This will be another healthy choice to keep us on track with our health quest. Continue the journey through better food choices and eating at home. Eat fresh, Buy local and Make it yourself at home. Support the local economy and eat fresher, healthier foods to support better health. You come around once, so make it count.

Basic ingredients: chicken wings, or thighs with skin on, various spices you like, garlic, salt and pepper, orange marmelade, soy sauce, dijon mustard

Season and sear chicken skin until brown in a sautee pan. Sauce: Orange marmalade, soy sauce, dijon mustard, lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder,. Mix and Add remaining ingredients as a sauce in and cook at 350 F until tender. In the last 10 minutes, you can broil the skin to finish browning if desired. Serve with quinoa, couscous or rice and some veggies.

Thank you for your support @DawnYarnDoll and @mrshighe9788 , Shout out to @connectionoflivesandinterests for the recall tip and channel support

Food information links

28 American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries

This week’s food news: Recalls from the USDA Kielbasa

Banned Ingredients in Europe and How Food Companies Are Affected

10 Deceiving New Names for High-Fructose Corn Syrup check nutrition of foods and check out recalls,%2C%20and%20fire%2Dfighting%20foams.

Please use cast iron or stainless steel pans to avoid these chemicals used on non-stick pans

Please use fresh food when possible and in season.

Please support your local farmers when possible

This is an interesting video I am in the process of watching- The title The Invisible fatal conveniences that are making us sick

Fat, Sick and Nearly dead regarding juicing and its benefits to overall health

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Check out streamyard if you need a software provider for your live broadcasts

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Hello and welcome to food Fridays and I saw a crew of people here and I’m so excited yay okay I see a whole crew thank you so much for the squirrel raid Miss uh granny D wherever you are I know you’re probably uh passing out from your live

Stream those are very very Lively and fun but anyway all right now let me go back here let me get to the live chat because of course it defaults to the top chat but anyway let’s say say hello to all the peeps and let me start from the

Beginning so we have shatika Woods hello good to see you I’m doing that Isaac peace and blessings in crochet I love it and we’ve got uh some uh oh what is that looks like eggs in a in a uh Skillet two eggs in a skillet one knife

And a smiley face thank you and tomorrow you’re gonna make vegetable omelet all right I’ll be I’ll be waiting with bells and whistles and we’ve got a squirrel raid woohoo now let’s see something I’m gonna try we got that Darla girl hey Darla nice to see you Nana Michelle hello

Hello and Miss SOA Rivera the uh mod extraordinaire a lot of channels thank you so much and uh she saying hi to all the people thank you let’s see who we have here we have Nana Michelle yep I said hi to her and you love this part I

Know it is fun and hey the crazy poppy lady good to see you hello everybody in the chat OMG Kelly you’re making me hungry it’s breakfast time oh I will catch the replay okay girl I see you oh it is that time of day isn’t it and we

Got Katrina hey hey sis I bring it every day and all in the chat I will will be here listening and getting the little one ready a yeah I heard you’re having stir fry I think I like yours better and no this is actually going to be good

It’s going to be good we have Miss Laura Laura’s walk Ministries we have Mr Moes thank you and uh everyone saying hi and we have Jamia hey so here’s the situation um I found this recipe a few days back and this is really easy so let’s all do

It like I said I just want to make sure that I encourage everybody to give it a shot because um healthy food is not hard it just takes a little bit of planning and it’s easy so anyway this is my little um what is this thing cast iron skillet so what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to do this um orange marmal orange marmalade chicken that’s a mouthful and we’re gonna have some brussels sprouts and I’m going to roast them in the oven while the chicken is roasting so this is way you kind of hit two was it

Two anyway you do two things at one time sorry multitask multitasking brains dying it’s been like a crazy week but anyway so anyway Dara white welcome iy B’s here hey good to see you she’s saying hi to everybody so this is what we’re doing and congratulations I

Think I heard that was Meen who got mon the monetization very exciting so I hope they I know they’re going to have fun so anyway oh you’re on Facebook as well Laura I love Laura she helps me both sides yes and uh yes and TGIF thank you

Shatia y and we’ve got see Miss Lydia she’s saying Hey to everybody bam it’s say she’s saying hi to everybody well anyway thank you so much for coming I know this has been I’m trying not to be repetitive and I’m hoping that I can

Sort of keep you keep us all Psych up uh oh we just lost our camera there it is it’s back so anyway does anybody know what marmalade is or and and what it’s related to let’s ask that question yes so I found some marmalade at one of the

Stores and there’s darcia hello hello hello y’all eating healthy is awesome oh thank you well you know it’s funny I’ve I’ve had kind of a I mean it’s been a positive reaction but I think a lot of people are still seduced by fast food and I understand it believe me we are

Reformed fast food people it was hard right yeah tell you want to tell want to tell them your story like what’s your favorite I was McDonald’s yeah and after a while you just kind of eat the same stuff and then as you get on it’s like yep I got sick after a

While and it wasn’t fun yes yes and then that’s when we started to do the farmers market more and like yeah we should eat as as as you get on an age we are young people I don’t know what you’re talking about as as our as we like to think we’re we’re young

People our body you know tells us otherwise yes and then at that point you decide like you just want to like just like he whatever and then plus you’re spending Goobs money and going to McDonald’s is not as cheap as it used to be that’s the other thing too so yes go

Going out and eating once in a blue moon will do it and then it’s kind of like I don’t feel that good so you’re you’re back to like yeah I’m just going to go home and make my own stuff and you you feel better about it you know yeah so yeah that’s the

Other thing too is it’s easier to eat home you’re not worrying about who’s cooking your food and plus we’ve seen too bit too many bad examples of what’s going on in in those kitchens or those prep areas so yes yeah now we’ll expound on that I want you to hold that thought

For a minute we’re but I want you to I want to expound on that so anyway so let me just go over the basic ingredients of the marmalade chicken so it’s any chicken you want to use obviously um the first recipe that I saw because I usually what I usually

What I do is I I look online I look in cookbooks and I say who has this recipe and how do they make it now I found this recipe so anyway for the last year or so we’ve been cooking out of the Dollar Tree cookbooks and I can’t believe how

Good they are oh my goodness they’re awesome like all of them and there’s a whole line that they have in there and you know they were a dollar originally like when I started buying these they went up to a125 which is still good for a cookbook now it’s hard it’s not

Hardback it’s um paperback but the recipes are amazing and some of them actually crisscross so for example there’s a Mediterranean which is my new favorite and I I really I’m going to talk about it I think more so next week but the Mediterranean diet just in a nutshell uh has been shown to

Be fairly healthy and most of the people from the Mediterranean so if you think about people from Greece and um even like Spain and Portugal some of those people live into their well into their hundreds and they pretty much eat veggies it’s all veggies it’s mostly spinach veggies lemon and uh fish and

That’s pretty much the whole diet and there’s so many things that you can add within all of those things so if you like Greek food like I discovered I like Greek food and that’s definitely my new favorite and then um what else a little bit of yeah actually it is Greek food

That’s the one from the Mediterranean that I’m digging and that I’m the most familiar so if you like hummus although they do eat hummus but it’s not necessarily from Greece but uh you always hear Baba Gan which is a uh eggplant you they eat eggplant they put

It in the oven it doesn’t look great but it’s actually really good for you it’s sort of like a dip and um so anyway so there’s things like that so long story short you know lemon is really really good for you it’s a good detoxer uh you know they use cilantro

Which is a good detoxer as well and I don’t know you know and cilantro is one of those things either you love or you hate it but hopefully you know try a little bit you don’t have to add a lot but they do uh oh my gosh there’s

Another uh Mediterranean thing that I like they do stuffed grape leaves now I’m not a fan of that they usually they just basically do rice and meat and lamb they eat a lot of lamb so those are the kind of the things that if you can sort

Of get yourself on this diet I feel like we all might you know do really well so anyway long story short so this this med this med Mediterranean this marmal chicken basically uses marmalade and then whatever uh seasoning you like and it’s usually garlic and onion and then salt and pepper and

That’s basically what I used in this recipe so we’ll see how this comes out and um so what I did was I tried to speed up the process and I seared the chicken in a in a little bit of olive oil and actually that’s the other thing

With the Mediterranean diet they use a lot of olive oil in everything salads and things like that so um olive oil is one of the more natural oils and that’s the problem with fast food I just want to get back to the fast food um fast food uses a lot of the

Vegetable oils with the corn and and soy and things like that and that’s not the most heart healthy for you so olive oil and um you grape seed oil there are a few things are much better for your body than vegetable oil that we get in the

States a lot so anyway look it up do your research and check it out but I’m just going to show you because um chicken takes so long to cook so I’m going to show you just my little searing process it’s just a c little video clip

And then we’ll we’ll get to go and I’ll keep reading the chat so I stopped let’s see I saw Arie Popp in Leila and Maya and much more I don’t know if I missed Gabriel okay and just let me know if I missed anybody there Joshua Gabriel R of

Sunshine hiy ray ray of sunshine good to see you so I’m gonna make myself big real quick in official Jamia oh Jamia we saw Jamia so anyway I’ll show you my little clip and let me hide this comment and then I’ll put this in here okay so

Anyway so this is not the best way to do this I’d rather share this but I’m afraid I have too many resources going on my computer because I just have a Chromebook but anyway all right so anyway I’m gonna play this I should probably turn the volume oh actually the

Volume is down all right so here anyway here it is so let’s see so anyway so here’s the chicken so what I did was I’m searing the chicken and um it’s I’ve got it in the pan and I’m just trying to see if that’s going is that going it is not

Going no it is not hold on I got to P play see sometimes I fat finger oh there we go so what I did was I I just salted and peppered the chicken I washed it first uh threw it in my pan and then um what I what I’m doing is just putting

The so you see salt and pepper there and um and I season both sides you’re going to see me flip it there and uh let me see if I can get in there better there we go so then um so I also added the uh onion powder it’s going to be some garlic

Powder and then and then I added a little turmeric just at the end for a little bit of color okay so then after this and then like I said I did both sides and put it in there and then what I’m going to do is I’m I’m going to sear it and I’ll

Show you kind of the Searing process so I’m I’m just turning it over there and it’s always good to use gloves with poultry uh does anybody know why and maybe not Moses can you see if anybody knows in the chat um oh that dark I can’t have anything

Comes from a mammal because I’m allergic yes now did you get bitten by like a tick because I know people who have like usually they get that what’s that called limes disease yeah they usually get some kind of thing where uh so there’s the tumor there so a lot of times they can’t

Eat beef that’s the one allergy that I’ve heard but is your allergy it might be a little bit different but anyway so there’s that so I’m just seasoning it and turning it over she’s eating a lot of chicken and turkey lately yeah chicken and turkey and they say that it’s a little bit

Better for you but I think you can sort of I think with anything there has to be a little bit of moderation I think uh R Sunshine got it salmonella oh salmonella yes if she thinks it’s salmonella yeah yeah so chickens do have salmonella and we any I don’t know if

Any of you have raised chickens we raised chickens for a little while and I did get salmon from my chickens and it was just sort of by accident um so what happens to it’s really like a it’s an intestinal thing and it really gets you bad like and maybe after dinner I will

Explain that if you’re curious or behind the scenes you can email me and and ask me what happened but I’ll tell you it it wasn’t good so we got Samo and watch oh s watchman’s here yay Amigos and that’s a big phone you got there yes it is it’s not a

Phone and dar girl said yes she was bitten by a tick and has alha gal syndrome oh heard I’ve never heard of that yeah you got to tell us if you don’t mind sharing us yeah because I’m I’m I’m sort of you know I should have probably gone into the medical field but

Didn’t happen for me but I was thinking like something like that would be that’s kind of interesting so anyway let me just go to the next part here I’m missing okay so here’s the Searing okay so anyway I’m going to just show you the Searing so what I did after I seasoned

The meat and did all that I put it in the oven well I seared it on top of the stove so I put a little bit of olive oil down and um seared it on all the sides and what this does is it it seals in the

Juices really quick but it also sort of speeds up the cooking process uh because chicken does take a while to cook you have to I think it’s 165 you’re supposed that’s the temperature Fahrenheit that you’re supposed to get the chicken up to and um yeah it looks like I sent myself

The same video three times any here it is so I’m searing it here and you see it gets brown right at the very very end and all I did was just keep turning it so I put a little bit of olive oil in there you can use grape seed oil is

Actually better because it doesn’t it has a higher smoke point um it’s around 500 so it doesn’t smoke like um olive oil can burn so grape seed oil or Olive avocado oil is better but it but that’s the whole process you just want to make sure that you get the chicken nice and

Brown now the other thing that you can do in this process is when it’s finished you can actually put it under the broiler and turn it over now I like to broil on low it well it depends so here’s the thing if you broil I don’t

Know if you guys are broilers you got to be really careful you have to be like right there with it but I would Broil on low and then just turn it and just keep turning it until the skin is done because that’s the whole thing whenever you’re using like Wing like wings don’t

Have a lot of meat on them so they cook a lot faster but if you’re doing like a chicken leg or a chicken thigh they’re they’re much bigger so they take longer to cook so I would just suggest if you’re if you’re you know if if you want

To be wise about it it just make sure that you have enough uh you want the you want the chicken adequately cooked okay all right so we avoid the salmonella yeah so anyway there’s that me go back up here I’m looking yeah it’s crazy cold oh you hanging with the dogs

Nice you have a head of cabbage okay suastika nice cabbage soup now see I’ve never done that and Darla likes that she said yummy okay and then uh let’s see what else Mediterranean Foods okay ray ension something about the oils yes yep flavorable too yep I got you let’s see

Lydia’s dropping her link you need to try more Greek food yeah there’s two things I like it’s a babaan and oh my gosh suaki that’s one the stuffed grape leaves I forget the name of it uh there’s a name for it but they do a lot with eggplant too and then

Um the Greek salad which is basically cucumbers Peppers tomato and uh then the dressing and then feta feta cheese if you like that so that’s really good and you say but lots of oh empty calories flavorable oh yeah that can be so we got Joshua oh the Euro yes how could I

Forget that yeah the the Euro or the gyro yeah it’s a lamb and we just lost our video again here we go we’re back in come on you can do it there we go garlic and onion makes everything yes how smells so good yes I love it yes so

Anyway yes okay so anyway hit the thumbs up thank you and share oh thank you Joshua I I need I need a good hype person as well a hype man and you use marinated chicken uh and put in the fridge for at least an hour that’s a

Very good idea that’s an awesome idea yes salmonella but yep that that was it okay and let me stop just for a minute everyone and you were yeah I saw the bite oh that’s terrible and I you like my phone me if not crazy by crazy lady nice

Good to see you let’s see our AR’s Ray okay Mrs Hi how are you very good good to see you oh I’m breaking up okay oh I thought it was a phone no it is not a it’s a it’s a tablet thank Moses got it yeah chicken sounds good so anyway so here’s

Marmalade so marmalade is basically preserves and if you know what preserves are so it’s sort of like jelly jam preserves and marmalade are kind of all sort of related so it’s basically you know the jelly so I went to two different stores and I’m going to make

Myself big again I’m going to show you this you’re res oh you’re resetting your garden that’s good see it’s too cold here we can’t do it we can’t do it it’s so tragic but anyway I’ll show you this so I this is very interesting so I was

Looking at this I went to the store and I the store that that we’ve been shopping at is littal and uh they have this marmalade it’s imported from Germany there you go you can see that there so it’s sweet orange they had a sweet orange and then

A regular orange one right and this one only had a couple of ingredients I was pretty impressed by this it had sugar unfortunately so this is the thing if you have high blood sugar you got to watch you can’t eat a whole lot of this oh we have the word oh thank you

You’re fine yes good to see the word I see you um so anyway there’s only four ingredients it’s sugar oranges citric acid and pectin pectin gives it the uh so this is not vegan pectin I think is like the jello from the bo you know from the gelatin from there yeah so that’s

Pectin um but anyway citric acid gives it makes the more more it’s like a uh sort of like a lemon flavor and it sort of makes the citrus stuff pop okay so four ingredients here from Germany this one here now they call this Tangerine this is Tangerine spread from Croatia

Right and these were basically the same price this and they’re both in these beautiful glass jars which is wonderful and uh this one has let’s see if I can get here let me oh let me tell you the calorie count so this is 50 calories per table spoon so a tablespoon is three

Teaspoons which is quite a bit let’s see do you eat Taro Moses or po I saw that do you know what that is we had it once right yeah we had well Tara we we cooked that in the uh to make the pelas oh that’s right so we do eat

The Taro the PO we haven’t had it since we went to Hawaii that was yeah very long time ago yeah I’m almost sad like how long it’s been but now this one has more ingredients this has tangerin sugar so tangerines is the number one ingredient that’s why I bought this and oh there’s

Dawn yeah hello Dawn so we have Tangerine sugar this has a little bit of water pectin citric acid lactic acid I have to look that up that’s I know it’s related to milk but I just don’t remember what what this what the situation is and then ascorbic acid

Which is vitamin which is like vitamin C so they I guess they put a little something in there but if I don’t know if you can see this but there’s a lot of fruit in there that’s all fruit in the bottom there this one doesn’t have as

Much fruit but you can sort of see the fruit pieces right by where my finger is so anyway so marmalade so that’s it it’s basically jelly or preserves but it’s got more fruit in it and there’s definitely gradations of uh fruit you know so when you’re making jelly jam

Preserves marmalade you know this one’s kind of in the middle it’s slightly more than jelly but probably not as M’s preserves something like that so anyway there we go so anyway so I’ll show you the chicken it’s been in there a while and actually maybe before I do that I

Will um yeah I’ll show you the chicken what it looks like it’s not done yet but I tried to put it in because it does take a while to cook actually it’s looking pretty good W I don’t know if you can see this let me see I’m going to

Go on the other and I got to change me change cameras here take myself down exit okay we’re gonna make this one big and solo there we go so there’s the chicken so the chicken’s looking pretty good and I’m Gonna Make It Go just a

Little bit more hold on let me there you go there’s the chicken so it’s looking pretty good I’m GNA let that keep going just a little bit more but but two things I’m going to make the marmalade sauce and I think the skin is going pretty well because I

Seared it oh there’s Don oh she gifted a membership now who got it oh thanks Don and let’s see who got it the winner is oh not crazy by crazy okay all right nice thank you so much Don yep all right let me put this up here so I at least I

Can show this so gifted one I bring it every day membership yay thank you so keep smiling I need a new song keep shining knowing you can always count on me for sure that’s what friends are for you triggered nightbot that’s funny and good times and good bad times I’ll be on your

Side forever more that’s what friends are for that’s that’s cool thank you Miss Donnie all right yay okay that’s exciting all right at least I caught up I caught up all right and just remind me before we go I have a new recall for everybody yay

I know like I hate to ruin the meal and know Miss it’s like a let me back my husband’s like and oh and Don said you’re you’re welcome sweetheart at not crazy uh oh hold on by crazy lady please remember that YouTube chooses who gets memberships not me that is true yes

And we got steo he’s saying Kelly Kelly Kelly I like the Cocker friend song you may have to come up and do that Mr Simone Watchman let’s see and then uh not crazy but crazy hello sister let’s see uh oh and that Darla girl said when

I was a girl my mom’s mom made homemade peach preserves it was amazing that sounds delicious I love peaches now Samoan do you have peaches in your yard I heard you Californian people are lucky you get all those or steo anybody anybody L see you’re gaining five pounds

That’s funny yeah we are fattening each other up now which one do you want to use Moses you want to try this one uh which one is that one this one is the one that has less ingredients one more ingredient let’s do less less ingredients okay all right so can you

Can you be strong and open that please please Hercules Hercules there goes the camera all right let’s see if we’ll come back come on camera can you make it I’m going to cut these up and I’m going to have to do this all right so anyway so I’ve got the um

I’ve got the these are the uh what are these called Brussels sprouts and I’m going to just cut these in half and throw them in this little pan here let me make myself big here you want to grow orange and lemon so do I I

Want that so bad got two lemon trees I know but we live in Pennsylvania remember yeah we we I don’t know why you think we’re gonna make it like it’s not going to make it it’s not so anyway I washed all these These are the uh brussels sprouts I’m

Just going to cut off the not so pretty Parts I’m just going to cut them in half straight down the middle and this is the worst knife I picked but I don’t know if you can see that there that’s really pretty inside and I’m just going to throw them in the

In the cast iron pan there and some of these you know I don’t know it’s like brussels sprouts was one of the things that I hated the most that my grandmother cooked because she would cook them a lot and just the taste they were tasteless and I think you you can’t I

Think you can do these raw but I I don’t know if I would yeah I just think you do better if you just put them in the uh like what I’m going to just do is roast them I’m going to run a little salt and

Pepper on them you can put any kind of seasoning like somebody uh there are a couple YouTubers that are selling sauces and stuff and I would say any not sauces but like uh spice mixes and rubs those are the best oh Mrs hi oh gifted one yay

Oh thank you so much I’m going have to put put you on the screen all right so let’s see you are my Friend Mrs is hi my Friend I’ve been looking around and you are here all the time a little bit of Patty leel I I don’t know the words but I love that song I’ve been trying to like work that into my repertoire it has not made it yet but we’re getting there all right

Thank you Mrs High let me put you on the screen here all right so she gifted one let’s see who got it of course my husband’s not watching this is what happen this is what happens okay yes and then we have uh scratch and Pete thank you let’s see who

Got it who got it let’s see can you tell word let’s see however I don’t want even thinking I’m picking favorites no I got you no I got you Don I’m with you I see Darla girl let me see this is hi we rock okay in the spring okay let’s see

Wow Kelly making everyone hungry tonight no produce in my yard other than greate Tomatoes but my compost pile is oh it was the word it was the word got it okay yay welcome to the word nice thank you yeah when you’re cooking it’s hard let’s

See thank you so much oh it is okay there it is ah gotcha thank you so much yeah this is hard let’s see I like I like your emblem Darla girl tdg I love I love that that’s a good one yes so good yeah bring good choices that’s what Don’s saying yep I’m

Hoping like that help I’m having people think about better choices for eating yep so making you hungry so anyway so here’s the here’s the marmalade this looks pretty good so anyway so the last thing I’m just going to do so that looks really good wow if I can let me take

That down and here we go bam so that looks good look at all the fruit in there it’s a lot of fruit all right so anyway so these are the uh brussels sprouts and all I’m just going to do is put a little uh

I don’t know what do you want to put on these garlic olive oil anything and then my husband’s not a fan what the Brussels sprouts what do what do you think seasoned salt all right we’ll put a little butter we’ll put some butter on here I’m G to put some seasoned salt

Hold on seasoned salt I’m going to mix it around there seasoned salt I got a little heavy-handed there this seasoned salt has a big has big holes all right we’ll put a little butter on there little bit of garlic and then we’ll just put a little bit of olive oil and then that’s

It we’re just going to call it a day and we’re just going to throw them in the oven and that’s it so that’s the thing about um brussel sprouts they’re pretty thin and once you put them in there it’s good to go so let’s put a little bit of

Oil not too much I’ll put a little bit of butter to finish it off but let’s take a look at the now the last thing I’m going to do is I’m going to do the sauce for the chicken so I’m just whoops as I dropped one this is when you think

You throw a steak in there you could throw a steak in there supplement Dave now we love steak we really do you know substitute chicken for the steak and you know you want orange steak go for it all right so here’s the sauce the last thing we’re gonna do pendar just go

Pendar hey VJ VJ doesn’t take much to excite me here I’m all yeah all right so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a little bit of Dijon mustard so here we go got the Dijon mustard I’m G to just put a little squirt in as I just squirted my

Hand e that’s gross no I’m just goingon to put it in s it’s just called it it yeah sometimes when you have these uh you know I’m not a fan of the squirting things but I put a little Dijon mustard in there I’m going to put a little soy

Sauce now this is where it gets scary because soy sauce can be can be very salty so just be careful going to put like a teaspoon in there okay and then a little salt and pepper not too much though Mimi cat doing oh Mimi good to see you little splash of

Salt little splash of pepper and then we’re going to put uh then the uh marmalade in and then we’re going to mix it up and hopefully this will be enough I might actually put a little splash of lemon juice juice in there just to add a

Little bit of liquid I don’t want to put too much of this uh but this marmalade looks good and I don’t know like there are big pieces of orange in here it’s really hard to see but you can see the pieces of fruit in there so that’s

Pretty good scetch some pizza back in yeah oh hey so he’s back I might just put a little splash of water so I’m just going to mix this up but I think I am going to have to put a little bit more liquid in here did you see ol Joe oh I

Did not hello Joe thank you yes but anyway here’s the sauce and usually in the last 10 minutes or half an hour of fixing up your uh chicken you know you just sort of put this in at at the end I mean you could put it in at the beginning but because

There’s so much sugar in this it’s going to caramelize maybe a little too fast so you don’t want to see I don’t know if you can see there’s a big piece of marmalade actually they say uses the r and you can actually see there’s orange

Rins in here I don’t know if you can see this here but there it is that’s those are orange Rines they actually orange Ry wow interesting oh smells good all right yeah I’m going to put just a little splash of water in here and maybe a little splash of lemon

We’ll see just a little splash just want to make sure this doesn’t I don’t want to burn this too much but we’re just going to make a little bit of a sauce here so I could put more soy sauce but I I don’t know I’m trying to be not too

Salty oh yeah this is better there we go that’s looking good so I don’t know if you can see the consistency of that you got siting some soil in more oh Mona’s here all right so that’s it that’s the sauce bam so see you see how easy this

Sauce is so we can do this just a little planning and like I said marmalade if you have um leadle in your area you know give it a try you know and if you don’t check out all these because some because they’re they’re very related they’re very very related and I

Noticed that they tend to copy all right so let’s see how this is I’m going to take this out of the oven yeah the chicken’s looking good there it is so now I’m just going to pour the sauce on it and cook it for about yeah maybe 10 more minutes and

That’s going to be it so I’m just going to put this on top and uh look at that that looks really good yep little bit of sauce there and I’m just going to use the whole thing and basically this is it so this is not hard we can all do this and

That’s the evil plan you know that I want to that’s the evil plan that I just want everybody to think about how easy it is is you know and and like I said if you make your own sauces your own uh what’s that called salad dressing you’re so much further ahead because

They they put so much sugar are you okay yeah I’m good okay yeah so yeah that’s that’s the story there mhm okay so anyway I’m going to put this back in for about 10 more minutes and then we’re good and then we’ll we’ll just we’ll go back to the chat

Okay but these are the uh so this is these are almost done these These are the um rust Sprouts yep and because I like I said because I seared the skin early on the chicken I was able to let me remove this out of here exit Okay so bam that’s basically

It all right so how we doing good all right so let’s see get those ready and um and like I said I would definitely um hey Rob yeah you want to just take it thank you you see how he’s doing yeah and so anyway so the whole thing is we’re

Trying to be more mindful this is our lemon tree there I don’t think it’s going to make it but we’ll see we have to keep it inside all winter yes and thank you so much let’s see VJ I’m just going to put everybody on the screen

Here when do you throw the steak in there I love that Samo and let’s see everyone’s saying hey we got pendar let’s see oh you can slice raw brussels sprouts and Anto salad yes Walmart has super Foods blend in the produce section nice okay nice so remember make sure you

Do that yourself because I would say if you can um you know anytime anything’s processed more and more then there’s more potential for contamination and we will talk about that in just a moment but yeah so anyway so I just you know I just buy them in the bag sometimes they

They don’t come in the bag but sometimes they do yeah but we we’ll talk more about that so we got crossover Paranormal Society Jonathan good to see you thank you for coming and we got Ola Joe also rating with the squirrels and uh yep Don saying Hey to Jonathan oh

Charlie Oh I thought Charlie was on today because I I he started playing in my pocket I think he was on today but maybe he wasn’t yeah it’s weird his his live stream started playing in my purse or whatever it’s weird so we got Mimi hello welcome in thank you Mimi for coming

Let’s see yeah he was live a couple hours ago yes thank you I’m so glad that uh yes you guys saw yep but you didn’t see it yeah actually I saw it because it started playing see every now and again like I have my my YouTube sort of Con on

Constant on and so sometimes in my pocket or purse it’ll start playing and I’m like oh Charlie’s on or oh oh the Joe’s on or whoever anyway there’s that so everyone saying hi yeah good siiz pieces of fruit that’s correct yes and hugs to Mimi cat do thank you so much

Always a pleasure let’s see everyone’s saying hi now let me just jump forward here we got Mona hey hey hey and uh uh everyone’s saying hi I miss sugar oh you’re on full carnivore okay let us know how you’re doing now have you lost any poundage or inches is everything

Okay yeah okay he’s all right okay good awesome I was worried it it wasn’t anything bad was it Doug what about Doug they want to know what to do with Doug oh I don’t know yeah we don’t know either I’m like Doug okay there’s Doug yeah we’ll figure it

Out tomorrow yeah we’ll fig Yeah tomorrow’s another yeah okay anyway everyone’s hi let me see okay store did you say oh so it’s it’s Leal it’s l i DL and um it’s related to all the even though it’s not but they’re in the I think they’re blood relatives somehow I forget how it

Works yes I it was something crazy like and they opened up and it’s like competing against each other which is weird but it is weird yeah I but they’re all from Germany they’re all yeah from Germany and um leadle is great because I see I don’t know who I like better it’s

Interesting leele has fancier stuff you know so marmalade Aldi is can be cheaper although I don’t know it really depends and if you have both you’ll see the if you compare the prices it’s very interesting and they both have us websites that are very very active and they’re always you know they’re they’re

Kind of hippie and they give away and they give you like random coupons which I kind of enjoy oh that does look delicious oh thank you Mona yeah this isn’t hard yeah and you are yes you are better off making your own that’s right oh sh

Points to stomach it’s grumping at me oh yeah I know I understand oh that looks yummy yeah and it’s not quite done but it’s almost there so like I said I tried to cook it to get it done I try to get it done by 6:35 something like that so we’re doing

Okay we’re we’re like ahead of the schedule which is awesome so dang it I’m triggering the nightbot again that was funny everyone’s saying hey and let’s see never eaten those in what Dave all right we’re coming over there what did Dave say no no uh brussels sprouts no brussels sprouts

Yeah brussels sprouts can be interesting I mean because they can be horrible I mean the first time I had them I thought they were terrible it’s all them how you season them cook them yeah you can season them any way you want I mean do you want them sweet do

You want not sweet but do you want them Savory do you want them hot you can put hot sauce on them like want barbecue sauce on you can Barbe I mean you could if you want I mean anything tastes good with barbecue sauce yes yes oh okay here

We go okay so VJ is asking Samo and have you ever tried a lote rolled in shredded parmesan cheese it’s really good I have not yeah that’s an interesting one yeah I’ve seen a lote do you know what that is I forget what it I’ve seen

It around like in the in the stores but I’ve never tried it h there’s no way VJ and with squeeze butter that is the way oh okay yes eat butter and and eat butter makes everything taste good I hate to tell you it doesn’t even matter

What it is Magic it is magic I mean but it is has a lot of sugar so it’s the secret sauce Mr Dave you be careful it’s the secret sauce Dave you know yes yes you got to be careful just watch that Sugar it’s hard it’s hard like these

Sauces you got to make your own you really do yeah that’s you really do yeah right yep yeah don’t believe everybody says ketchup makes everything better it does not well see okay so here’s something in the description there’s some stuff about baned Foods in the United States in a couple of the links

Here uh if you you know if you get bored one day so they started Banning Ketchup from the United States because it has FR High fructose corn syrup and apparently Hines ketchup which is made in Pittsburgh is banned in Canada and they and they the the Canadian form of it has

No high FR fructose corn Ser whereas the US One does and basically high fructose corn serup was made as a cheap alternative to Sugar now I thought in the United States we gross sugar cane I don’t know why we needed a cheaper version of sugar but anyway but it’s

Really heavy liver intensive like your liver has a hard time metabolizing this thing and uh it it’s really bad for you I’m just gonna say it’s not it’s not so good for you so do your research on high fruit D corn serup I have some links in

The description that you can take a look that shows some of the information about why you want to try to avoid it in the states we have a hard time avoiding it because it’s in it’s in a lot of things and that’s the trag oh fluffy hey good hey it’s fluffy fluffy fluffy

Sorry I just like saying that yes and barbecue sauce is Magic but you got to watch it and we have Debbie good to see you Debbie and uh let’s see everyone’s saying hello and and Fluffy’s hand pink waving I love it okay so anyway let me and there’s Bonnie there we go Bonnie’s

Corner she’s saying Hey to everybody sifting good day mate good day all right so now let me yes good to see you so let me show you I guess I’ll show you our weekly recall while we’re waiting okay oh this chicken looks good oh yeah it’s a shame my stomach I don’t

Want it right now Kelly’s weekly uh recoil Corner yes that’s going to be the new thing now yes let me see if I can if I can do this what’s going on in there this week what going on this week’s recall this week’s recall cor I know I

Try not to like I want to I want us not to have I want us to have okay I’m just gonna do this let’s see hey Drey so let’s talk about this isn’t food of the day this is the food of the day with I bring it every

Day food of the day this is the food of the day if I bring it okay so the food of the day today is brussels sprouts Everybody Eats chicken so we were eating way too much chicken I mean I love chicken but you know people are eating a lot of chicken people are

Starting to Cluck You know as it were so anyway but but food of the day is the Brussels sprouts but and uh you know any of the leafy greens are really good for you in terms of uh you know the vitamins and minerals okay but anyway I’m going to show you uh I’ll

Show you our actually oh did you know actuallyy been a member for 10 months yes I did I did not know that well thank you so much thank you Ashley Ashley how you doing all right so I’m G to go to the page so the quickest way to get to the

Recalls is the US da which is the United States Department of agriculture. goov and I’m going to just show you I’m GNA see I’m going to share my screen and I’ll show you the quickest way to get there free and hopefully this will [Laughter] work okay I think we got it pick this

One and share all right here we go all right so there is the screen let me just make sure we’re in there we add you in okay here we go so here’s the and hopefully you can see I’m going to make the page a little bit bigger so see

The cows these are so anyway today is naal no milk day milk milk okay so this is the United States Department of Agriculture I’ll make it bigger here we go so if you go if you scroll over to the right a little bit here it says recalls and actually if you

Have any questions you can contact them via their 800 number Monday through Friday like 8 to 5 they will answer now believe it or not my sister lived right around the corner from them and I was like what interesting but anyway so here are the recalls so I’m going to click on this

And uh these are the recalls so I’m going to just make them bigger so this is the biggest one in in Sharon I have to get her YouTube channel right her YouTube channel is very long and I’m gonna have I’m G to give her a shout out

In the description but this is the big one this happened last Friday and I saw this and I I forgot to talk about it because we were really trying to work that chicken last week but anyway so turkey kassi products from the song Partners LLC uh where Rec called last

Friday and um January 5th 2024 it’s a Denmark Wisconsin establishment is recalling 1,333 pounds of ready to eat turkey kabasi products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials specifically bone fragments so now here’s the deal with this um and it has the packages in what lot numbers and things that are

Associated with this and I and I went through and I looked at this further and let me see if I don’t know if it even expands from this page I don’t think it does oh it does a little bit so what happened was um there was some physical

Injury to somebody one minor oral injury associated with the consumption of this product this product the problem was discovered after the firm notified let’s see had received numerous numer new well consumer complaints reporting that pieces of bone were found in the turkey kobasa product okay so yeah oral injury and

They say can they say contact a health care provider if anything happens um they they were concerned that some of the product is in the consumers refrigerators or freezers and they’re saying there’re there anybody who has any these are urged not to consume them that they should be thrown away or

Returned to the place of purchase and uh there’s a phone number here and yeah that’s the latest recall that was kind of scary so I don’t know if they broke a tooth or something like that on there but yeah uh yeah they’re out of and they even have

The president and CEO’s phone number here wow interesting so anyway just want to let people know about that and thank you Sharon and I have to get her uh YouTube channel so you guys can check her out in there but yeah she she she took care of me and and mentioned that

And she reminded me and it was funny but I saw it last week and I just went oh no you know what I mean so anyway I don’t want to scare everybody about the food but um like I said the quickest and easiest way is to get to this

USDA uh main page and then the recalls are far to the right and that’s the best way and you can actually there’s some Career Information if you want to take a look and uh yeah there’s that so it’s called the food saf food safety and inspection service is the part of the

Department of Agriculture that keeps track of these recalls okay and there’s bunches but that one was kind of interesting because um we eat kassi here and there not as often but that’s just and there’s other recalls as well and they even like the the USD and the FDA looks at food and

Cosmetics and things like that all right so any let’s see what people are saying I’m going to stop sharing and come back to the screen so anyway yeah interesting isn’t it and so let me see if I can get Sharon’s name I’m G to just shout out

I’m G to put it in the description but I want to shout her Channel out let’s see if it’s in here correctly because she hooked me up yeah she said Kelly have you talked about this and I went DH I forgot let me see if she has her info

Profile so it’s called her her YouTube channel is very long it’s called connection of lives interests yeah which is crazy so I will have to find I’ll find her link and drop it in the description you might want to check her out yeah so she talks about a lot of

Different things in her uh YouTube channel but this is uh crazy yeah it’s very very interesting yeah so anyway but like I said these these recalls I sort of stumbled on them and I forget what started me on this whole thing but we we were just looking through some things

And something we were eating got recalled and we were like No And so you know you just have to be very mindful of things that you buy and just keep an eye on these products oh you love Sharon yes very nice yes she’s very sweet yes I could I can never get

Her channel it’s when when the channel has three or four names I I get I get very lost uh but let’s see uh let’s see oh I’m building raised garden beds nice so anyway that’s the other thing uh for for the gardeners in the house if you

Can do the best you can you know and people who aren’t gardening you know this is something to kind of put the challenge out to grow as much as you can you know so especially the one thing that you can do in a small space at home

In your kitchen is you can do an herb garden and that’s something that we’re gon to do yeah that we’re definitely gonna do that and we have Ashley hey girl thank you so much for coming in um oh yes oh yeah yeah yeah steo he made

Some good stuff here hold on I gotta go back we said Hey to Drey you got Drey oh about the dogs steo said yeah he’s a dog guy for the dog owners make sure if you treat your dog to peanut butter that the ingredients reads sugar and not other

Sweeteners some articles Can unlive Your Pet wow I did not know that interesting all right good to know yes see these are all these things you got to think about you know what I mean it’s really scary isn’t it I mean it’s interesting and so Laura’s making so now that we talked

About the recalls I’m GNA just stop right there but that one I thought was pretty interesting only because there was some physical injury and um and and really uh next time I want to talk a little bit about some of these little buggies that can get into

Your food that can cause issues well until you sort of know what they are and what and how to you know take care of that but you’re h building the raised oh on your desk nice okay Samo are you you’re kidding right raised garden on your bed it must be really small yeah

Keep reading okay hold on I’m like wait a minute is he is he joking no oh you’ve been so okay good all right more like cutting 50 gallon drums in half okay that’s pretty cool from a Teriyaki Warehouse oh yeah that’s great I bet you those are nice those are probably really

Yeah sweet flavored Teriyaki carrots Teriyaki carrots M that’s really good yeah I like it yeah Mak his garden smell like sauce Secret Sauce Secret Sauce well so I think the chicken is done oh crap I forgot to get a a bowl deflated or plate yeah just be careful um let’s see so

Anyway I think we’re gonna be able to Plate this it’s gonna be smoking hot and that works make sure you have good drainage nice thank you all right so we’ll we’ll just plate one of these and we’ll see what happens all right I’m going to put this in the sink so this is

The sauce I’m going to put this away and uh we’re good but yeah I I think the Brussels sprouts are done I smell them mm everything’s done so let’s see what happens when it before our camera dies we try to Plate it and I think we’re

Ready so anyway I had this it’s the this has been cooking since about put this in at like 5:30 so this has been cooking a while I’m really like I like the like my poultry done I want to make sure I don’t like to burn it but I want to make sure

It’s done oh yeah so look at this there it is I’m GNA I’m going to switch over cameras but that’s that’s out of there that looks good I’ll put it back up again and those are done put a little butter on there so let me switch yes all right let me switch over

To the I’ll make this big real quick and then we’ll PR a plate so there it is so there’s and and uh I’m just going to Plate it hopefully this is I’m just going to be careful I don’t burn myself on this handle but anyway there’s the plate so

I’m just going to take it just put it on the plate we’re freezing No we’ll do that so we got the so the pretty good on the the chicken there yep let’s go over there a little bit every’s the chicken and I’m just going to grab a couple of these uh brussels sprouts and they’re done of course I have a green

Plate you might make he might take one of them make a pop Pond what’s that a pot Pond to raise fishes oh Dave okay that’s not so there it is fancy but uh and then you can add a you know if you want to put a uh salad

To it you can put a salad to it put some potato if you want to potato add some rice potatoes yeah my husband likes potatoes grow some potatoes this year yeah we got to try some sweet potatoes sweet potatoes would be good Ys yams and then like that all right marshmallows to go

With there yeah chicken The Fifth Element The Fifth Element he remembers uh every time he cooked chicken the movie The Fifth Element of I forget that M you know I have to watch that again that’s with M joic and Bruce Willis yeah and then what’s his name he’s wearing a dress who Chris

Tucker ah you you know was funny about that movie it was that role was offered to Prince he’s like no I’m not doing that cuz Prince was like a dude like he’s pretty serious he’ll wear some butless chaps but he will not wear a dress yes exit solo all

Right so there it is we did it let’s do the Dora Explorer ready louisos louisos relo Dallas multipass what does that mean that’s that’s a that’s the name of the guy no no no it’s something okay it’s from the movie okay I don’t okay that Dar girl every time I

See chicken being cooked I remember Fifth Element that’s pretty pretty funny I do not remember that movie other than you know what’s his name wearing the dress that was weird he didn’t wear a dress he just had a really uh it was very flamboy I’m okay I was

Like didn’t he have a dress on okay I don’t remember what Dave Chappelle said about the guys wearing a dress it was very flamboyant yeah but it was weird but anyway there it is I’m now I’m gonna have to rewatch The though now we have to rewatch it but I don’t remember like

What the point of the movie was like it was weird like I don’t remember so yeah you remember yeah I remember the okay it’s just the thank you ol Joe aliens were gonna attack the Earth and these okay little uh artifacts to stop it okay

Cool oh let me turn off the oven that would help so anyway I’m gonna take this down but there’s the so anyway part of making the meal was actually cooking you know what I mean it’s doing the chicken and other than yeah so you guys can do this what what

Do you think uh oh what happened to his goldfish I’m so steo oh no think re I didn’t know they like that ah did not know re were into sush yes wow that’s pretty gross yeah I can’t oh man and koi cost so much money that’s the

Tragedy yes all right let me take that out of there okay so anyway so we’re good so that’s the uh meal um I’m trying to think what else did I want to cover that anything else I don’t know oh Bonnie said looks good well thank you so much yes any questions any

Questions anybody anybody anybody let’s see what we got here hold on let me see going through here yeah it’s crazy but we have uh yeah let’s see anything else anything anything no I can’t think of anything else let’s see man this is crazy well definitely want to say thank you so

Much um uh oh let me show it again whoops there you go I’m GNA take down the comment real quick but anyway thank you so much for uh everybody you know coming in h let’s see how do we get a Aroma app it does smell pretty good you can

Smell the orange can you smell the orange MH yeah that’s pretty good oh he played it oh Bryce played the meat pop School in the movie um no meat pop was that what I don’t remember that movie Bruce yeah Bruce Bulls meat pop SLE I don’t remember that movie but that was

Like that movie got real weird the one dude got stuck in a freezer oh got stuck in the shower yes that’s weird yeah very very weird so anyway but the bottom line line is you guys um you know like I said try to eat healthy you know the the

Marmalade you know this is like a special treat I wouldn’t say eat you know just try not to use Goobs of it you know what I’m saying um because it is this is like 50 50 calories per tablespoon which is quite a bit actually uh is now let’s see is anybody

Else working on anything like I saw a couple of uh people were working on things I think I forgot to read them but the Koon I didn’t know that raccoon that but anyway thanks for sharing like what you’re working on you guys I did see those little Treasures by ny’s oh hey

Nancy how are you welcome in let’s see so you know so like I said just watch out for that uh kabasa you know the turkey kabasa Products LLC check them out and then make sure you don’t have any of that if you if you eat you know turkey

Kabasa and then you know just periodically just keep an eye on some of those um recalls Well normally on the news or in the you know on in the the internet news they always sort of pass along a lot of those and oh yes I’ll throw in one more thing

Bonnie’s close to being done with her blanket and Lydia’s working on her blanket too Lydia’s got a blanket going yeah I know Don’s got a it’s either a poncho or a Shaw going I know it’s a top um oh yeah let me see if I can find this and the last

Thing if anybody is anybody’s traveling is anybody traveling by air um in in in the next few months and uh I I’ll just go back to this uh I didn’t want to put this one in the link because they want you to subscribe so this is from travel in

Leisure and it’s talking about this came out in June of 2023 and they said you should think twice before having ice on a plane and I I’m just going to throw that out there again sorry I shouldn’t laugh but um but apparently you know the ice on on the planes are very contaminated

So you might just want to drink your liquid straight without any uh without any ice and let’s see if I can come in here but anyway this was in travel and Leisure and uh I thought it was very very interesting and just the just the I’ll just give you the bottom line that

They found they said uh onboard water on planes in a 2019 peer-reviewed study by Hunter College New York City Food policy Center and they’re part of the City University of New York showed that drinking water on 11 major and 12 Regional Airlines is possibly unsafe for human consumption and that that term is

The worst potential poisoning or whatever that you know you don’t want to be in that category unfit for human unsafe for human consumption and they said uh 10 criteria five was the highest rating and zero as the lowest a score of three or better indicated an Airlines on board

Water was relatively safe and it showed that out of seven out of 10 major airlines analyzed scored under a three so that’s bad and Allegient and Alaska both scored at 3.3 each with Hawaiian Airlines at 3.1 which is above the threshold so that means basically that who wherever they’re getting their

Ice in throughout the handling process it becomes more and more contaminated with like ecoli and feal matter and things like that so you you know and ice is really tricky even in the fast food situation as well because it’s the same thing they get their ice from a third

Party they usually throw it in some kind of a bin and then they’re scooping it out as they go along yeah on a different note Dave is painting his new balance SHO making dad uh oh making dad choose uh sexy again all right Dave bringing sexy back

Yeah all those people don’t know how to act yeah yeah okay sorry had to do it so anyway so like I said you know we’re trying to keep everybody on the straight and narrow and thanks for coming Tina Tina Bailey me put you on the screen

Here yay good to see you uh oh I’m turning on my oven stop women measuring cups oh oh nice yeah so Pioneer Woman has pretty cool stuff I mean like uh I love the stuff I just can’t afford it but allies does have some on clearance well not clearance but it’s you know

Secondary Market I guess yeah so you can they do have some items they don’t have as much they used to have more but I think they’ve sold through a lot of their stuff but yeah yes and I love that okay so cool painting shoes yep that’s what Simone Watchman is doing and uh

Yeah so Simone Watchman is a woodworker and does some cool painting he’s a Craftsman he’s a Craftsman yeah should change his name Simone Watchman is a Samoan Craftsman Samoan Craftsman oh that’s a good channel name oh yes go for it Dave I can’t use it because I’m not

Samoan that’s awesome so yeah I love this so Olivia got you some yeah those are great they’re very nice and the P the pots and pans I can’t remember I think most of hers are enamel I think oh Lord he says oh good idea it is it’s a

Beautiful name ah how come I can figure out other people’s stuff but I can’t figure out my own hey Dave wear a flannel shirt but work in some someone tribal stuff tribal stuff in there yeah tribal tribal flannel tribal tribal flannel nice and a and a truck or hat

And a TR no I don’t think he’s G I don’t know you’re not a hat person I I he’s got like all that hair when I think of Craftsman I always think of you know Sears and Sears wor flannel and truck hat like uh what’s his name yeah all

Those people Hank Hill Hank not Hank Hill but I’m talking about like uh you know like those guys like what was that show we used to watch This Old House and all those shows like that Eric weever oh Eric hey how are we doing today yes I

Know we were saying good idea I know it’s like I can think of other people’s stuff yeah more than I can do my own which is crazy it’s crazy but that’s what happens yeah so anyway so anyway what I’ll do is I’ll we’ll show one last

Uh and like I said Thank you to everybody I want to make sure everybody um can see there’s the chicken there we go it’s done so anyway there it is so it’s done we had a little bit of chicken we had a little bit of Brussels sprouts

I’ll do this one more time and anyway so like I said thank everybody for coming in I know we have a lot of Friday night is busy it really is a busy night and I appreciate the fact that you come and hang out with me for a little bit but is

Cool yep so there it is sweet so there’s the chicken and we’re probably going to pass out because it’s been one of those days but we did it you know we we did the Loos Lois seos we did it yes but we yes so I don’t know oh okay wait a

Minute uh oh hold on birthday party let’s see he was gonna get oh thanks for the thumbs up Eric he was gonna to get me the pots and pant for my birthday because it’s my 60th oh nice but then they got bad reviews oh oh now do you know why they got that

Reviews so I’m very curious about that um oh speaking of pots and pans um yeah so like I said try to stick with the uh what are these called stainless steel so this one here is stainless steel and um there is you know there is no Coating in there and uh oh

Ubering are you gonna be ubering in Hollywood again oh you got to tell us the stories and there’s Marissa and then stick with the cast iron Now cast iron is great for the women who may be low on iron because you do pick up a little bit

From the plates uh from the from the pan gives you a little bit of iron in addition to your you know the Nutri nutrients in the me in the in the food and then um but you know like I said try to avoid those non-stick pans because of

Those chemicals that are in there and you know the chemicals are PFA they call them pfas or pfoa and they’re chemicals that make the Surface slick and these these chemicals get into the bloodstream and into the water and they don’t break down so and they’re and they’re linked

To all kinds of illnesses and if you check my two links in the uh description box you will see that there and thank you for the thumbs up ol Jo’s us oh L yeah she’s oh thank you Ola Joe so anyway good night good to see you oh so ly’s on

Facebook oh thanks for jumping over yes oh they looked old within six months so yeah so the thing is if you’re really hard on your dishes or or your your pans know you might want to try the stainless steel I mean you will get some lines in

Them but the thing is when you use those coated plates like with uh you know the the Teflon whatever else TF fall and some other stuff in there that stuff flakes off and gets into your body and you don’t need these extra chemicals in your body right that’s the way I feel

Yeah so I didn’t know that okay they’re so pretty sry yes and you know the ones that I think are really pretty and they’re I think they’re e they’re from Poland and they’re like baking dishes or the ones from QVC and it’s got a like it’s called Inspirations or something

It’s a name like that those are are expressions dinner expressions or something those are really pretty and I and I think those are fairly food safe and things like that but uh yeah and they seem to to people buy them they seem to last forever you know but like I

Said stick with the stainless steel and uh you can find those you know just about anywhere but like I said if you stay away from the uh make I think I I’ll I’ll I’ll take down the other um the camera there but anyway but like I said just try to stick with the

Stainless steel with the cast iron and cast irons last forever you know unless you like blow them up in the oven some people do you know they do they they can warp a little bit if you overheat them but other than that that’s it but yeah I

Didn’t know that wow interesting let me come a little closer and anything else let’s see okay so Bonnie’s got two cast iron skillets and a oh okay big and small pioneer women so there’s Lodge and those are made in the states as far as I know

Still Lodge and I know they sell those at Walmart and uh let’s see what else uh Sone say I just started last week and I picked up models who were 6’4 uh oh I pulled up to a big time fashion party and walked the girls up to the bouncer

And skip the line like a boss I love it that’s what I love about Hollywood it’s so crazy I love it see I don’t belong in any of that but that is cool Dave you had them for years and they’re good yes oh I love it girls who were six

Oh wait a minute now are you trying to say they weren’t girls or were they girls because we we we got to meet the rockets in U New York City and they were about 6’2 they were up there when they put their you know the heels on and

Everything and uh you know we took a picture and I’m like way down here you like way here like okay one of these things doesn’t belong here so you’re on the hunt you’ll let me know okay cool Bonnie yes oh wait a minute Colin Ferell really what else what else can you tell

Us you know where he lives wow call what does that need something he’s a actor which one I forget what he is he the English dude or the remember he he’ll tell you he’ll tell you well well within don’t use soap on a cast skill it yeah yes yep that is

True you should season it for you got to season it when you’re and just wipe it out with a paper towel yeah but Bonnie says I’ve used Rachel rayot and pans for years I’m not I’m not scared of what pans can do or what they can do I’m still alive

Well however you know like I said you those chemicals they say you know are linked to a lot of different things and I I’m not a doctor but you know check it out that’s all I’m saying yep play one on YouTube yes I play one on YouTube just kidding just kidding yes

And we love William Sonoma if you if you have any of those stories they have oh he is Irish that’s right he has the accent that’s right he sure does he’s the one always wearing the wool caps does he yeah okay he like wearing oh

Like why does this D he like I have no idea that’s cool though yeah he was he was in a new uh what was the other one it was a remake of AR schwarzer nigger’s movie they you’re yeah they always um they remake It remake in all the movies

Like I can’t even keep track of what’s that yeah he was in one of the remakes of U HZ movie I can’t remember which one it was it wasn’t like not Terminator that’s too obvious but it’s not that one uh yeah I don’t know I’m when the

Franchise is gonna end because man I know it like they keep going or seven seven Terminator movies oh sure yeah no problem Lydia oh oh yeah yeah and actually if you look in the description I put it in there um oh you know what let me just see something what I just

Want to taste I just want to see if I need if I need to add anything more to this oh it’s perfect oh my gosh it’s really good okay I just wanted to see like I may have put put a little too much um I don’t know if it’s onion or garlic

Powder but it’s delicious it’s really good it’s a little bit on the sweet side I would say yeah yeah but not bad but yeah if you look at the description I I didn’t do exact amounts and it really just sort of depends on how much chicken

You have but um but I just put like a little splash of the mustard a little splash and maybe I could put a little less soy but um but the marmalade comes out great and it and it caramelizes and that’s really the biggest thing with it

With the marmalade it it puts a nice little brown you know crunchy coating on the chicken which is my favorite but anyway but thank you all so much thank you and much love there we go yay and um we’ll be back next week I don’t know what we’re doing but we’ll we’ll figure

It out surprise we’re gonna have we’re gonna try to keep it on a you know a healthy thing and we’re going to try to do I think we’re when when the weather breaks a little bit more we’re g to try to get more to the veggies like the veggies have been kind

Of um last week green beans looked okay and then I got a little bit of kale or no I got collards this week that was the thing that looked good in the stores I don’t know if you guys noticed anything looking particularly good and some of the stores had sirloin for

Whatever reason sirloin was cheap but yes have a blessed weekend thank you Miss VJ and um and like I said I’ll see you guys on the YouTube streets I don’t know where I’ll be what I’m doing but you know I’m floating I’m always floating around and

Uh anyway so thank you once again to the uh to the subscribers of the of the channel you know welcome to the new subscribers replay team we appreciate you the all around supporters the supporters yeah and and like I said um we appreciate any and all support I do

Not discriminate yes if you come here we’re like woohoo you know yeah and that’s and that’s and that we really appreciate it so much so much so much so much because you can go anywhere the fact that you’re here is great all right well listen create something eat well eat

Fresh support that local economy grow your own when the time comes we’re in the cold snap so we gotta wait till May and uh thank you so much for watching spade and neuter your animals spay and neuter your animals you actually you should we had this happen in our family and we were

Bad no seriously you got to do it so anyway have a great weekend and peace and take care and bye all and have a good weekend W all righta face Kitty oh hey that’s that’s Laura Laura Hey where’s my drewy how’s he doing anyway thank you so much and have a good week

Again and take care bye y’all bye everybody take care bye


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