My son and I went on a three week trip to Machu Picchu & the Galápagos Islands and spending a week in the Ecuadorian Islands & on board our cruise, the Chef made ceviche twice a day and always a different and unique version and I fell in love with Cebiche and now I make a combination of the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Ceviche..
I hope you enjoy as much as all of my friends do when they come to my house for my world famous CEBICHE

Foreign Poolside paradise and Cafe I’m Paul Segal and Welcome To Paradise so what’s today well my son and I we did a trip to Peru in Ecuador a couple years ago and twice a day on our cruise in the Galapagos the chef was making Ceviche Ceviche is known throughout the Caribbean Central

And South America and in every place they do a little bit differently the Mexican version they oftentimes use shrimp I don’t really buy this version as Ceviche because to me Ceviche is not actually cooked but it is cooked see the difference cooked and cooked cooked to

Me is when you’re using heat okay that’s how you cook things but when I say cook we’re actually cooking the fish or the seafood with a citrus such as a lime or lemon or an orange and that actually Cooks the seafood the Mexican style of Ceviche is using shrimp they actually

Parboil it so they’ll throw it into some water into some boiling water for a couple of minutes parboil it and then finish it off in the Citrus in Peru and Ecuador we’re having Ceviche twice a day it was phenomenal every time the guy was making different types of Ceviche using

Whether it was calamari or octopus or scallops or various different types of fish typically a white fish I realize the choices of the best of the best fish is using a halibut why don’t more people use halibut it’s expensive you try to use something some other white fish

That’s cheap it’s not the same they either get it from the local fishermen here in San Diego we actually catch halibut right off the coast of San Diego and every week they’ve got fresh halibut coming in and I think it’s probably about nine or ten months out of the Year

Here or I can actually go over to Costco and I pick it up so today we’re using Costco halibut Just For the Halibut so with this halibut let’s see this time I bought two pounds so what I’m gonna do is for the ceviche I want to use the

Choices of the choice of the part that has no veins or any weird fat components in there and that I’m going to chop up and use that for my Ceviche then I’ve got two other dishes I’m going to make out of this I’m going to make some

Halibut steaks and then with the scrappy little pieces that don’t work for the halibut and maybe they’ve got some veins and stuff I’ll actually use that for fish tacos and you can see there’s a lot of juice in here we’re gonna get rid of that you don’t

Want to be using that juice that it’s sitting into so whenever you’re doing anything with any type of fish you always want to Pat that drive and I’ve got a couple of different tools here I’m using my Cutco I was actually a Cutco salesman when I was 19 years old this is

A really nice big big thick piece of fish we’ve got some lines here that we want to avoid cut right through and maybe that little line right there this is not actually run all the way through thank you That’ll be for tonight I’m going to make myself a beautiful halibut steak go there And we’re gonna be cutting this into pieces for the Ceviche oh my gosh Cuts like butter move over to my French chef knife so here we go it’s going to take all these little cubes so cut it into these small cubes you don’t want to make them too small

Smells fishy can you smell that oh no wait we don’t have smell-o-vision number one I’m going to take all my little scraps and I’m going to shove those into a plastic bag when you’re doing this get out as much air as possible I got it all cut up

Next thing we do is we add in and I’ve already done this I’ve got some chopped white onion so I’ll go ahead and add in a little bit of cilantro to this all right so what do you do with a jalapeno or how do you use this so great easy

Thing to do with this is we just cut it in half okay And just take out the whole inside and make it as thin as possible and the idea is to be left with these itty bitty teeny little pieces so that when you bite into them you get a little bite of exploding flavor make it small little

Pieces this is a good time to not chop your fingers off and then we’re gonna let it soak for three to four hours and the great thing about soaking it with the cilantro and with the peppers you’ll get a little bit of that flavor will impart deep into

That fish I don’t trust anybody so before I’m going to be handling anything I wash off everything I even wash off my lines I’ll slice all the limes in half so they can fit into my little juice squeezer it’s the acidiness acid acidic acidity of the lime that is actually

Going to be cooking cooking my fish when you were squeezing all of this you can see I get a lot of juice out of here all of the fish is underneath the lime juice cooking takes a long time and if you want to cook really good food

It takes a long time so initially what I’m going to do is I’m going to cook it for the three to four hours Cooking and then I’m going to dump out all the the lime juice and I’m going to put in some lime juice some fresh lime juice lemon juice orange juice and I add in some other ingredients your hands oh it looks great nice big solution

Can’t want to mix it all up make so now let’s go ahead and Pat it down make sure look at that you want there to be all of the fish the under the liquid This is step one and then we’ve got a top and seal it up and we set our timer four we’ll call it three and a half hours then we’ll come back to it in three and a half hours and see how it is welcome back to Paul’s poolside paradise and Cafe

Three to four hours later tick tock tick tock never rush the hands of Mother Nature okay all right so I’m gonna take some of this ceviche and I’m going to drain the excess lime juice A little bit more drain that set that aside Yeah it’s a whole lot okay now I’m gonna juggle it with a French chef no no where’s my bowling pin I’ve got these three things I’m going to be cutting them up but what do I want to do first I want to rinse them off

Got a rinse rinse rinse so I take the little centerpiece right there and I cut come back around watch the magic twist voila it is French for look at this huh on the inside Right along the skin you can only put in the avocado right before you’re serving it so I’m going to be serving it right now so I’m adding that in no mushy elbow so now that it’s cut like that look at this cilantro a little orange juice a little lime juice

A little lemon the Orange is more of a sugar some people will actually put sugar into their ceviche the orange has plenty of sugar in it let’s throw that up Trader Joe’s I’ve got roasted corn a little bit of cucumber Persian cucumber and it just makes it very very

Refreshing it’s a little bit more cucumber A couple of these Marzano Tomatoes they’re Heavenly kind of length weighs four times I’ve actually got little strips of the tomato then I’m going to chop them up my tomatoes are very very wet usually you don’t want the wetness from a tomato because it’s going to be very very watery

Once I’ve chopped up all the tomato I’ll take one of my paper towels smusher squeezed it all out so the base of an Israeli salad is onions tomatoes cucumbers and lemon juice and cilantro that’s it so basically I’ve just made Israelis outlet and threw in some uh

Cooked halibut pick out a little extra liquid you don’t need all that liquid but most of that liquid actually got absorbed into all the different components if you look inside my bowl it was very very watery a few minutes ago and now not so much look at that

Because I went to Peru and I learned how to do the Peruvian style we’ve got the roasted corn in there I put in some ink and corn again don’t put this in beforehand because it’ll get soggy not so good A little trick that I learned from the

Chef on board our cruise in the Galapagos everybody’s got to have a bag of popcorn right I like jumbo size where’d he get it Costco hello look how big this bag of popcorn is try sneaking this into the movie theater just put a little bit of popcorn on top

How do you want to eat this for some people I’ve actually put it on top of a tostava I’m gonna get some fruit S for fun and for some beautiful decoration plantain chips so fancy look at this drop a couple of these in the side come on how gorgeous is this this is what I’m talking about people poles poolside paradise and Cafe if this ain’t Paradise I don’t know what it is best to beach

Around dip it in there this is it right here this is what it’s all about This is Paradise foreign


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