Discover the Best Pesto Pasta Recipe Ever Made

Get ready to taste the most delicious pesto pasta ever made! In this video, we’ll share our tried and tested recipe for the best pesto pasta dish. It’s easy to make and packed with flavor. Whether you’re a pasta lover or just looking for new recipe ideas, this dish is a must-try!

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Let’s cook bye qu SLE hello lovelies how you guys doing hi guys I think she’s lost today she’s just looking at the camera oh so guys welcome to another episode of let’s good pie qule amazing daily so guys we are going to be showing you a wonderful pasta recipe the you have never tried before

And if you have tried it not in the way we made it so we’re just going to get to eat so we don’t waste so much time so this is FAL guys we want to eat our pasta with chicken we love Meats a lot

In this house and I think you can say it on me so that’s our chicken the chicken LP so we’re just going to spice that um I made a spice mixture of garlic all the spices we have in the house we’re just going to pour it in here and then we’re

Just going to spice that and get out to the oven so please do preheat your oven and SI if possible a day ahead or a few hours ahead so carara will you give that a mixture with your hands please your hand washed are your hands washed uh

Kind of so then place that in this pan and put it into the oven okay make sure guys see what I did I cut this open because I did not um I did not um wait wait there’s nothing inside but just so that the ingredients will enter inside

Because I did not marinate it U few days few hours before now and just marinate it now so guys we’re getting into the the stuff proper the cooking proper these are our noodles we are using to tooning so guys we are six people that’s approximately 700 g of topon that we are

Using the pasta for six people so and we’re using three chots we’re using some garlic some onions we’re also using some pepper habanero green avano we are using bacon we are using um Lots on lots of fresh Bazil we’re using a cherry tomato some seasoning mag Cube some pan chees pesan

Cheese and butter and we have our bread guys you can see that so we’re going to get into it first of all while Kissa is doing that I’m going to put some water for our noodles I’m just going to put him be careful with this Mom some water

Are you done yes so take that transer that to the pan and then put that in the oven okay so guys we put our hot water already for our noodles and now what we’re going to do is slice our ingredients sorry yeah ingredient that has to be sliced our chot our beaves our

Tomatoes so guys this nood will be yummy so I just get my knife after I put the knife took it away I guess so we just get going with a cutting of the STS so we cut our ch mom oven time yeah oven time I told is

Breakfast time so hurry and put that into the oven G sure oh I forgot to bring it out what are you supposed to bring out the um so come join me slice done thank you so guys two heads are better than one now this time around is two hands four

Hands are better than one guys so make sure you allow your children help you in the kitchen there’s no harming that you’re teaching them how to take care of themselves in the future mhm right the tomatoes are Splash guys I need to show you this guys have get to walk okay you

See the speck the ger calls it G I hope I said it what I like smoked bacon H what else is better than that the aroma is everything and just what I’m talking think about how this would be in your meal right now so I’m just going to cut this you

Know I’m going to cut in the middle CU this is quite large you know so I just slice them all not too tiny you the one eating just slice the way you want to eat so guys my garlic I’m not going to cut it or press

ITA I’m just going to press that in oops I just flew away but because I have a smaller knife so I’m just going to press that look at it just don’t press it because I want that GC in Lums in big in bigger version you know you want to Fe

That garlic in your in your Noles now Noles your pastor well most people call it nles as well I don’t know what she’s always doing on my back or guys you know what I don’t care as long as she’s helping in the kitchen every other thing doesn’t matter

And don’t forget this is let’s goodbye queenly my darlings our hot water is boiled but I’m just going to transfer that to the other side uh because I would be needing this front part while I’m frying my bed so now I’m going to put in some salt into our water to cook

The nles so a little bit of salt so I’m just going to pour in My nles Wo so I’m just going to pour it in I told it’s like 700 g for six people you know so we’re just going to let that cook 10 to 20 minutes or it depends on

How soft you want to have it guys so guys I’m going to put in some hot some oil just not so much of that oil we can add in some more later I think we need more so first of all guys we are going to fry our chocks you can see that put

That into the oil see then I just add my garlic immediately and let that cook for 2 minutes come on add in the bacon so while I check Noles so you just find that together guys so while kesa is doing that while kesa is doing that we are

Going to blend our fresh Basel so first of all I have my onion pepper so you can see that green Habaneros and garlic I’ll put it inside my blender so first of all I’m going to blend that together first before I add in my Bazil and my pisan cheese and some

Oil so guys I noticed that this the pan is a little bit big you’re not seeing what you are frying I’m going to come back to use this pan because I need this big one for my NS so in order for you to see exactly what we’re frying we’ll just

Change to the smaller pan and come back to this big one very soon so Kissa stir that a little and our nles are we’re just going to pour the water out and Let’s can you cut the P cheese yeah guys not because gr it so finally grating be careful with that so guys all all please white car is doing that we’re going to just add the to tomain to right inside our sauce that looks so amazing you need to see that color

Guys can you concentrate on your own work guys now we’re going to just season this off is it going well yes M we’re going to season that up guys let me clean up a little bit of mess out of this place kesa said always keep your

Teach clean so that you live long you guys get her that’s what she always say so now just going to season that with black pepper so guys some black Peppers some garlic is already inside granulated I’m going to put one cube of my Maggie you don’t have

To you can off up it but you know guys a little bit of cube w h so I’m done mom you’re done thank you so much so guys K I’ll just give you some black pepper to put inside us soad of love black pepper please thank you so much welcome so guys

We’re going to bre the pan cheese yeah in there some of the perisan cheese right here with some oil cran cheese Oil we’re going to gr them into our onion and pepper mixture so you don’t have to put pepper if you don’t want you remove the pepper it Blends your pisan cheese and

Um your basil together and your garlic you want to put some more garlic in there so I’m going to pour that in and give it a really good Mix so guys our mixture is done kesa this look amazing but something is missing guess what the color is looking I don’t know what do you think what do you think we can put in there puzzel yeah just to make it a little bit beautiful so let just to chop in some

Baseline here you have to mix it again well you don’t have to just have to give it just this kind of Mixing if you do it that it just pour all the on the floor then you have no dinner so guys we let that rest and then I’m just going to pour this out into a bowl so guys I can just show you that mixture if you want it you know I blend

In guys I’m just going to show you that you know I blend in some onion so this why is a little bit whsh if you don’t want on you can little bit so now I’m just going to transfer my um mixture one more time let me show you

Guys my sauce into myig sauce no de so the C now we need a big sauce pan to do the mixer so just just on right now so I’m going to get my noodles I have a lot of guys when you have big family you know what I’m talking about so just going

To and guys don’t forget to like subscribe share and com coming thees the view the everything we need to be part of the family Yeah so gu I’m going to pour in my nles I have a lot of it like I said so it’s not just you know I said I have a big family yeah how is the chicken doing so guys I’m stiring that all up you should check she’s asking me if

The chicken is ready I wasn’t the one to put the chicken in the OV so guys if you’re cooking for one person or two persons is different you know so when you are cooking for family it’s always something else oh I’m sorry so we’re going to pour that inside you can

See and give that a thorough Mist wow amazing guys M so we’re going to pour in the sauce from our chicken oh to give that a finer taste you know guys you want me to do that right from yes Mom where’s the napin way too hot yeah

Can you drop the other one so that’s the sauce from our chicken we’re going to pour again I think garlic bread garlic butter bread see like that garlic butter bread and I’m going to start by taking a little bit butter yeah I’m going to just

A little bit so guys our nles are almost ready so we’re going to finish that up with more pisan cheese let that melt in just one minute and then you just bring that out so we allow us to be very soft the nles we like it that’s soft so if

You don’t like your nles that’s soft immediately you put in your fresh Bazil um 2 minutes later you can pour in your yes that should do few minutes later you can 2 minutes later you can pour in your pison and you bring that all out so we wanted the B to get into

Our nles so that’s why we left it a little bit longer so now it’s all set I’m done looking amazing looking yummy yummy yummy everything is looking perfect so we’re going to chop in some more of this so we’re going to make some garlic bread for this um food you know

Just I’m going to take over now okay we said taking over but I’m supporting guys we’re making our what do you call Garlic okay we’re making our garlic oh my gosh so we’re making our so that’s all set and done guess up guys that’s the pan for the garlic bread

So we want that line on the bread so that’s why we’re using this pan why Kissa is doing that so K looks a little bit much too melty how many seconds is that 2 yeah it’s okay but I told you just few second so it’s okay then put in

Your garlic my garlic I’m pressing it right yeah press that in Come this way please we have a passley come this way basil black pepper and now garlic so mi that all in and our chicken is all set and done as well we’re going to turn up our oven please be careful karesa yes and we’re going to bring that all Out got a f for in here W the chicken looks amazing so can we keep that all the mix yep you guys want to see the this is how it looks K say you’re just going to start cutting the baguettes with this B is ready and everybody is really hungry and

I’m super hungry not useless today okay yes I just want to show you the chicken don’t don’t don’t allow it to be too thick as our chicken so guys you don’t have to use chicken for this food because we had our bacon inside so bacon is also a substitute for meat guys if

You haven’t subscrib to our Channel Please Subscribe not so flat like comment and share so I’m just going to help Karissa with this while she’s gotten so I don’t know so she’s going to scar it on yeah I’m just to pour that in here you know what I

Mean to turn it sideway just here PR and putting some more at the back so we’re going to repeat this step for all our garlic bread so guys I don’t know if you can see this they look amazing so you don’t have to put any more oil inside the pan because you have

Your butter already so just flip over when the other side is good Brown already just the way you want it so wow if you can see this this look good so we’re just going to go today’s Italian kitchen so we are in Italy right now can

You see guys we in Germany but in Italy so lovely our food our dinner is all set and done we have our bagget garlic butter bread already so guys and then you can see that it’s see how amazing this looks and chicken our basil noodles our special yum Noles so guys

We’re just going to Ser that you know as usual I always serve in front of you and sometimes eat in front of you guys so now she’s giving you love so guys we have a lot so we don’t need to eat too much today we’re going to concentrate on the main the main

Stuff s which is the chicken guys you guys know I like meat right it’s not my fault meat is just a part of it Basel yeah now we’re just going to take let me see you can never have enough of Basil no because it’s actually beautiful my mom loves basil yeah I do

And don’t you love it I like it so we’re going to chop in some Freshley have just on the side of the plates there guys then we’re going to let some pepper on that just a little bit on the plate as well so guys I don’t know we bring this to you so guys here is our chicken so guys

You don’t need to do go to find that D but let’s cook by quinley you bring we bring fine din to your home you know what I mean you can find Dy every day in your home just watch our programs watch our channels we’re going to teach you

More amazing recipe and how to find D at home you know what I mean with your loved ones with your families and friends so you want to dig into some of the bag just to see how tast it is okay I got to come m m amazing guys incredible So Good

Guys Italian food white wine you know guys you have to I so guys we have come to the end of this amazing show thank you guys for tuning in thank you for watching God bless you one more thing guys we’re coming up with a new project and this project is called chaos

Kitchen you don’t want to know what that means chaos kitchen so what we’re planning is the project is ongoing I’m going to tell you when we start we’re going to make you feel comfortable in your kitchen so most people don’t feel comfortable in their kitchen they don’t

Like to cook in their kitchen because their kitchen is not the way they want it so we’re going to come to your home make your kitchen a paradise so guess what guys you don’t need to spend any money we’re going to make use of what we

Have in your home to make a perfect kitchen for you so if you have money to buy stuffs you want to change stuff no problem we could go to the market together we get all the stuff but if you don’t have you don’t want to change anything you just want your kitchen to

To to be an O for you the Paradise in your home the best place in your home I’m going to turn your kitchen into the best place in your home even better than your bedroom you know what I mean so guys I’m going to make you feel

Comfortable my team and I in your kitchen so that’s called the program the project is called chaos kitchen we come to your home and we make your kitchen an absolute o I don’t know if you say o is D an absolute Paradise you know what I mean parad so guys when our project

Starts I will inform you then you OSS us we come to you guys so don’t forget to use this is let’s talk by Queen me see you in our next episode God bless you stay safe don’t worry there’s something I have to do in your front so you know how this feel

M amazing guys Bye-bye n


  1. This is going on my , to-do meals, from now on. Thank you for sharing . I enjoy you cooking so much. Regards from South Africa.

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