My personal preference.

    Most of the jams I use have seeds and small chunks of the berries they came from. I never considered fresh fruit (other than bananas) for my PB&J. In addition to red raspberry and blackberry jam, I also love peach jam, blueberry jam, strawberry jam, and…the childhood classic…grape jelly. Grape also comes in a jam texture, but there are no seeds in it.

    When it comes to peanut butter and chocolate, there are times when I do want them together. Most of the time, I usually like them in candy form. But, I have, occasionally, put pieces of chocolate onto my PB&J sandwich. But, Nutella did not agree with me at all. I tried it once and…well, let's just say that it came back up on me and leave it at that. So, Nutella is out for me.

    Peanut butter and cheese ONLY works on crackers made with cheddar. I will not add cheese to a PB sandwich. No way! And, you can forget me adding bacon, mayonnaise, or pulled pork to my PB&J. It will simply go right into the garbage!

    Peanut butter works with apples, but sliced apples on bread? Not for me. Honey works well with PB&J, but everything gets EXTREMELY sticky when I combine honey with it.

  15. Just today, I made a peanut butter. & cherry jelly sandwich, but added a slice of sweet onion, before putting it in the toaster oven open face for about 5 minutes. I was worried that the onion would be too bitter or sharp, but it didn't turn out that way. The onion, after the toasting, tasted mild and its crunch was good. Very good combination.

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