How to Make the Ultimate Holiday Cheeseboard!

Today’s video is all about giving your guests the cheese they love this holiday season – and we’re doing it by doubling down on their faves!

(And pssst – don’t forget to watch last week’s video on one of our top Christmas cocktails to serve with your cheeseboard! )

Have you ever noticed the ooey, gooey, runny cheeses – we’re talking the Brie, Camembert, Chevre, and triple creme cheeses – are the cheeses to go first? This holiday, The Wine Sisters’ founder and chief sommelier, Erin Henderson, is getting extra cheesy by building the ultimate holiday cheeseboard using all the crowd favourites! And she’s going to show you how to do it too.

For the written recipe for Baked Camembert with Wild Mushrooms, Garlic and Rosemary:

For the Puttanesca recipe:

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#thewinesisters #erinhenderson #cheeseboard

The holidays are here and we are making it the cheesiest ever like in a good way cheesy not in a bad way cheesy it’s going to be a really good cheesy holiday because today I am showing you the very best of a cheeseboard let’s get to

It hi everyone I’m Aaron the founder and chief somier at the wine sisters Welcome to our YouTube channel this is the place where every single week we show you how to eat drink and entertain like a pro you might notice that I’m in a slightly different setting today that’s because

I’m at my sister’s house and in fact I’m being assisted by my beautiful niece who you may have heard of before when you’ve checked out other videos right Sienna hey yeah so it’s a team effort today we’re doing the very first of a whole stream of holiday parties so I’m here as

We get organized on how to put up a cheeseboard if you are returning it’s so great to see you again thank you for coming back to the channel and if you are new here here perhaps you’ll consider subscribing so you can join us every single week because we do have a

Ton of fun all right so what are we doing for this holiday video well we are talking about the cheesiest of cheeseboards and that’s going to be the best parts those cam Bears those Breeze those triple crems now I know that probably you have somebody in your

Circle who’s going to be a blue cheese loyalist you have a cheddar addict but for the most part in the 15 years that the wine sisters has been running and throwing parties for clients as well as my own personal parties I’m going to say that on any cheeseboard the thing that

Goes the quickest are those runny soft triple crumb cheeses So today we’re doubling down we’re going to make a cheeseboard of everyone’s favorites but bougie them up just a little bit so what am I talking about we’re going to be making a beautiful Chev with a putanesca inspired olive oil topping we’re making

A pyote that we are going to Flom and brulee oh yeah we’re playing with fire and we’re going to do everyone’s favorite a baked Cam and bear but we’re loading ours down with garlic and wild mushroom and rosemary it’s going to be a great Christmas cheeseboard so let’s get

To it right away shall we first things first we’re going to be talking about our Chev with this putanesca inspired sauce now this is actually dead easy but we do want to give it enough time to warm up so I’ve had my Chev that’s been setting out at room temperature and what

I’m going to do is I’m going to put it on a rimmed plate and I’m just going to be making a pancake out of it and you know what I think I’m going to do I think I’m going to remove my rings because you know I don’t want to be

Yucky about it remind me when I freak out Sienna that I’ve put my rings there so all we’re going to do is we have this really you can see how soft it is this room temperature Chev admittedly not the most attractive thing right now but it will get much more attractive in a

Second so this has now come up to room temperature our our little Chev our goat cheese log and like I said clean hands are integral we’re just going to poat this out into into a pancake see that see how it’s a nice flat pancake I’m just going

To put that off to the side while we make our putanesca inspired olive oil topping so into a little saucepan I’m going to put in some olive oil I’m going to make more than what I’ll need because you can use this topping for pastas for

Salads you can keep it in the fridge and use it for future cheeseboards I’m going to use about a third of a cup maybe almost half a cup of olive oil and that’s going to go into the pot I’m also going to put in a garlic clove I’m not

Going to dice it up I’m just going to let it season the oil nicely we’re going to put this over low heat and uh this garlic clove will Infuse the olive oil but we’ll eventually take it out what I’m also going to do now this is where

We get all of those beautiful Briny Tangy flavors just from some store bought I have some really lovely just standard whoopsie green olives I’m going to put put in a couple tablespoons of that I really like it nice and tangy and Briny and if you know what putanesca

Sauce is now normally when you have that putanesca pasta and by the way there’s a recipe for the panesa pasta on the wines I’ll link to it below uh I’m also going to use some sliced camata olives it gives it that really nice Briny note putanesca sauuce does have

All of these olives it has Capers it has garlic it often has anchovies I’m not using anchovies to top the cheese cuz I think that’s a little bit weird but I am to like capitalize on all these beautiful brine flavors I’m also going to put in a couple of hot peppers these

Are the calabrian hot peppers that have been done in olive oil so these are these calib I don’t want to make it overly spicy I don’t want to blow my guest heads off but just a nice little spice you can see here how this is getting really beautiful Tangy we have

The olive oil we have the green and black olives we have that nice garlic we have the hot peppers and I’m also going to add in some really nice fresh Rose mer just for a little bit of that uplift in that herbal note just to cut through

A little bit of that Brine and that garlicky note so that’s all going to go in there I’m going to put it over a very low heat let it all simmer together it can sit there for 10 minutes if you’re in a hurry but you can let it sit for an

Hour while you putts around getting ready for the rest of your party but this will eventually be my topping for my Chev okay so next up we’re going to take everyone’s favorite this amazing Cham bear but we’re going to bougie it up just a little bit so first I’m going

To cut a cross-hatch pattern into the top and now I’m going to take some finely sliced garlic and I’m just going to put it into those cuts just a little bit okay so you can see here that we’ve got the dotted garlic just sort of studing through the cam and bear clearly

When you are at a holiday party Christmas New Year’s whatever you don’t want to have that really raw garlic taste so this is just going to meled into the cheese it’s going to get really soft it’s going to get really sweet it’s going to get really fragrant which is

Better than having that raw garlic note because you know you might want to snuggle with somebody under the mistletoe so I’ll put that off to the side and we’re going to make our wild mushroom topping for it so here I’ve got a mixture of different mushrooms most of

It is going to be these black oyster mushrooms just a really nice you know just give it a little bit of fanciness and into our pan I’m going to put in some more olive oil just a little bit or a lot you know it’s Christmas I’ve also

Diced up quite a bit of this garlic but again we’re going to cook it off so it’s going to be nice and sweet and fragrant that’s going to go right in and we’re also going to take our mushrooms look how cute they are but of course they’re

Really going to come down in size so I’m just going to chop them up a little bit tear them apart they’re going to decrease obviously as they cook and sauté on the oven or on the stove top rather just get off those garlic cloves we’re also going to double down on our

Rosemary and I’m going to put in a little Rosemary sprig as well and let these all sauté and Infused together and then when our Cam and bear comes out of the oven we will Top our Cam and bear with this beautiful saute do you like Rosemary it smells good smells great

Smells very christmy it’s very it’s piny but in the best possible way like a good gin okay so our goat cheese log is coming up to room temperature our putanesca topping is starting to infuse on the stove it’s smelling really great we have our wild mushrooms for our

Camber sautéing and now we’re on to our third cheese and this is the easiest but perhaps the most dramatic because we’re going to be playing with fire if I can do It but before we get to the firing part I want to show you this is actually another type of goat cheese this is called poot the Chev and you know of this it’s sold really commonly in many of the grocery stores where I live so probably it’s very easy to find where

You live you can tell because it has this rind this uh edible white rind it’s often supported by little sticks because as it comes to room temperature you can see that it starts to get very soft the outer portion becomes almost translucent and the inner portion stays very opeg so

I’m going to show you what we’re going to do I learned this from a chef chef Kyle mlar giving shoutouts proper proper do and all we do just to give it a little bit more of of a depth of flavor is we start to Brule it now check this

Out this is really cool what we’re going to do is we’re literally Bru laying can you see that can you hear it but look how great that looks so all we’re doing is we’re just simply berlay it and so what that does is it just gives it another little element of

Interest it gives it that nice little Char it gives it a nice little smokiness and it really just makes it come alive and you can smell that right smells really really good so if you want to you can serve this completely on its own or if you wanted to put like a little

Compost like a blueberry or a fig feel free to do that I like it just as it as on its own so I’m going to put that on a plate and then we’re going to be putting it all together so my sister also made this really amazing loaf of bread

Clearly you don’t have to be that extra if you don’t want to be you can buy your own chabata or baguette or whatever tickles your fancy cuz we all like having our fancy tickled but we’re going to chop up that bread and have it with some of this beautiful check this out

Our putanesca inspired goat cheese log got our brua Chev and the Pista resistance we have our Cam and be you want to see how great this looks cuz I do money shot look at this look how buoyant it is Sienna look how bouncy look at this oh yeah it’s cheesy it’s

Garlicky it’s fragrant it’s it’s Mushroomy it’s really good it’s really good now I have to talk with my mouthful oh wow this is the very best part of a cheeseboard we’ve got all of the good stuff that people love you know as well as I do that those Breeze those Cam and

Bears people race through them so why not give the people you love the most the cheese they love the most this holiday that’s how you can show you care I’m drooling this is so good my name is Aon and I’m the founder and chief smolier here at the wine sisters you

Pour a little bit of brute bubbly with this and you’re are going to have a fine holiday indeed don’t forget guys please leave us a question or comment below I promise I will respond as soon as I see them do make sure that you subscribe if

You haven’t yet and you might even want to consider hitting that Bell so you can be alerted when we drop a new video every single week all the links to all the recipes it’s on the win I’ve put them in the show notes below as well as that link for our newsletter

Sign up and I will see you here next week until then stay well drink better Bye


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