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My Salsa Recipes 👇

Fajitas: All You Need to Know (Playlist)

And I’m going to eat all of these for dinner cuz I love them all all right I’m going to have one more chip and I’m going to share a secret with you guys so what is a salsa ver ask a thousand people you’ll probably get a thousand different recipes now some people think

That salsa ver is only a Tomo salsa some people think it can only be made with jalapenos and sanos and some people think that if it doesn’t have cilantro it’s not a real salsa ver for me there’s only one qualification it has to be green then you can call it a salsa verde

There are a thousand different ways to make salsa verde and today I’m going to share three of those with you now our first salsa Vera we’re going to make is my personal favorite which is just a bunch of jalapenos sanos and a little bit of garlic and onion and for our

Second salsa we’re going to use our first salsa as a base and then we’re going to add a bunch of tomatos and a little bit of cilantro and we’re also going to add a little bit of chili which is an option if you want a little more

Heat and so for our third salsa we’re going to be adding some avocado and make it really nice and creamy now that is another amazing salsa verde also known as salsa de guacamole buckle up stay with me I’m going to show you how to make these three Salsas perfectly in

Your own home 10 jalapenos today we’re dropping them into the warm water we have 10 ceranos dropping those in there about a third to half of a white onion we’re also going to use three garlic cloves but I’m not going to drop them in until the jalapenos and the sanos have

Been boiling for a couple of minutes and you don’t have to to cook them a long time till they’re falling apart you just want to soften them up they’re going to change a little bit of color they’re going to cook really quick and then we’re going to get them straight into

The blender check it out friends now you can see they’re starting to boil and you can already smell the aroma when the Chile are hot you definitely can smell it and you’re going to kind of feel it back here a little bit I bit one a little while ago it was definitely not

Hot but I can tell there’s a few in there that are going to have a good bite you can see how they’re getting a little little dull in color so you want to let them change color a little bit more than that they’re going to get a little more

Dull looking and then we’ll be ready to go to the blender I’m going to go ahead and drop my three garlics in one two three all right my friends I’m going to start pulling out the sanos and putting these in the blender first you can see they have that beautiful yellow green

Color that is an indicator that they are ready for the blender so we’re going to do those first garlics are going in they didn’t need to cook very long and we’re going to put all these into the blender all right now we’re going to need a

Little bit of water in here so I’m just going to take this Ladle there’s not an exact measurement for the water that’s always going to be determined by how many jalapenos and sanos and total Cheetos you have in there also even the ripeness of the peppers might make a

Difference as to how many you need this is just regular iodized salt I normally like to use straight sea salt but this is what we have here today about 3 teaspoon we’re checking for texture first look at that beautiful steamy Green Goodness maybe need to just just a

Hair more water so I’m going to add about a half of a ladle like salt my friends how much water how runny you want it it’s not a measurement it’s it’s up to you it’s a personal preference look at that friends isn’t that gorgeous a the aroma guys if you’ve never had

Just a jalapeno Sano salsa by itself and smelled it after you cooked it like that man all right let’s give it a taste test I’m going to take one of my chips here get a little bit of this green salsa it’s so pretty it smells delicious too oh yeah oh

Yeah yeah that packs a punch I need a little more Chip have to go with that if you like a little heat and a little jalapeno flavor in your tacos and your menudo and your Calo heck you can put it on your ice cream if you want I’m

Just kidding I don’t even do that I’m going to get another chip and then we’re going to move on to phase two salsa all right friends we’re moving into phase two of salsa ver I’m going to get my tomatos going in here these don’t take long either five Chile the that’s

These little red ones doesn’t change the color but it sure adds a nice little bite in there two more garlic cloves but I’m going to wait on these till it’s boiling maybe a quarter of that onion I’m going to go ahead and get our phase one salsa verde into the blender the

Whole purpose of this is to demonstrate that there’s no one salsa ver and to encourage you to go home and make your own a whole head of cilantro and drop that right in here into our blender I personally uh don’t like to use the stems they’re a little

Bit strong a little bit bitter in my opinion but some people like to use them and if you like them go right ahead so I’m going to go ahead and drop my two garlics this is going to be about another 2 minutes tops it’s already starting to change color here’s one that

Is ready look at that as they are ready and drop them into the blender if you see them start to crack and split you definitely need to take them out all right friends we’re done here I’ve got everything out of the pot here I’m just

Going to get one Ladle and dump it in here these are tomatillos they’re loaded with water now in this case I’m going to use OG which is a pure salt pepper and garlic two teaspoons maybe more or less it could be three salt is always to

Taste anyway I do like a little bit of pepper in all of my Salsas it brings a nice earthy flavor to them but if you just want to use just salt that’s okay too ooh yeah baby that’s just be beautiful the cilantro adds another little textural color there you can see the little

Specks of the Chile de AR so friends this is second phase of our salsa Vera today let’s give it a taste test man that looks really nice I really like the way it looks that’s one of the things I like about the tomatillo it add a nice tart

Little flavor when you don’t use the onions it’s great but when you add onions in there it just does something to the texture adds a silkiness I guess that’s the right word it’s kind of silky smooth it’s not as hot as I was expecting it to be one more bite and

Then we’re moving on to phase three this is so pretty I think you should take a pictures all right friends we’re moving on to phase three of today’s salsa verde we’re going to go ahead and put some avocado in there and a little squeeze of lime this is also known as that creamy

Salsa ver that many of you are familiar with and it’s also known as a salsa guacamole we’re going to use two limes four it depends on how juicy they are and how much you like limes you can use one or five it’s really all depends on

You let’s go ahead and add our avocados in here too salt is to preference I like a little peppery cake in there I like garlic in My Salsa so it can’t almost have enough garlic I’m going to put a little extra in here and away we go all

Right so let’s get this thing Blended see what we got one and 1/2 avocados in here I’m going to give it a little taste taste test and check the texture as well all right it has a nice creamy texture let me give it a taste test m

M wow I think it needs at least another half of an avocado I want it to be extra extra creamy it also needs a little more salt so I am going to shake a little bit more OG drop these avocados in here too this is actually one more whole avocado

This is the kind of salsa you want to make for your next party oh look at that creaminess look at that creamy creamy delicious looking goodness Wowzer gazer look at that it’s so creamy it stands up just like a cone oh man that looks so

Nice wow I think I I need to double check I don’t know if I believe it’s that good m dad that was fantastic I think this is going to be my dinner with a bag of chips and I don’t think this is going to be my

Dinner with a bag of chips it’s that good I highly recommend you can put this on your tacos your tostadas and everything else that you like salsa on it’s fantastic all right I’m going to have one more chip and I’m going to share a secret with you guys after we top off that

Little I think you could use a little more salt still no no all right now there’s a common misconception that the creaminess of a salsa verde comes from Crema but it’s really achieved with the avocado but you can also add a little bit of Crema in there to add an extra silky

Smoothness to it doesn’t take a lot maybe tablespoon or two so we’re going to go ahead and add that in there give it another pulse and show you guys what that looks like okay I think it needs a little bit more we’re going to go ahead

And add a little bit more Grandma want say that’s about another two tablespoons more or less there’s no right way no exact wrong way it’s just mostly Al to preference it looks a little bit lighter green now so you see here friends now we have an even creamier salsa verde SL

Salsa guacamole stage four of salsa ver nice very nice and creamy man that’s good so damn good it’s fantastic I already said fantastic like 20 times so let me say it one more time this Sal is fantastic I’m going to take another little chip at

Least the GMA made it a little silkier a little smoother but it also changed the flavor just a little bit and that my friends wraps up the three phases of salsa ver plus the bonus number four I’m going to rank these from my favorite to my least favorite today but keep in mind

That they’re all my favorite they’re all good number four is going to be the one with the CR nothing wrong with it it’s super good and extra creamy but it’s just not something that I’m used to I’m going to say this is probably number three for me

It’s super delicious super good but one of the things that we always do in our tacos is ADD avocado right a little cilantro and a squeeze of lime this one here has it all including the avocado so this is my second favorite and this is still going to be my favorite because

All of these were born from this one to be with from here you can pretty much make any kind of salsa ver that you like and that my friends are some of the salsa ver secrets that a lot of the restaurants use I hope you enjoyed this

Video and if you did please hit the like button make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any videos from AR Tech and if you’re interested in our American Pitmaster rub you can go to Pitmaster us you can order online we ship Nationwide and if you want to up your barbecue game

You can go to Pitmaster class. us and I’ll see you there friends thanks for watching really appreciate each and every one of you guys we’ll see you later keep the smoke light make it work boom and I’m gonna eat all of these for dinner because I love them all they’re

All fantastic cut give me another chip in a beer ging up aot I said to burn you to the ground ain’t nothing to flippity flip right now so I guess I’ll just do the sippity Sip I already ate fajita three times today so this is all I need for dinner

This is our jalapeno Serano cauldron


  1. I love this guy, such a happy person. What I like specially is that he says "at long as it is green, it´s a salsa verde" So do your own thing, do what tastes best in your opinion.

  2. Mad huge props from Pueblo,Colorado. We love the green!
    Mira Sol peppers are worth checking out my friend.Keep cooking🙂🤘

  3. Thank you sir!!!! I’m Filipino but I love Mexican food and I’m sure I’ll make all of them for sure!!! 👍👍👍👍👍 Loooks so freaking mouth watering delicious. I wish you bottled them!!!

  4. That first salsa verde is the base for any other salsa verde. Adding heat to anything makes it 100x better in my opinion.

  5. I have a buddy who makes this salsa verde and all he adds is anything that's green to it. This salsa was bomb. He used jalapenos, onions, cilantro, cucumber, avocado, fresh lime juice and tomatillos. The cucumber tripped me out at first but it was still great.

  6. Ah man, looks so delicious. Can't wait to make them. Question, can u store them for future use ? Thanks for the awesome video. Keep up the great work 👍🏻

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