Trust me when I say this recipe will make you love rice and turkey even more.

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**Turkey Seasoning**
Ginger and garlic paste
Thyme (tt)
Seasoning cube
Arome liquid seasoning (tt)
Green pepper sauce ( )
Salt (tt)
Water (tt)

**Rice recipe ingredients **
Bay leaf
Salted beef
Ginger and garlic paste
Washed rice

**Peppered Turkey**
Green Beans
Green Bell pepper
Fried Turkey
Red Pepper Sauce ( )

Happy cooking 🥘 ♥️

Hi guys do you remember the red pepper sauce we made recently right I’m going to use that red peer sauce to make a very delicious recipe and I need you to stay tuned and watch at the very end the meat we are using for this recipe is

Going to be Tey but you can decide to use any protein of your choice and so I’m going to start by cutting it into pieces and also washing it I’m going to add some spices to it which I’ll be listening in the in the description box

Below so make sure to check it out now I’m going to add it to my bowl and add some water and some o on and some salt to it I’m going to give it a very good stay and make sure that every part of it is well I mean it has enough water

Around it I’m actually adding a lot of water because I’ll be using the stock to make um coconut rice orof rice now after that is boiling and finished boil I’m going to in a separate B add some oil to the sauce pan and add some onion and

Then some beef to it now I’m making some rice here and this rice is a whole recipe on its own and you will definitely have to to watch it and see how I made it after adding the beef to it and adding some ginger and garlic

Paste to it I covered up to allow the to diffuse some kind of like Flavor into it then I came back to add some wash rice to it give it a St I’m going to allow this to fry for some few minutes now we going to give this a stir and cover it

Up and allow it to fry while that is going on I’m going to go ahead and also check my meat since it’s already done I’m going to take it off fire okay but we came back and the rice was ready fried and very dry as well so I’m going

To give a stay and then go ahead and add in some water to it add enough water to it and make sure that it doesn’t burn okay so after adding the water to it add in some salt but not too much because of the beef you have in there and then

Cover it up to allow it to boil if you finish after adding the salt to it after mixing it and you needed more just add it to it now I told you about the red pepper sauce that we did okay that was the bowl I used and so I came back and I

Started fry my my te in it I came back to check the rice and after the the water has drained from it I gave it a step because I wanted it to cook evenly the rice I’m cooking is not my favorite rice so I need to be very careful and

Make sure that it doesn’t have some parts cook and some part not cook after stirring it up I added I covered up with some aluminum fo and also came back to check my my Tei which was ready and I took it out from the oil now this this

Is where the gist is okay in another sauce pan I’m going to add in some beans some carrots and some onion this is a charot onion I’m actually using and you canci to actually add this vegetables in the lat part of the cooking or you can

Start to do it now but I start to use this procedia I want it I didn’t want it quite crunchy after adding it to it I went ahead to add my meat to it okay this will allow it to okay this on the part but this allow it to become more

Softer and the flavor of the um to allow the flavor of the um vegetables to infuse in the meat now this is our star ingredient the r pepper sauce I made okay I’m going to go ahead and add it to this whole thing and allow it all to I’m

Going to spread it all over the meat and allow it to steam for some time this to allow it to become very soft and also allow the flavor into it spread it all over the meat and then cover it up for some few minutes and make sure that this

Takes about some 3 to 5 minutes on a very low heat and when I came back and came to give it a SC just look at how it look look so beautiful we took this in the middle of the night or I took it during the late and so the video quality

Is not that clear but you can see exactly what it looks like I came back to check on my rice and my rice are perfectly cooked long grain and tasted so amazing you can just imagine how it tasted because of all this amazing ingredients I added to it now look at

How it looks so beautiful I went ahead to add some pepper to it which I supposed to add when I st it out the first time but I couldn’t so I add it to now I forgot actually so I add it to now and I give it a stair and cover it up

For just about a minute or two just to infuse that flavor into it and then voila our rice was ready now back to the the sauce it was also ready and so I’m just going to go ahead and then serve myself I don’t know how to just not

Emphasize on the fact that this food tastes amazing like the rice on its own is recipe on its own and this the combination was just perfect and you haven’t checked or you not seen my pepper sauce recipe I’m going to leave the link in the description below so

Make sure to check it out and then you have yourself this amazing red pepper sauce and trust me you will love it make sure to check my recipe and tell me your favorite part of this video I’ll be reading in the comment section below

Thank you and hope to see you in my next video have a great wonderful week bye

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