Below are the ingredients and amounts you’d need to make this! The best ways to eat this (in my opinion) are: in a chicken sandwich – most notably, a fried chicken sandwich, – as a dip for bread or falafel, in shawarma.

– 1/2 cup fresh garlic cloves
– 1 1/2 cup a neutral oil (avocado, vegetable, etc.)
– 1/4 cup lemon juice
– 1 tsp kosher salt

Note 1: it is best to use the freshest garlic you can get for this. You can also cut open each garlic clove and remove any green stem you might see (that part is a little more bitter.)
Note 2: another option is to add 1tsp citric acid in place of/in addition to the lemon juice, strait into the blender. It’ll make it more sour and allow the sauce to keep longer.

Instagram: @bellgrowsak

0:00 intro
1:55 background
4:28 prepping homegrown hardneck garlic
8:11 making toum
15:33 tasting
18:43 outro

#garlic #cooking #recipe

If you love garlic you are going to love this sauce like I promise you you will love this I am going to be using my homegrown garlic this is some of the Harvest that I had um from this past summer I planted it you plant garlic

Before the winter and have it be in the ground over winter so this has been like a long time in the making I harvested these just before our Frost like our winter season I didn’t make a it wasn’t in any of my videos on this channel but

I did get like a decent amount of harvest I’ve used some garlic cloves for cooking but to be honest I have a hard time using garlic in my everyday or garlic that I grow specifically I use the Costco like already diced up Garlic that comes in like this big jug and

That’s honestly because I don’t like to cut things like knives make me very uncomfortable I can’t even watch people like on cooking shows or in any movie if there’s like chopping involved I have to look away cuz in my mind I’m just thinking any second now they were going

To cut themselves or I’m thinking how many times did they cut themselves while they were filming this it’s like a horror movie for me watching somebody chop so anyways I have a bunch of these that I’ve just been storing in the garage where it stays cool not freezing and it stays dark

Um and I figured it’s about time to use some of it brendon’s getting a little annoyed at how much stuff I’m keeping in the garage or like there’s dirt on almost everything that I have there in the garage so there’s a lot of dirt in that little closet that I use anyways

All that to say I’m about to make this garlic sauce that you’re going to really love if you love garlic you’re going to absolutely love this sauce I used to eat this when I was younger so for a period of time time I lived in the Middle East

And this is a Lebanese sauce called Tom there is this one like fast food place that did fried chicken and they had like garlic sauce that came with every order it was like more processed garlic sauce but it was amazing and so I was super excited when I remembered this sauce

When I rediscovered it which yeah I have to say as like and aside I’ve been trying to get more into like Middle Eastern food and Arab cooking I am Arab I don’t look it very much it’s not something that I like I don’t know is very apparent about

Me I guess I’m trying to think of yeah the right way to say this I’ve just like been but lately especially like in today’s climate with what’s been going on a lot of racism out there I mean there always is right but it’s just truly terrifying at the moment for a lot

Of people a lot of different minorities even but particularly I think for Arab people like the kind of it seems like very popular rhetoric that’s going on that really has been going on for many years I’m going to yeah I’m tearing up just like talking about it or thinking about

It all I want to say is that I hope you know we get better at this this country gets better about seeing people as people and like not standing by extremely violent extremely racist rhetoric against like a whole people especially especially when it’s against a country you know if there are people

Out there that are trying to convince you that this whole country people are barbaric these whole PE this whole you know group of people are subhuman in any way or like animals that’s obviously a red flag that’s obviously racism there’s yeah a lot of just violent motivation behind that

So please be good please treat other people like people know that everybody is just trying to live and love and find peace in their life so with that I am going to start making this the first thing that I have have to do is just open up these cloves of

Garlic they’re still dirty I’m going to have to wipe off this counter and they’re not very big each clove of garlic that I have it probably only has like one or two cloves or maybe small clothes I’ll have the recipe down in the description or like the proportions that

You’d want if you’re going to recreate this uh and don’t judge me for not having these garlic cloves like all prety braided up I grow hard neck um garlic because we have a very harsh and very cold winter here in Alaska so hard neck um survives a lot better I did try

And go soft neck but it just did not grow as well I think yeah I don’t know if I even harvested any they might have all died it was like half of my bed of garlic anyways they store really well they are yeah but you just it’s just like a

Harder time braiding them because as its name implies they have hard necks there’s this big hard stem right in the middle of the clove so you can see it goes all the way down and around it is like one layer typically of the bulbs the garlic cloves the cloves not the bulbs

He I’m TR to guess how much this is all going to be I’m not aiming to make a lot because I’m going to be traveling next month and this sace does store for up to two months in the fridge but I’m just to be safe I’m not going to make too much

That I would have to throw away I do I could also like con these garlic cloves that’s another way I was thinking of using them um maybe this is is enough okay let me clean up I’ll be right back okay I have these cloves of garlic they

Still have most of them still have like the papery skin on them and one way to easily like peel them cuz it gets kind of tiresome doing it um just all by hand is pour some warm water over top of it soak them in warm water for a little bit

Oh gosh I hope this isn’t too warm and the skin should all just come off so much easier after this after you do this it’s a little bit less messy a little more time consuming if you happen to have warm water on hand I boiled some water beforehand or I heated some water

Up in a kettle beforehand so that was quick to do I don’t have to wait for that to get warm okay so I’m just going to quickly go through This okay here are the cloves that I ended up with you could probably also if you didn’t want do it the way I did just smash the cloves with a knife you don’t need these intact and then peel it off that way but I again do not like knives

I’ll avoid them anytime I can I have about a little over half of a cup sorry if you hear pitter patter it’s the dog just walking around the kitchen he gets a little excited every time I’m speaking think something’s going on so I have a little over a half a cup I’m probably

Only going to use a half of a cup actually let me get rid of some of these these cloves I did peel a little bit more and if you do end up with more cloves than what you’re trying to use just freeze them they will lose a little bit of

Pungency your garlic cloves if you freeze them but it should be fine it’ll still keep in the freezer a lot better than it will just like peeled and exposed like that okay now to put it together I’m going to be using like a little what is it called a Magic Bullet blender

Like a Vitamix you can use an actual blender and it might be easier to use that while you’re actually pouring um the oil into this so I’m just going to add my half of a cup going to add salt to it as well you do want to use kosher salt for this I

Don’t have any so I’m just using my Himalayan sea salt And I’m going to start like pulsing this and blending it a little bit and then slow slowly like every now and again I’m going to add in an oil I’m going to use avocado oil it can be any neutral oil so canola vegetable oil and lemon juice to it which actually I

Should get this Juiced and because I have a half a cup of garlic cloves I’m going to be putting like three times the amount of oil so I’ll use 1 and 1/ cups of avocado oil and I’m going to use half of the amount of garlic in lemon juice

So half a cup I’ll use a/4 cup of lemon juice okay now I have 1/4 cup of lemon juice and it was about like a whole lemon for me depending on how good you are at juicing and how juicy your lemon is so I’m actually just going to put that to the side

Measure out some olive oil or some avocado oil you don’t want to use olive oil cuz that will give a different taste to your sauce at the end um and you just want to add in like a couple of teaspoons at a time if you’re using a food processor just

Slowly drizzling it in is a good idea I’m just going to you know pulse then add some in um and Alternate between adding in the olive oil and the lemon Juice Okay and you do want to be careful with it and not add too much olive oil at once cuz you want this to be an Emulsion and you don’t want it to break which is when they end up separating the oil and whatever else is in there end up ends up

Separating I think I might run out of avocado oil but I do have some more vegetable oil that I’ll use if I run Out and this is a good example of what the Emulsion should look like and once you have done like the first few tablespoons of oil and you’ve emulsified that and it’s looking okay you can increase the speed at which you can increase the amount every time you pour in a little bit More okay I think this is it things have gr pretty oily as I’ve been pouring it so I need a towel to help me with This I don’t know how well you can see that on camera yeah so I think this is it let me give it a little Taste yeah it tastes great you really get a cick of garlic in there I am going to clean up I think I might need to add a little bit more salt so you can taste it at the end see if you what you need to add more

Salt more lemon juice okay yeah mine for sure needs like a little bit more salt I didn’t add enough in the beginning and then I could mix this around a little I think I’m going to pulse it a little bit more one second my dog needs to come In so I’m just going to stir in a little bit and also scrape the sides down at the bottom of this so if there are any bigger chunks of garlic down There it’ll be worked in and hopefully we I pulse it again I’ll get Emulsified oh much better it tastes really good okay we have some baked chicken leftovers from yesterday I’m going to take that out and see how it goes with this okay I took a little I cut up a little chicken for myself um and just put it right over it I would eat this

With flatbread or na but I we out at the moment I have some tortilla that I’m going to use um and really just I don’t know make a wrap I wish I had more salad vegetables maybe I’ll ask Brennan to bring some home um on his way it’s seriously so good it is

Very like spicy from the garlic a little bit I don’t know how I don’t know what word to use to describe it like it’s very garlicky which I really like like that’s the kind of punch that I need from my food especially when I have something a

Little bit on the blander side like just baked chicken I mean it has some seasonings on it but we’re trying to cook a little bit healthier this year the sauce does have a lot of oil in it so it’s not the healthiest but it is

Like a good bit of flavor if you just like moderate how much you’re putting on your meal and it’s great that it is so Punchy because you really don’t need a lot of it I mean you could if you wanted to but um if you wanted to yeah be on

The more healthy side not so much there are a few ways if you like garlic but you’re not so in love with garlic like I am there are a few ways to make this a little less Punchy so one is before you start cooking it to soak your um cloves

Your garlic cloves in icy water you soak it for like an hour or two um it lowers the pungency of that garlic also it does get less um garlicky less pungent garlic over time so this store is in an airtight container for up to 2 months in

The fridge and over time it is going to get less pungent so you could just wait a little while for this to sort of lose its like kick but I personally love it I think this turned out really great really tasty I hope you try it if you

Like garlic okay also let me tell you how this would go really amazing with food I’m not eating fried chicken right now just yeah as I said trying to be healthier this year but having this with fried chicken if you’re making any kind of fried chicken sandwich or even like a grilled

Chicken sandwich you need to put some of this in it if you like garlic it’s amazing and it will make that sandwich so much better believe me it truly will like you don’t even need cheese when you’re eating this I know it’s like a little Blasphemous to say don’t tell

Brendan that I told you he loves cheese and he’s offended if I don’t put cheese in any of his meals anything that I cook but yeah seriously like this just makes everything better I don’t know if you can eat it with red meat I never have had it with red meat I

Guess but I’m sure it’ go great if you have garlic with your red meat I’m sure this would go well I’m glad that I got to share this with you let me know if you try it and you like it it really is like I don’t know a blast from the past

For me I’m so glad I rediscovered this recipe and now I’m going to clean up this mess that I made in the kitchen wash my hands hands it feel like it has oil all over it thanks so much for watching I’ll see you in the next video

Bye and you C being a good dog just on the floor no garlic sauce for him I usually do give him a lot of my um food maybe that’s not a great thing but he cannot have garlic garlic is super bad for dogs actually yeah don’t Li me I

Hope I don’t have have any on my hands no garlic for the dog unfortunately very bad for you he’s so good


  1. yum i love garlic!
    i will see if mine survived winter in 4 months or
    stainless steel removes garlic smell..i bought a stainless steel soap shaped bar it works!
    or you can rub hands on the metal of the sink

    and yes we need to be kind to each other! 💚💚

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