Vegan chikufte, also known as çiğ köfte, is a delicious and popular Turkish dish that has been adapted to fit a plant-based, vegan diet. Traditionally, çiğ köfte is made with raw minced meat (usually beef or lamb), bulgur, and various spices. However, the vegan version replaces the meat with plant-based ingredients, making it suitable for those who abstain from animal products.

Here’s a basic recipe for vegan chikufte:


For the “Meat” Mixture:

1 cup fine bulgur
1 cup hot water
1/4 cup tomato paste
1 tablespoon pepper paste (optional, for extra flavor)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)
Salt to taste
For the Filling and Garnish:

Finely chopped fresh parsley
Finely chopped fresh mint
Fresh lettuce leaves (for wrapping)
Lemon wedges (for serving)

Prepare the Bulgur Mixture:

In a large bowl, combine the fine bulgur with hot water. Cover and let it sit for about 30 minutes, or until the bulgur has absorbed all the water.
Season the Mixture:

Add the tomato paste, pepper paste (if using), olive oil, ground cumin, paprika, cayenne pepper, and salt to the rehydrated bulgur. Mix well, making sure all the ingredients are evenly incorporated.
Knead the Mixture:

Using your hands, knead the mixture thoroughly for about 10-15 minutes. This process helps to soften the bulgur and develop the flavors.
Adjust Seasoning:

Taste the mixture and adjust the seasonings according to your preferences. Add more salt, cayenne pepper, or other spices as needed.
Add Fresh Herbs:

Mix in the finely chopped fresh parsley and mint. These herbs add a burst of freshness and color to the chikufte.
Shape the Chikufte:

Take a small portion of the mixture and shape it into an oval or round form. Traditionally, çiğ köfte is shaped into small, bite-sized portions.

Serve the vegan chikufte on a bed of fresh lettuce leaves. You can also offer lemon wedges for an extra zesty kick.

Vegan chikufte can be eaten on its own, wrapped in lettuce leaves, or even in a flatbread or pita.
This vegan adaptation of çiğ köfte is not only delicious and flavorful, but also a wonderful representation of how traditional dishes can be enjoyed in a plant-based form. Enjoy!

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