My loaded Classic Potato Salad if a perfect summertime addition to any BBQ. My recipe also has eggs, celery, onion and plenty of mayo. And visit my cooking blog for recipes done artfully & with humor:

4 or 5 Russett Potatoes – boiled and roughly chopped or cubed. Okay to use Red or White Potatoes.
4 Eggs – I used medium size. Okay to use less.
1/2 chopped Onion – I like finely chopped onion.
1 stalk Celery – chopped.
3/4 cup Mayonnaise – add more or less to suit your tastes
1 tablespoon of Mustard – any type, I used brown mustard.
2 tablespoons of Pickle Relish – sweet or regular.
Salt and P epper to taste.

Start by rinsing potatoes and add them to a pot to a low boil. Cover and simmer for about 1 hour, until they are easily pierced with a fork or knife.

You can boil eggs at the same time, but just for 10 minutes. Allow them to cool down afterward. Peel and roughly chop eggs.

Remove and allow potatoes to cool down for 5 or 10 minutes until you can peel them. Potatoes are easier to peel when cooked.

Roughly break apart or slice peeled potatoes into bite-sized pieces. Add to a large bowl.

Chop half an onion and one whole rib of celery. I like to chop these a little on the fine side — not too chunky. It’s just my preference.

Now time to bring it all together. Add chopped veggies and egg to the bowl.

Add 2 tablespoons of pickle relish, a tablespoon of any fave mustard, and 3/4 cup of mayo.

Okay to add a couple tablespoons of mayo at a time to reach desired creaminess. Mix as you go and give a quick taste as you add relish, mustard, and mayo.

Finally, add a little salt and pepper. Again, taste and adjust amounts to your liking.

Mix well, cover, and refrigerate until ready to serve.

I’ve made a Potato Salad without celery and pickle relish, so you can adapt my recipe to the ingredients you can afford or have on hand.


  1. Love potato salad! Chef have you ever tried putting the eggs in with the last 10 minutes of potatoes?

  2. I came here for the potato salad recipe, but your way of doing your videos is pure genius. You are a real pro. And oh yes, I also like your recipes.

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