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Head on over to https://DrinkLMNT.com/SBGAL for a FREE sample pack with any purchase!
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video!

Dr. Ovadia Analyzes my BLOODWORK: https://youtu.be/IRrc3G8RADo
Seeking Health Vitamin D3K2 Drops: https://amzn.to/3FqyOo8
Naturewise Vitamin D3 Capsules: https://amzn.to/3S6G5kS

Dr. Paul Mason Sunlight and Health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvh4D_osFXs
Vit D Deficiency linked to brain aging: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0925492722001172
Low Vit D Increases risk of Death: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M21-3324
Vitamin D Deficiency Associated With Increased Depression https://www.jamda.com/article/S1525-8610(18)30579-6/fulltext
Vitamin D Supplementation Improves Cognitive Function: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33164936/
Vitamin D Cofactors: https://vitamindwiki.com/Vitamin+D+Cofactors+in+a+nutshell


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* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steakandbuttergal/
* Facebook:https://fb.me/thesteakandbuttergal
* Email: Steakandbuttergal@gmail.com
* Music Page: https://www.instagram.com/opusbella/
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Steak & Butter Gal aka Bella is a classically trained pianist and violinist. She is a graduate of The Juilliard School as a Masters of Music Degree Candidate.
Bella is passionate about sharing her vegan to carnivore story of healing autoimmune conditions (eczema & psoriasis), skin, mental health, mood, and energy with animal foods alone.

Some links above are affiliate links where I make a small commission when you shop through them at no extra cost to you. I do not collab with brands that I do not 100% recommend and trust.

0:00 What is going on
8:58 my next steps, negative symptoms, & risks

What does my full bloodwork after 5 years on the carnivore diet? We go over cholesterol, NMR, VLDL, Remnant, Blood sugar, Inflammation markers, vitamin deficiencies, nutrient levels, and CAC Scan Score. I am not a doctor, please consult a physician before implementing major changes to your diet.

#carnivorediet #carnivore

It is mind-blowing it’s devastating it’s wow I’m going to have a heart attack what am I going to do quit the Carnivor diet hey carnivores welcome back to the channel I’m Bella the steak and butter gal I have been carnivore for 5 years now and before it was carnivore I was

Vegan for 6 years and if you’re new to this channel I absolutely love sharing everything that I’ve learned everything that I experiment with here on my channel steak and butter gal if you are already a subscriber I want to check in on you how are you doing how’s your

Carnival progress going are you currently struggling with anything in particular or have you recently celebrated any exciting victories I would love to see all of your updates Down Below in the comments so today’s video I want to keep it very concise straightforward uh because I want to

Share with you something that I really had to open my mind to and also I want to ask for your advice your opinions your thoughts on this matter I got to spend some time talking with Dr Philip ovia he is a board certified heart surgeon to actually show him my blood

Work and I will link the video down below in the description box if you want to watch it it is a phenomenal video because he breaks down everything on like what to look at what to pay attention to what’s important what’s not important and he looked at my blood work

I actually provided my vegan blood work compared to my Carnivor blood work the reality check happened when he got to my vitamin D levels and he did give me recognition that hey I definitely improved it a lot from My Vegan vit D levels which was 12 and let me just

Check to make sure okay it was 12.1 when I was vegan after going carnivore it jumped up to 23.5 by the way if you are still believing that high total cholesterol high LDL in your blood work is a big red flag or if your family is pressuring you telling you these things

And scaring you Dr ovadia explains so well why the LDL is not what one should focus on it’s the triglycerides the HDL The Remnant cholesterol and he teaches us how to um calculate all of it even though my cholesterol really spiked up from 173 total cholesterol when I was vegan to a whopping

365 total cholesterol when I became carnivore that to anyone is shocking Dr ovadia reassured so plainly and simply that that total cholesterol is not a Rel reliable accurate marker of where your heart health condition is with that your LDL cholesterol went from 81 to 264 and you know this is something to

Point out that one of the main Health metrics that’s used to promote and push you know vegan diets is LDL cholesterol but as I said earlier LDL cholesterol is a very lousy predictor of heart disease risk I am not concerned with my cholesterol numbers in fact I am proud

Of my triglyceride and my HDL numbers and the ratio that I got you have the lowest triglyceride level I believe seen at 15 uh certainly you know probably some genetics and uh everything else going on there and my Remnant cholesterol after ovadia calculated it for me Remnant cholesterol to calculate

Remnant cholesterol you take your total cholesterol and then you subtract your HDL cholesterol and then you subtract your LDL cholesterol what’s left over is what’s considered your Remnant cholesterol your Remnant cholesterol would be three so wow again you know one of the lowest I’ve seen But what I am concerned

And what I kind of had to wake up to is my vitamin D levels so the ideal vitamin D levels you want it between 50 to 70 you know somewhere ballpark around there of nanog per milliliter I gave carnivore diet a chance for the past 5 years to

Just raise that vitamin D level up to 50 at least well my recent lab work clearly shows that I’m still quite deficient now your vitamin D level as a vegan was exceptionally low at 12.1 it’s gotten better 23.5 uh but again I would tell you that you probably still want that to be

Higher right now where you live uh even when the sun’s out for much of the year it’s going to be at too low of an angle to really be effective for vitamin D synthesis so you’re someone else that may need to supplement vitamin D now that I’m 5 years into the carnivore diet

I think I can say that I have a pretty good idea about what’s working with the foods that I’m eating and what’s not working as well as I thought it would with the foods that I’m eating I’ve been eating carnivore and high high high fat carnivore I never shy away from sharing

And saying just how much fat I love to eat not because I force myself to eat more fat for any reason it’s because I know my body craves for it I know how great I feel when I eat more animal fats and it has healed so much already for me

My hormones it brought back my period it has completely upped um the quality of my skin it’s healed my autoimmune issues I know that it must have also been in conjunction with sticking to a carnivore diet lifestyle but clearly it’s just not giving me enough where my body can

Convert it to quality vitamin D3 one of the biggest improvements when it comes to sunlight and getting that vitamin D3 is I don’t burn anymore if you eat animal foods and you cut out the seed oils peanut oil sunflower oil canola oil all of those rancid seed oils when you

Cut those out completely and instead eat delicious saturated fats animal fats and just animal Foods your skin is able to tolerate the Sun not only do I no longer burn in the Sun I notice that I don’t get sensitive irritated uh itchy even when I am out in direct sunlight for

Long periods of time so I can tolerate the sun I can properly enjoy that gorgeous sunlight and how wonderful it feels on our skin but my skin and my body does not react or get this allergic reaction where it becomes inflamed red flaky dry itchy sometimes I used to get

Itchy just by being out in the sun and now I’m understand why my vitamin D levels were 12 so I am now going to make it a proper goal and a commitment to see how high I can get my vitamin D3 levels I will be taking my blood work in a

Couple months definitely by the end of this year just to see how effective taking vitamin D3 not in sunlight form can possibly be so why do I mention not in sunlight form I am not actively avoiding the sunlight in fact I have understood the power of being in the

Sunlight I no longer fear sunlight I was raised to believe that sunlight is cancerous it is toxic it is dangerous and so I grew up as a child avoiding the sun my mom didn’t let me play out in the sun she didn’t ever let me out of the

House without just slathering tons of sunscreen on and she always made sure that I wore hats covered up even when I was out in the sun she was not well informed about how important sunlight actually is but one thing that I do stand by is look if you care about your

Face if you expose your face skin which is very thin uh sensitive skin to the sun too much for too long your skin will be more prone to develop sunspots freckles uh premature aging and wrinkling of the skin I think freckles are beautiful I see in my parents even

That their Sun freckles when they were younger were little dots little tiny little cute little Freckles but the more they age those sunspots and freckles become large brown patches and they’re very pigmented so I would prefer to not have to develop bigger sunspots on my

Face so that is why I do wear a sunscreen on my face only when I have to be exposed in the sun over the summertime I make it a point to get sunlight every single day I live in Seattle Washington the Pacific Northwest our Winters here

Uh have no quality Sun this is where I had to face reality it’s time it’s time to supplement in some shape or form and this is where I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned which types of supplement you want to take a D3 plus a

K2 a vitamin D3 as a post of vitamin D2 because D3 is Cola calciferol and that is the best form of vitamin D for our bodies the second option obviously is to just eat lots of foods rich in vitamin D3 and K2 I tried as best as I can in

The past 5 years I eat 12 to 18 eggs a day yolks are known to be very high in vitamin d i frequently eat seafood ranging from oysters salmon tuna hbet just all types of seafood as frequently as I possibly can I eat so much grass-fed butter and unfortunately it’s

Not enough for my body to produce enough vitamin D to get to that optimal level range so besides getting more sun obviously which I already ruled out I live in Seattle there’s no sun there’s not going to be any sun for the next four 5 6 months I ruled out eating

Vitamin D Rich carnivore food if you also want to up your vitamin D levels and you also feel like the two that I ruled out applies to you we can either supplement with a really good vitamin D3 K2 supplement or we can get an invest in

A spy lamp the sparity lamp is not affordable by any means I checked on Amazon it is hundreds of dollars so I’m thinking about that still and the third one is move somewhere with quality amazing sunlight or go on vacations to places with sunny weather I don’t think

I will have the time this coming winter I definitely will not be moving anytime soon I really think since I’m going to get married soon I just got engaged we are probably going to settle down in Seattle Washington here’s where I did research on what brands of supplements

Do carnivores love seeking health and and naturewise okay so I’ll put up photos on the screen seeking health is in drop form I decided to go with drop form because the ingredients were the most minimal it was literally just D3 and olive oil those were the only

Ingredients and it’s in drop form so you don’t have to take in the supplement casing which usually has glycerin in it and glycerin is a form of sugar and the other brand is uh nature wise and this is in supplement form but the down sides

Of this one is it only gives you vitamin D3 they don’t put any K2 in it and there is a supplement casing uh with the ingredient glycerin I was not able to find a supplement D3 K2 supplement that used an animal fat in the ingredients but because so many carnivores on

Instagram when I asked for recommendations um brought up seeking health and naturewise I went ahead and just ordered both of them now I do want to share that I’ve only started implementing vitamin D3 K2 sub uh just very recently about 2 to 3 weeks ago pretty much right after I had the

Interview with Dr ovadia where he told me I should supplement with vitamin D3 the one that I actually decided to just go for was the seeking Health brand something else I do need to know is quantity of vitamin D how many iuse should one take this is obviously best

To ask your health practitioner but it usually ranges from 200 IU to 10,000 IU so I’ve been taking this vitamin D3 K2 drop every single day one single little drop is 500 IU worth of vitamin D3 if any of you guys watching this video are wondering why did you give carnivore

Diet 5 years such a long time to try to up your vitamin D why didn’t you supplement any sooner this is why I go by how I feel I am very hyper aware of my energy levels how it fluctuates dayto Day My Sleep Quality how my cycle experiences are every single month and

There just have been no concerns in How I Feel dayto day for the past 5 years where I felt like hm something something is off signs of very low vitamin D are the following bone AES chronic fatigue lowered immune system so getting sick often uh depressed mood muscle aches

Okay these are just a few serious symptoms of extreme vitamin D deficiency well I didn’t get any of these symptoms so I just wonder if even though the number on my vitamin D level s are not optimal my body must still be doing great with the Vitamin D it is getting

From the food that I’m eating and from the days that I do go outside and absorb all that quality sunlight I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on the case that I brought up today and on the flip side some of you may be wondering well if everything is going

Great why take supplements now this is where I want to share some studies and I have linked all of these studies Down Below in the description box but as you can see studies say that vitamin D supplementation improves cognitive function vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased likelihood

Of incident depression vitamin D deficiency also increases mortality risk vitamin D deficit is associated with accelerated brain aging so more than anything I am excited and curious to see how taking Vitamin D supplements in addition to a carnivore diet can affect how I feel my energy and my brain

Function something else that we should be aware of is keep an eye on your magnesium levels you may need to even supplement with magnesium when you start supplementing with vitamin D so as I experiment with my seeking Health vitamin D I will be keeping tabs on whether or not I’m getting more muscle

Cramps muscle aches signs of depleted magnesium levels any signs of electrolyte imbalance and electrolyte imbalance tends to be the culprit for a lot of adaptation symptoms like fatigue headache muscle cramping lower endurance in the gym and I always recommend leaning on salty heavier on all of your

Meals if that doesn’t work then it is worth taking a highquality electrolyte supplement this one is the brand that I recommend element spelled l MNT and specifically this teal blue colored box is the best one that they offer because us carnivores we prefer not to have any

Flavorings Stevia and this one is raw unflavored it only has the three electrolytes that our body needs as you can see measured out in the right corner quantities and it’s the teal colored Banner if you want to try this flavor labeled raw unflavored these are what the little packets look like you just

Rip One open put it in whatever beverage that you drink Stir It Up drink it down you are good to go if you don’t want to commit to a full-size box and just want to try their free sample pack you all can get a free sample pack with all of

Their flavors including this raw unflavored one uh with any purchase if you go to the URL shown on the screen drink element.com /bg and I have also linked them down below in the description box I know many of you are excited to just make that commitment to improve your health to

Heal maybe certain issues that you’re struggling with or to improve your body composition you want to lose fat you want to gain muscle all of these things are relevant and admirable goals and I love being able to offer help and guidance in any way shape or form to you

Uh either through my free videos here on YouTube or through inviting you all to join my car of our community called the steak and butter gang and I just wanted to love on this community that honestly flourishes grows every single day we are now 12,000 members strong so 12,000 members

That are either carnivore keto ketovore even ex vegans we actually get a lot of x- vegans it is off social media and I made it this way for a reason because I really wanted it to be distraction free judgment free and a safe haven for us carnivores and

Keto eaters and just anyone who’s interested to share get help if you are fans or interested in asking any questions to any of the faces on the screen you will have a chance to do so once you join my upcoming challenge you will get 6 hours of live Zoom calls to

Hop on ask questions connect get coaches guidance and help from Carnival doctors MDS and experts every single week so 6 hours a week for an entire month that is at least 24 hours of live Zoom calls where you can just hop on and get help you get access to every single recording

To all the live Zoom calls that happen in each challenge month and you can watch learn on your own time I have seen so many of my members who join come back month after month after month because they just love the experience so much I have seen people transform their bodies

I have seen people absolutely turn their health around get off all the medications that they’re taking reverse diabetes even reverse cancer just by giving carnivore diet a chance so if you feel like you need help guidance someone to hold your hand and keep you accountable the steak and butter gang is

Open every single day 365 days a year to help you out you can just go to the URL shown on the screen SBG meetup.com for more details and if you want to clickable a link I always make sure to link it down below in the description

Box as well thank you all so much for watching don’t forget to hit like subscribe and turn on that Bella notification to not miss my new videos I am on all the social platforms at the handle steak and butter gal I will see you in my next video I hope you have an

Amazing rest of your day SPG out


  1. I solved my vitD needs with a reptile bulb from the pet store. After tons of research, they are identical to the expensive version. Get UVA and UVB if you want a tan, only UVB if you don't. The first few uses can cause burns, so keep it 2-3 ft away, 1ft after that. No more than 5 min needed per area, then move it. 3x per week. Make sure you have a lamp that can handle a 50-70 watt bulb. $50 vs $500. And with that I cured my winter aches and pains. It's odd that we know reptiles need the sun to live but we can't use the same technology to thrive.

  2. I tried the carnivore diet after my husband got started. I healed myself on a nutritional balancing program high in steamed vegetables, low carb otherwise and some high quality meat. I’m now post menopause, had brain fog, extra bulge and low energy. So I tried the carnivore diet for six weeks: brain fog gone, cravings gone, 7lbs down. I stuck with it and about seven months later, I had a metabolic specialist run tests on me. We checked about 200 bio markers. Zero cardiovascular risk, triglycerides at 66, HDL at 189, LDL at 128, perfect thyroid, vitamin D at 70. The only thing that needed correcting was a residual gut dysbiosis from years of antibiotics, which resulted in low Bs and therefore slightly elevated homocysteine levels. So I added a gut repair program and methylated B complex to my diet and I know that what I eat works for me. I’ll be 54 in March.

  3. Girl, your mom covered you up cause you are Asian!😅🙄 not cause of cancer etc. Cause „beautiful“ skin in Asians eyes are fairy light skin ..

  4. personally as a layman id not recommend vegan or carnivore diet unless you have very specific health issues with which those specific diets can actually help (like vegan being a good option if you already got heart and organ issues or are obese and carnivore if you have autoimmune issues, low iron, low blood pressure.
    Im of the school of thought that humans are omnivores and should eat all sources of food moderately. Fibers are hard to come by in a carnivore diet, as are secondary nutrients unless you also eat stomache with…well still something inside that was plant based. Meanwhile vegan diets usually lack in iron, protein and very often totally overfeed on sugar and certain acids that in turn cause all kinds of nasty skin and auto immune conditions. There is diseases where a pure carnivore or vegan diet helps but overall it seems best to just eat both in moderation. Like fish is great, only fish is a problem

  5. I stopped getting sunburns when I was raw vegan and also started physically craving sun in a new way. I now do get sunburns on an omnivore diet even with no seed oils or processed foods…just meats, eggs, butter, fruits, and greens.
    Pretty interesting.

  6. Guys I was slim 70kgs 180cm actually gained muscle mass and had much better skin leading to looking bigger when I jumped on carnivore. I don’t workout but will use resistance bands for stretching injuries. Now 78kgs and 8% body fat (always been slim Jim) time to hit the gym 😎

  7. Hard to decide what diet to go on, Vegon tell why carnivore diet is bad and carnivore tell why a vegan diet is bad. Probably just cut the red meat and have some ever so often a month and eat white meat and veggies following more of a medditerran but keep some of the fat.

  8. Supplements are not bad if you get good quality. All D3 comes from liver anyway. Either sheeps liver or fish liver.

  9. Would love to get a list of doctors that support low carb and/or carnivore eating to be able just to get good blood work ordered. A lot of them are still stuck on old ways of teaching. Any ideas how to find them in the area?

  10. Please people put suncream if you stay in the sun whatever your diet. The sun has benefits but some of its radiation can do harm.

  11. No wonder everybody's bloodwork improves after changing from the sad SAD*. Sugar is a killer. Shame this tart didn't post angiograms though, LOL

    * Standard American Diet

  12. You should increase your sunlight exposure to at least an hour a day and that will increase your vitamin d naturally

  13. Eh… I'd ask other doctors for their opinions on the cholesterol numbers. Because if the formula is correct my remnant cholesterol is -2. That doesn't make sense.

  14. You kind of got it backwards. In evolution an organism adapts to its environment, not the environment to the organism.
    An organism only able to reach optimum health on an all meat diet is very inflexible. That would be a huge evolutionary disadvantage.

    Take the big cat species that are on the brink of extinction that are obligatory carnivores.

    But lets talk about real carnivores. They are immune to arteriosclerosis. Ask your vet. It is extremely rare. And before you say – you see it’s the lack of carbohydrates in their diet – I invite you to look what is in the standard cat food found at the supermarket. Sugar and grains. No, they simply are adapted to a diet high in saturated fat.
    We are not.

    If you really want to look what an early human diet might have looked like, look at what other primates eat today. 95% plants, raw and the rest some insects and meat from hunts.

    But this diet would not suit us anymore. The brain needs energy and little energy is gained from raw food. It is believed that the introduction of cooking – not meat (has been in the diet before) was the key factor in human brain evolution.

    This example shows why it is nonsensical to look at what less developed humans ate in the Stone Age to determine the diet meeting our needs today with sedentary jobs and any kind of food available everywhere, the new adaption to foods like cow milk that happened in between etc..

    Do you say we should revert to the intellectual capacity of Stone Age people since that’s when we ate our optimal diet?

    Even if you argue that way, archeological evidence does not point to an all meat diet of Stone Age humans. On the contrary, there has been evidence found for early bread making.

    Have you ever looked at what sources Chaffee builds his arguments on? If you look, his argumentation might fall down like a house of cards.
    His main source is a very old book written in the 1940 by a dentist called Weston price, traveling around the world and looking how straight people’s teeth were and what they ate making various connections to other health aspects. – No joke.

    Watch the debate he did with Dr. Nagra. You see what I mean.

    Chaffees whole claim that early humans we apex predators stems from an article researchers wrote from the university of Tel Aviv about their opinion on the current evidence there is arguing against the classical accepted view. They bring forth 0 new evidence and ignore all archeological findings in order to make their point.
    But read it yourself.
    It is called: The evolution of the human trophic level during the Pleistocene found in the American Journal of Physical anthropology, Volume 175, Issue 72

  15. Have you looked into genomic testing? For example, my daughter has a double copy of VDR Taq mutation which causes her to only be able to absorb about 10% of vit D. Therefore, for her, we have to do extremely
    high therapeutic supplementation of D3/K2 and of course the other synergistic micronutrients as well. (Minerals are also key.) 50,000 iu is received by her body as only 5,000-10,000 iu. When she gets run down/sick, we bump to 200,000 iu.

  16. You don’t burn in sunlight because your cholesterol is protecting your skin. I work in IT indoors year round so I gal 4000 units of vitamin D. Vitamin K2 -1000 units, Vitamin D -3000 units. 4000 IUs have been documented max with no side effects

  17. I'm not carnivore yet, but I cut seed oils for probably 3-4 years now, I've always had very white skin with frickles, and got super easily burned by the sun, but I never made that link with seed oils and I definitely can say that I tolerate much more direct sun than before! Awsome!

  18. sorry did you say that you have had chronically low Vit D for years but a $545 lamp is 'not affordable' really..?

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