A unique way to make pie

Danny shows you a unique way to make pie by using blueberries, lemon, and cheesecake

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All right today I’m taking a standard pie crust and I’m coming instantly into some blueberry pie filling I love using blueberry pie filling for this recipe and I’m going to take a scooper do one little scoop right there I’m going to do two scoops here because we definitely want

This to be jammed pack but what we make today is going to be an amazing uh specially delicious dessert look at that now that we have the pie filling like that I’m going to come right into my personal favorite ingredient in this dish Philadelphia no baked cheesecake as

You can tell we used a little bit of it oh I just broke it babe I’m so sorry but it’s okay I’m going to take a big old scoop of this and put it right there in that corner you do want it to be four corners here because what we do with

This is going to be absolutely phenomenal let’s get it away from the edge a little bit look at this babe sorry to break it to you but circles don’t have corners circles don’t have corners no that’s all right well we’re making Corners okay right here we’re

Going to make corners and I’m using some lemon cream I love using lemon cream here and I love using lemon cream for this recipe because lemon and blueberries go so well together and we’re putting this in the other non-existent corner and look at this it’s okay if it overlaps a little bit

But you do want a decent amount of that lemon curd and now for the final ingredient that’s going inside some fresh blueberries I got just got these at the store oh look at that I think they’re washed I think they’re pre-washed wash right oh there you go

Free blueberry for the puppies I’m going to place it right there in that other Corner look at this look at how delicious that looks oh my goodness so we have the blueberry pie filling here cheesecake no bake lemon curd and some fresh blueberries now for the fun part

So take the side with the fresh blueberries on there keep them in there and fold them right into you want to fold them right into the blueberry right into the lemon curd and here we go so you flip it like this press it down on the sides

Here this is going to be phenomenal oh my gosh you guys are in for a treat and then we’re going to take that and fold it over this way I get I bet you didn’t guess that and then make sure that’s all folded and then finally right there and then I’m just

Going to pinch this last little part together cuz you don’t want that oozing out I’ll show you right here look at that and you just want to make sure that this is all pushed together look at that now I’m going to bring in a sheet pan put it right

There and I’m going to take one egg got my little brush here and I’m just going to blend this all together and make a little egg wash and the egg wash is going to make it nice and golden brown and it’s going to be absolutely phenomenal oh you always want to use an

Egg wash on on your pastries because it’s just going to add that crisp golden brown and it’s going to kind of seal the deal with all those flavors and that crunchiness more importantly o look at that that looks absolutely delicious now this is ready for the oven

I have my oven set to 350 and I’m just going to put it in there for not even like 20 minutes oh my goodness it cracked a little bit but you know what like all imperfections cover it with some powdered sugar oo and I’m just

Going to do a nice little little snow of powdered sugar right on top oh that looks pretty dang good to me what do you think yum look at that cheesecake oozing out I know it’s going to be delicious I’m just going to get right in it oh it’s nice and

Crispy oh look at that see the lemon everything perfectly cooked wow this looks delicious yum I’m excited to give this a try o look at that it’s perfectly cooked nice and crispy see the lemon Cur a little bit of the blueberry I see that cheesecake it’s staring at me oh look at

That blowing on it it’s going to be super hot oh there goes the powder of sugar I know jugy you’re excited enjoy oh my gosh it so good it’s hot it’s phenomenal


  1. I've worked in produce for 17 years. No fruits are "prewashed". It cracked open because you didn't make any slits to vent. What did you do with the rest of the canned fillings? How many servings is this recipe? Why use no bake cheesecake filling when you are baking it?

  2. I couldn't handle that dog in my kitchen. It seems like it knows when the food is ready. I don't like it when my daughter s two dogs come to you when eating begging for food. They have their own food. 🤢

  3. Why do you talk so weird?
    I wonder do you think you're just talking to kids?
    the pie it's pretty interesting but listening to you is actually hard.
    I speed up the video so I could see final product.
    I have to say I won't be subscribing to your channel cuz it's hard to get past voice

  4. Looks delicious! Haters gonna hate; ignore them. Your voice is fine, and I prefer dogs in my kitchen to some guests. ❤

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