Making Homemade Lasagna – Chatting While Cooking – YUMMO!!

It’s a Christmas Tradition. It would be an honor to have you subscribe and thanks soooooo much for watching!

Hey foodie friends Merry Christmas I’m going to make a lasagna that my mom started doing years ago as a tradition every Christmas okay so here’s my cast of characters and I’m not going to have exact amounts cuz I’m going to make a huge pan of it so I’m just going to kind

Of do this as we go my favorite thing is the burilla oven ready lasagna sheets they’re nice and thin as you can see in the picture they’re not thick and GL floppy and um they’re just easier to lay as well and you don’t have to pre-cook

Them you’ll see and I like to do a mix of both mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese got crushed tomatoes I’m starting to go organic on more things but you guys know about all that stuff got my own Italian seasoning that I put together if you want a little recipe for

That let me know garlic powder onion powder couple of onions a couple of eggs some salt sugar organic green peppers dry parmesan cheese or I also sometimes do the parmesan Romano mix and I used whatever meat I had on hand in the freezer and you know I grind my own

Meat so I have ground ribeye so that’s beef ribeye but also ground chicken thighs I’ve never combined the two um but I’ve made them both ways and it’ll be fine you know some people combine it with sausage and beef so it’s all in what you want to use and then your

Ricotta cheese will I use all that not sure but again I’m going to make a big old pan that way I can freeze a bunch of it it freezes great you could just freeze it in pieces and serve it as leftovers someday let’s get started one ingredient that I forgot to

Mention is butter so I’m going to go ahead and melt some butter in this huge pot put my peppers onions and meat in there and we’ll cook that up first so I’m going to melt the butter down nice and slow Put my ground meat in here and if you’re curious about um how I do my ground meat at home I do have a video on that I probably should do a new one CU it’s been quite a while since I did that but I like to grind it myself

Just to make sure that there’s no bone bits or Knuckles or any of that stuff in there my husband’s sneaking around quietly CU I’m filming say hi Brian hello just break this up a little bit Yeah the husband’s got a pretty cool Channel called the simple homeowner so

Maybe go and check that out he just fixes things around the house and gives neat little tips on how to do stuff like an ice maker we just had to have that replaced and repaired so we saved many hundreds of dollars by him doing it himself so he just did that

Video so to go take a Look so we’ll cover this let it get started and I’m going to cut up the onions and peppers and throw those in with it so everybody has their different ways of doing green peppers and all that so what I do is I just cut around it and

Then it’s easier to get to the core and just pop it out just rinse it make sure there’s no seeds in it seeds are rock hard you can also get in the well can’t really see anything you can also get inside the core and just put your knife

In there like that and cut it out I like to cut my Peppers kind of big enough so you can see what you’re dealing with cuz they’re going to shrink up a little bit anyways when you cook them down and it’s going to cook again

In the oven but I just like to be able to see you can make it Big And Chunky or dice them really tiny however you like It so I’m hoping you guys had a nice Christmas what did you guys do did you have family around did you travel or did they come to you did you just hang out just you by yourself or you and a spouse or a friend we did an early Christmas at his

Mother’s house in DC normally I do not like going to DC at all especially lately if you know what I mean but uh we found a nice kind of like a back road off of the DC Beltway and it’s all through Parkland Clara Barton Parkway

And it was gorgeous I didn’t have to go through any of the crazy part of middle of the town and next so you know we were there so that made it much less stressful than past years so that will be our route from now On now remember you don’t have to make this much for just it’s just my husband and I but I’m telling you it freezes better than you could ever imagine I’ve used to eat frozen lasagna G it was awful this tastes almost like you just

Took it out of the pan when you go ahead and thaw it and eat it again so when it comes to the onions I like to go with the big sweet onions Spanish onions or some are specifically called via onions the vas are always really small I like the bigger the

Better because they’re more meaty the slices of the onion the bigger they are has nice meaty sections makes it more tender so these are just your standard sweet or AKA Spanish onion huge as you cut it you want to kind of keep it under water a little bit any of the parts

You’re even not going to use it keeps that Vapors from burning your eyes out but also the sweet onions aren’t nearly as potent as say a regular yellow onion and I just take this first layer off you don’t want that very top layer it’s just too thin not papery but it’s just

Thin take that top layer off I mean you guys probably know how to chop an onion that’s why I’m not really showing the details that much I’ll show you how I like to rough chop it though kind of like the green peppers I want people to see what’s in

There see and taste it not just see a bunch of mush and they will cook down so when I get to the end here I like to just kind of turn it you can’t really see it that good I’ll try to zoom in and then get

That last that last bit let me show you so see that last little piece I turn it sideways and get that last cut in there and just drop it on in there flip that last piece over and cut it way less likely to hurt yourself when you turn that last piece sideways and

Cut it without your hand even near it all right I like a lot of onions so I’m going to do my second Onion everybody’s got their ways of doing onions but this is how I like to do it cut each end off and I’m going to cut it in half and then peel that outer part off turn that last piece sideways and cut it and we’re not doing anything with any

Of the seasonings yet or the tomato sauce we’re just going to cook down this so I like to do two spatulas all these years I was trying to do with a spoon or whatever but it’s really when my husband and I were at a mall years ago and they were making steak and

Cheese subs and that kind of thing and they were smacking the stuff on the grill being real loud so everybody goes o what’s all that noise and they go over and see what’s going on they end up buying some subs from them and it was

Really good so but I saw that they had you know like these two spatulas it would do like this it’s just so much more control instead of just stirring it around with a spoon spon or even one spatula so I do that when I’m out on the grill

Too I do the double spatula thing if I’ve got like a grill pan that’s got the curved edges and I might be doing shrimp or steak if you haven’t seen that go take a look I’ve done a few videos on the grill like that just get these two

In here sometimes when I’m filming though if I don’t have it on a stand I can’t use two hands you’ll see me just kind of trying to flip it with one it’s not as easier so yeah so stir all that up got some butter in there plus the fat

From the uh the meat should be interesting that it’s a chicken and beef mixture I think it’s going to be delicious doesn’t matter this will be a first cover it up just keep an eye on it stir it every once in a while I’d do medium low

Because you don’t want it to burn or cook you know too fast we’ll come back and we’ll stir it a few more times and then once it appears done we’ll take a look then I’m going to go ahead and add all this other stuff now the neat thing about when we’re

Going to add all all this stuff we can actually turn the heat off cuz remember we’re going to be putting it in the pan with all this other stuff and it doesn’t need to be blazing hot in fact you want to be able to handle it pretty good okay

So while this is cooking I’m going to go ahead and make the ricotta cheese mixture and some people put cottage cheese in there is my mom used to do that yeah but later in life I discovered the ricotta cheese was on a pizza and it

Was so good I don’t even know when I’ve had it before I probably had it all my life didn’t know I guess like the um the stuffed shells that’s like a ricotta cheese mixture with Italian seasonings and stuff so that’s kind of what I’m going to do all right so stand by we’ll

See how to do that okay so I can’t fit my face in here while I’m showing you this but this is what I’m going to do I’m going to make more than enough of what I need both the sauce and the ricotta cheese mixture

Running out of it is no fun so the neat thing is what I’ve done in the past is basically the way I make my spaghetti sauce is the same way I’m going to make that lasagna sauce so you can have extra and freeze it for spaghetti sauce for the

Future so I’m going to use these two monster things over Cott of cheese once I figure how to get it open I told my husband that as we get older and I feel sorry for older people that just can’t get things open anymore because of all the people that

Want to poison your food they got to put all these extra things but there’s not even a tab to really pull this off with sometimes you need need a spoon to get it out but there it goes you would think that one would be enough but you’ll see you be surprised

If I have to waste a little it’s okay so you got to use that knife Again just kind of get it Started probably one large and one medium would have been plenty but I have been in situations where I sort of ran out of the layers so I had to really thin it out and I didn’t like that normally with just a normal serving you would do one egg but I’m going to do

Two cuz there’s so much of this just kind of helps fluff things up a little better don’t worry there’s no shells I crack my eggs on a flat surface it seems to keep the shells from crushing in like when you do it on the edge of a like a

Bowl a sharp Bowl it kind of pushes the shells in there so this kind of guarantees they don’t get smashed in there so they just all stay in one place this is again just my personally put together Italian seasonings I like the crushed Italian seasonings that you

Can mix with uh it’s like a powdered versus the like the seeds and all the weird things that come like little it’s like eating little pieces of branches and stuff I’m not big into that so I like to get the powder and then I mix it all

Together put a little bit in here not too much and again if you want to know what’s in it I don’t remember it’s was like sage and oregano and something else all right now we’re going to go and put some of this parmesan cheese or you can

Do parmesan Ramana which I have in there too just kind of helps season it and salten it a little bit you want to not be too shy with the garlic powder you can use regular garlic chopped garlic fresh minced garlic what ever this is just how I do

It just give it a good stir definitely making enough for an army but like I’ve explained it’s kind of a lot of work to do lasagna you know it’s not the easiest thing in the world it’s a little bit timec consuming so I might as well make

Extra and freeze it and make a quick meal out of it or sometimes the husband comes home from work runs back out to Kung Fu lessons and I’ll go ahead and Tha either some spaghetti that I’ve had already made or lasagna something like that out makes a great quick Dish it looks like I’m shaking the camera while I’m doing this so I’ll try to mix softer let’s not shaky around too much now it’s up to you but what I sometimes do because it’s a raw pasteurized egg I’m not afraid to try it

My mom did it over the years and I can literally just get a little spoon give it a little taste test just a little here we Go I got to tell you that rot cheese has such a neat natural sweetness to it you would have almost thought i’ put sugar in it that’s really good so I’m going to leave it just like that and we’ll put it aside in the fridge until we’re ready to do our

Layers so now that I’ve done the ricotta cheese mixture I can focus a little bit more on this pan and well pot pan whatever that way I’m not going to have to worry about burning anything I had it on really low so now I’ve got it to medium medium

Low just come along and start every once in a while I’m just going to keep doing this until it’s done until the vegetables are soft not mushy but soft cuz yeah it’s going to bake for a while in the oven too but you don’t want to have a crunchy Lasagna you see what I mean about the spatulas I don’t know if you can see but it really gets up under there and just kind of flip it get up under there and flip it you can put them both opposite of each other but I like to do it this

Way it’s just natural it just seems to scoop it in there and then you can control where it goes now I know this is all raw meat and I’m sitting it here but when I’m all done for those of you that know me cover this up first this is 91% rubbing alcohol which

Works on everything and I would have never thought to stick it in a spray bottle but it kills bugs it dries right up it hasn’t hurt paint on the walls like I could hit a spider up on a wall um I kill all the bacteria on the

Counters with it I even finish up dishes with it if I’ve been using like raw meat and stuff where we lived in the past had a stink bug infestation and if you know what stink bugs are they look like little turtles they’re about this big and they’re scary looking really

Prehistoric kind kind of cool looking but they will be around your house in the thousands they get in your walls all that kind of stuff so I took it a step further cuz I was trying to squirt each one of them with this they don’t let

Their stink out they just flip over and die within seconds so I got one of those well you could get the gallon size or the two gallon size landscape pump uh like bottles you pump it up puts pressure in it you got the

Sprayer on a on an end of a hose and I would just soak them with it so I’ve used it here at this house if it’s like a bees nest or something put that thing on M or not Mis be put it on a stream

Just point it up and it goes quite a ways when you got it under pressure and after you spray the bees you run like hell but I have done the uh there was like the 78% I forget what it is it’s like 70 some per and then the 91% the 91% is

Guaranteed to kill everything and that’s what I was sort of mixing with like hand gel and I just stopped even using hand gel and mixing I just have it let me show you and this this was like way before Co um I was figuring out you know everybody’s getting the flu and that

Kind of thing so I used one of these ger xes up any of these small ones fits in my side pocket just fine and I just put rubbing alcohol in it so wherever I go I just take a squirt of it if I’m grabbing a nasty door handle at some public place

Or whatever and knock on wood all these years both my husband and I have not gotten Co which is amazing uh everybody body that we know got Co so don’t laugh at this idea I just hit it up when I’m in a public bathroom or you know after

I’ve cooked with meat or whatever just spray your hands with it I I like it that’s just me so the husband and I opened up gifts earlier today it was a lot of fun we always buy too much stuff for each other but it’s just he and I no kids no

Grandkids don’t have a bird anymore little miss tweetums you might have remembered her from past videos but she lived a long life and so you know it’s just he and I but uh I gave him some scratch off tickets Virginia lottery tickets and it was a couple of the $5

Tickets and he won $100 on it so that’s pretty cool so he’s all happy about that goes into his Mad Money fund every husband should have a Mad Money fund as should every wife all right let’s check back in a little bit and if you do need to step away for a

While and do some other things just grab yourself a timer or maybe you got one in your stove I do but it’s so complicated I just use the simple one here to set it for like 10 minutes come back every 10 minutes and check on

It so another 10 minutes has gone by I’m going to give it another check um earlier I realized that the sun was out behind me the window was open it made my hair look all frizzy and crazy but but here we are hopefully you can see me now that’s some serious steam right

There steaming up the iPad so let’s give it a stir you really want these vegetables to be soft not mushy but they need to be soft enough so I’m kind of poking into it see if you can see this here and it’s not quite soft

Yet but I’ve turned it up to about a medium heat we just don’t want anything to burn and you want that the water and the grease and all that to stay in there straining it forget that with the lasagna it just makes the noodles even better because it requires kind of even

Sometimes some water has to be put in with the sauce to get those noodles broken down and I like to kind of flatten it out I might not always remember to do that but when it’s all nice and flat um it it everything gets more evenly heated whereas if you have

It in a pile the stuff might not be getting the same amount of heat as the bottom so let’s cover it back up checking in about another 10 minutes and we’ll we’ll go from there okay so the mixture is done I’m going to go ahead and add in some of the

Canned tomatoes the sugar the salt onion powder garlic powder Italian seasoning just going to do all that mix it all together taste test as you go but remember you can always add but you can’t take way so just do a little at a time and taste test it and I will say

From past experience that you can taste test it and it might seem just right but I’ve learned to make it a little extra just a little extra on the salty side because again those noodles they need to soak up all that flavor too and uh plus you’ve got the ricotta cheese which is

More of a sweetness it’s not salty except for the little bit of um parmesan cheese I put in there that gives a little saltiness so I know I’m going to want at least one one more can of tomatoes but probably that third one will do just

Right all right let’s dump in this next one I’m going to stick with just the two cans for now but I like that the third one’s ready to go and that way if I need more I can go ahead and just toss that in there so the husband when he watches

My videos he cracks up when he’s like oh my gosh so much seasoning well first of all garlic powder is not salty I would not do garlic salt but if that’s all you have that’s fine I want a strong garlic flavor and not a ton of salt it’s like

The tomato sauce I think it was uh one of them was unsalted and the Organics also low in salt so here we go we’re just going to go for it I know I want a decent amount in there it’s not as much as it looks it’s got little holes it’s

Not like I’m dumping it in there can also overdo with the Italian seasoning I’ve done that before so you just want to put a little little goes a long ways I know there’s already onions in it but I love my onion powder and just about everything so we’re going to dump

A good amount in there again it looks like more than it is but see it’s not it doesn’t come out all that fast this is where I want to be careful right now there’s very little if any salt flavor in here just going to go with a little bit for now can always

Add what you can always add I want to hear you guys out there but you can’t take away sugar that’s something I don’t I don’t think my mom put in her recipe years ago but I’ve learned that it cuts the acidity of the tomato sauce it just

Kind of makes it easier on the tummies and it makes it taste better now I did go to Stevia CU I was trying to I’m trying to cut sugar trying to cut carbs except for the holidays what are you going to do but I just learned that Stevia has got an

Ingredient in there that’s not good for you so sugar is what I’m going to stick with for now I’m just going to go easy on it the artificial sweeteners they have ingredients in there that actually spice B your blood sugar even though it shows that there’s no sugar in it go

Figure so I’m going to mix this up with this type of a spoon because this is what I’m going to eventually be putting in with the lasagna so just get a little mixy mixy here try to mix it all nice and Evenly I mean you can mix it with whatever but this is the spoon I’m going to be using so but I like the big scooper spoon but rounded so that when you go to scoop it in I’ve got one that’s kind of got Square edges you don’t want it to push

The noodles around you’ll see what I mean cuz they will slide around a little Bit and I do have this on this pan on pot holders I would normally do this over the uh stove but it’s kind of hard to film there just want you see how I do this I’m on the fence about using that extra jar because like I said this is how I

Make my spaghetti sauce this is like the perfect consistency I just got to check check the flavor but everything looks so good and I mean look at this look at all the good stuff in there let’s get a little spoon give it a little taste and it shouldn’t be too hot

Because I took it off the stove the cans are just put in their room temperature because everything’s going to bake again in the oven so you don’t need to have this cooking on the pot while you do this Part it’s still a little too tart and acidic for me I know it seems like a lot of sugar but it’s going to go a long ways and you want want to make sure it’s your sugar not your salt and vice versa I’ve had that happen too speaking of

Salt definitely needs more of that you just don’t want to have a bland lasagna Touch of onion powder I definitely needed a little more garlic but again I can always add can’t take away let’s give it a good mixy Mixie so the weather’s been really good here ing Virginia Northern Virginia just

Outside of DC a little ways where you know whatever kids got whatever toys they were able to play outside with them today um husband and I might even go take a walk later it’s nice out it’s cloudy but it’s not not cold it’s perfect but those who wanted a white

Christmas might not be so thrilled okay so I’ve mixed it really good normally I would wash the spoon but it’s just a husband and I so everybody calm down give me another Taste it’s much better I still feel like it needs a little little bit more garlic touch more sugar touch more salt but I don’t think I’m going to go with any more of this I can taste the Italian seasoning it’s just the right amount that stuff’s potent CU remember this has got to

Season your noodles too so you want the sauce to be a little bit on the salty side just a little bit and you know you might get somebody wants low salt everything whatever I mean it’s going to be low salt by lot time it’s all spread out and mixed in with

Everything love sodium but they can always add salt to the dish you know just like when you’re in a restaurant you just throw it on there I do feel like this is going to be enough sauce cuz I don’t want to be too tomatoey so we’ll go with the you if

You’re going to do this big of a pot I’d say two the two big cans if you just want to make a smaller batch just do one can basically half of everything I was showing you or less you just taste as you go all right let’s give it that one last taste Test that’s good it’s just hangy enough just barely salty enough but salty enough to flavor those noodles so let’s start layering one more little tip is after you use your can opener look at what gets stuck underneath here food and I think I was raised with it

Never being cleaned when my mom cooked when I got older I never thought to clean it and I was actually helping a friend years ago clean her kitchen and I was cleaning this it was just loaded loaded with food old rotten bacteria black stuff so every time I use it just while everything’s

Still kind of wet I just throw it under some hot water real quick and you’re done it’s just those little things that help keep you from getting sick right so you want to make sure everything is ready to go when you’re getting ready to layer stuff so this is what the noodles look

Like these I’m telling you if you’re not into the big thick Gloppy nasty noodles that just take up all the space and it’s like they don’t want to really give you much meat then go with the other stuff but this is so nice and

Thin hard as a rock well dry as a bone I guess it’d be and then you’re going to see how it’s magically just infused with all this other stuff after we bake it so let me get my next box ready and I have other boxes ready to go cuz I’m

Probably going to need them so I don’t know if you can see everything I’ve got my cheeses my noodles my ricotta mixture and my sauce let’s do this so I’ve always learned since I was little this is how you got to do it you got to put some on

The bottom to keep stuff from sticking it drives me nuts because the noodles aren’t going to lay on there nice and evenly and flat but that’s the only way you’re going to get this out of the pan later you just put a little bit and it’ll kind

Of help the noodles I mean it helps them not burn it helps them not stick all right you see that all right I can only fit so much in there I could turn it down more that way you don’t have to look at my my mug okay that looks better so you can

See a little bit more so it depends on the kind of pan you have you can go this way or you go that way in this case CU it’s the bigger long pan I’m going to go this way but see I’m going to just just barely

Overlap them you don’t want them to be too thick I’m just going to overlap them just a little bit so that the stuff doesn’t go through where there might be an opening does that make sense so I’m going overlap this a little bit too see that there just a little bit

Overlapped just like that this part is pretty easy oh and you might get one that’s cracked like that just don’t worry about it this part’s pretty easy but layering the stuff on it’s not so easy it kind of wants to roll around so or slide around so we’re going to go

Ahe and put our first layer of meat sauce down so that’s where this round spoon really does come in handy just kind of you want to make sure it’s all covered so there’s no dry Parts cuz you’ve got to have these noodles covered and

Wet so I’m just I’m try not to slide it around see so that if you slide it around then your pieces are going to slide around and then they get kind of separated so I kind of push down on it as I do it I should have enough I’m hoping I

Don’t do layers upon layers I you you’ll see I’m going to do a layer of this a layer of the ricotta cheese see that one’s trying to cut this I should have broken the when it’s kind of rounded here and see it’s Square versus round I should have broken off the

Corners I have done that in the past fast to make it fit up against the edge there better but that’s all Right look how pretty this sauce is and like I said if you have leftover it’s a bonus cuz you can just make make it with a spaghetti someday or whatever some kind of noodles any kind of noodles just mix it in with that they also suggested I believe on

The package I didn’t look this time but that you could put a little water in here just to make sure that they get moist enough but that’s why I leave all the juices in here already okay so I’m going to use this a little bit more just to kind of thicken

It up a little bit you don’t want it too thick or too thin get those corners covered if you have any questions please send me a a message a a comment a post whatever let me know what you do how you do your lasagna all right so I think

I’ve got plenty enough to still top across the top so next you’re just going to go in there with Clean Hands and just sprinkle on the cheese and once upon a time I was married to a man prior and he had two boys that well he

Didn’t tell me about but then they moved in with me so I had a ready-made family they were like six and seven years old when they moved in these two boys so I didn’t know how to cook anything then like my mom had this little recipe thing kind of

I mean she worked a lot she was in a band and opened for some pretty big names back in the day and it was a lot of fun so she traveled a lot and so really there wasn’t a whole lot of cooking going on and when she did we

Were just kind of like outplaying not really paying attention to how she did it so I didn’t know what I was doing when I moved out so I made a lasagna one time kind of using her recipe just sort of winging it and I put so much cheese

In it and the boys were very sweet about this like when they went to eat it they go oh this is really good pizza so that’s how I knew no don’t put too much cheese okay so there’s that layer there as you see I just put a little cheese on

On top you use whatever cheese you want again I could break the corners but sometimes breaking the corners breaks the whole thing I’m just going to go with this next layer like this again just slightly overlapping it overlapping this way too probably bring it up a little

Further even cu the last time it had a lot more room on this end see it’s more overlapped here bring those in More just to make it a little more even so you’re overlapping this way you’re overlapping that way it just kind of helps seal some of the stuff in looks like we might get away with the two boxes but this is why it’s better to have too much than not enough CU you can

Use those noodles another day now get this out of here now this is is the little bit more tricky part I’m just going to use the same spoon it’s all going in the same place and let me see if turn so you can see here okay so what I’m going to do is

Most of this ricotta cheese is going to go here and then I’m going to save a little bit for the top that’s something I have not done in the past but I’m going to put little Globs on the top but let’s go ahead and work with what we got

Here so I’m glad I made extra again I run out once I had to put it on so thin it was just dumb just kind of blob it here and blob it there and if you have not had ricotta cheese in your lasagna I’m telling you

You’re missing out please give it a try you could just do part of your lasag and ricotta cheese maybe some people like I don’t want it or I’m lactose intolerant or W whatever so just layer it on part of it and give it a try o that scared me

It’s my ice maker behind me if you’re if you remember I was telling you my husband fixed the ice maker saved us tons of money that way and that was over on his channel I mentioned that before the simple homeowner so go take a look at

That yeah before it used to make a whole lot of noise I mean it was dying for probably the last year and we had no idea all right so we got this just about done here so put a little bit more just to make a little bit thicker and it’s going to

Come out so nice now when you first bake it and you’ll see when I take it out you don’t want to go cutting it right away and this is one of those things that’s even better the next day it just kind of marries and the flavors get amazing over the day in the

Fridge um but you want to let it sit for a while so this is this is kind of a long process maybe 3 and 1 half possibly 4 hours and I’m talking from the beginning to cutting and you know putting it all together then I’m going

To cook it for a couple hours you’ll see then when it comes out you want to sit for quite a while you know that’s when you want to cut into it cuz otherwise you cut into it too soon it’s kind of Juicy as you see I used to sprinkle a

Little cheese sometimes in with this too but I think I’ll skip it cuz I’m going put cheese across the top again we don’t want anybody calling it a pizza right all right so just do your next layer and you could layer this 10 times over but oh I keep forgetting to bring

This up so we have more of an even every Pan’s a little different I like these pans by the way get them in bulk like a Costco or something like that and you don’t have to clean it cuz it will make a mess okay so didn’t overlap as good as I

Want okay so there’s that now we’re going to go and put this last layer of sauce wow that was two boxes and I still have three pieces left I could probably put one more layer but I don’t need to overdo okay so I’m going to speed this

Up so that you don’t have to fall asleep watching this part I was supposed to speed this up but I lied because I was just sitting here thinking how I like to watch this kind of stuff on YouTube I don’t mind if it takes a little while longer because that’s how the husband

Said hey you like to cook all the time why don’t you start up a YouTube channel and you like to sing I’ve only done a few songs on here but you can always go back and look I had this little program you could harmonize to yourself and I

Would do like three and four-part Harmony it was pretty cool but then they started pulling a fast one and charging me too much to have the the program so you might get lucky and not have to hear me sing anymore I just sit and play on the

Guitar or something someday I was going to do a Christmas song but didn’t do one this year I started to but like I said said that program called Acappella it’s a great little program but it was pulling a fast one on me so I had to cancel the whole thing look this

Is just perfect two big old cans note to self two big cans are enough for the tomato sauce and I would really go with the salt-free um because it can be really salty just going to you can’t really see this in but get every last drop that’s

Some good stuff right there every last drop get those little bits out too okay get that out of the way all right here we go I’ll sprinkle on the cheese again not too much not too little we want it to look real pretty and melty when it comes

Out but you don’t want to make a pizza out of it here’s a piece that looks like a potato chip do it look like a Ruffles ruffles have ridges how’d that commercial go anyways it just didn’t slice up wipe this off so I get my sauce and my

Cheese you got sauce and my cheese no you got cheese in my sauce remember those old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials you younger folks need to go Google that stuff there some good commercials back then guy runs into this another guy with his he’s eating peanut butter and one’s eating chocolate and

They ran into each other and they’re blaming each other for messing up their treat next thing I know they got a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup just a little bit I want to make sure it’s cheesy but no again not too much you want to still kind of see the

Sauce now this is the part that a lot of people don’t do I like cheddar on it that was my mom’s idea and it’s very good this is a more finely shredded cheddar for a while I was doing my own um shredding of cheese but God what a

Pain that is because when you buy it already shredded it’s got this stuff in there they call it cellulose or something it’s technically it’s like a wood pulp but it keeps it from caking up and who doesn’t want a little wood in their diet right okay so let me turn you up so

We can see me all right so this is where this is going to be different than what I’ve done in the past I don’t recall doing this in the past but it’s so good on pizza that I’m just going to top little Blobs of it here and

There across the top cuz it just makes it that much better I might have a little leftover but it’s better than not having enough and I’m going to cook this Loosely covered to give it kind of steam it like covered but not like super tightly covered so that way it’ll keep this from

Burning it should just cook it put a couple little blobs here just a little bit just to make it pretty and tonight we’re going to make Christmas cookies even though I shouldn’t be eating any of that stuff I’ll just eat a little bit of it but

I’ve got to cut the carbs yeah as I’m eating this got to cut the carbs oh well at least the noodles are so thin it’s much lowering carbs as thin as they are okay let’s get ready to put in the oven oh and here’s a really cool thing about

Shredded cheese or block cheese or whatever again I didn’t know this until Co kind of happened and then the stor started disappearing ING with food and it was pretty weird so I was like I wonder what you can freeze you can freeze this stuff so I’m going put this

In the freezer when you take it out and it’s kind of all stuck together just get like a mallet or a meat tenderizer and just break it down sprinkle it on whatever it’ll thaw in just a couple minutes and it’s good to go okay so one long piece of foil just regular sized

Foil is fitting around it quite nicely I’m going to tighten the sides I used to do like two pieces and sort of loosely do the edge but this is going to work out perfect because it’s not sealed tight but it’s loose so the steam can come out and air can get in

There a little bit too and the reason I have it on this extra strong cookie pan is this thing is heavy let me tell you it’s heavy I would never be able to get this pan out without some kind of support on the bottom okay so I’m putting it in the

Center it’s hard to tell but I brought this little rack down to about Center so it’s not too high not too low cuz we want to cook as evenly as possible and not burn so I’m going to cook it on 350 for 2 Hours okay so I just took it out of the oven it’s been in there for 2 hours let’s do the unveiling oh my look at that wow oh my goodness this is going to be amazing I have a feeling we’ll find out here in a few minutes stay Tuned Okay so the hub’s getting ready to try it it’s blazing hot that’s good it’s really good I’m glad you like it is it because I got the Romantic candles out did that help Def definitely oh Merry Christmas baby yeah Merry Christmas love you where we lived in the past had a stink bug

Infect where we lived in the past had like a stink bug infest infest wait a minute sting bug Infestation


  1. Making Homemade Lasagna – Chatting While Cooking – YUMMO!!

    It’s a Christmas Tradition. It would be an honor to have you subscribe and thanks soooooo much for watching! 😊 ❤

  2. I'm the furthest from a cooking show guy on the planet, but I watch everything Gail produces. Gail even makes cooking look interesting! I enjoy her style, creativity, and the down-to-earth approach oozing out of her videos. Gail has published a near library of crab videos. How to buy them, various ways to cook them, and how to eat them. Spoiler Alert: I have never eaten crab, nor am I temped, but I'm often (nearly) memorized with her depth of crab knowledge. Needless to say, I'm a big fan! Well done on yet another interesting video, Gail.

  3. I love traditions. This is so special because your mom use to make it. I don't believe I've seen the video on your grinding your own meat. I went and subscribed to your husband's channel. I had no idea that he had his own channel. Your use of the rubbing alcohol in the spray bottle is interesting. So much work and love put into this lasagna. That is a huge pan of lasagna! You do such a good job of entertaining your viewers as you go through the process. Great video!

  4. Beautifully done…Thank you for sharing…Gonna try your method here in Hawaii…Merry Christmas to you & your family 🎄🎉🎄🎉🎄🎉🎄

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