This this an authentic NY linguine with white clam sauce. It’s an easy and original recipe that takes less than 20 min to cook and prepare.

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!

Any questions feel free to ask.

Don’t mind the dirty stove I cook a lot of food all day long. Gets cleaned at the end of the day. Deal with it.

How you doing everybody straight from uh New York we got Linguini with white clam sauce now we got everything prepared over here we got the uh white wine as you can see or maybe you can’t it’s a cup and a qu of white wine okay over here we got about a pound

The chopped clams with clam juice okay over here we got the chopped garlic it’s 14 cloves of garlic it’s about six or seven cloves per uh pound of chopped clams okay over here we got the chopped parsley we got a little bit of salt very little bit and of course black pepper

Olive oil here’s the wine the best pastor I could find today is the Linguini all right over here we got the uh the water boiling hot water a lot of hot water there’s no salt yet we’re going to put the salt once it starts to boil okay right before the pasta goes in

The salt goes in all right we got our pan over here with our olive oil okay you could use extra virgin or you could use regular olive oil cuz you’re not getting it that hot I use regular olive oil I would suggest regular olive oil over extra virgin all

Right it’s nice and hot uh olive oil it’s about a/4 a cup of olive oil now don’t forget Linguini with white clam sauce there’s nothing to it there’s o there’s olive oil clams garlic a little bit of parsley wine and that’s it so don’t be shy with the olive oil it’s

Going to coat the pasta nice all right so here we go in goes the Garlic All right now you might be wondering how come that garlic is splashing well what I do is I peel a bunch of garlic all right and then I freeze it so this is frozen fresh garlic that I defrosted a little bit in the microwave so it has a

Little bit of water content in it doesn’t change the taste really I mean you could probably tell if you used it fresh but for cooking purposes like this it’s easy it’s quick and it’s delicious all right so we let that cook for about you know a minute or two we

Don’t want it to get brown really or too Brown I should say right a very slight Brown very very slight okay like that all right then in actually goes our uh wine slow like that you always take it away so you don’t start a fire okay you let that boil

There and goes our clams you could do is you could dip that in the water just a little bit get the juice going like that there you go right now we’re going to bring this to a boil soon as it gets to a boil we’re going to reduce it to a simmer

Put a few shakes of that there like that shouldn’t need that anymore we shouldn’t need the oil anymore shouldn’t need the wine anymore wipe the bottle off here we go all right we’ll be back now if you ask me we got to add a little bit of

Pepper and Chino you know just a little bit right like that about a half a or4 a teaspoon get that stirred up in there nice all right let it continue to cook all right our water’s boiling so now we’re going to add our salt all right now in goes Allen

Green push it down a little bit Stir It Up you don’t want to be rough with it cuz you don’t want to break it you’re just going to stir it and you don’t put oil please don’t put oil otherwise your pasta won’t get coated nice you want the starch I’m sure you

Watched a ton of cooking shows already you know all about it so I’ll save you the headache and then we just St you know we just stir and we stir and we stir so that it doesn’t stick you don’t want it to stick all right then we leave

It alone we’re going to cook it probably for about I’d say 5 six minutes just till it’s almost done and then we’re going to finish it right here in the in the good stuff don’t forget we still got our parsley we’re going to put that in last

We still got our black pepper we don’t put that in now because black pepper when it Cooks it gets bitter and we don’t want a bitter sauce we just want a nice peppery kick so right at the end we’re going to put the black pepper and the

Parsley and now this is a scale down version of the restaurant style the one I make at the restaurant this is a very scaled down version obviously this is good for like two to four people to pound of pasta me and my wife could polish this off by

Ourselves uh but we’re not human we’re like uh I don’t know what so we’re just going to stir this this is getting nice the uh wine alcohol is evaporating leaving us with just the beautiful peanut Grigio flavor I forgot to tell you that also you can’t just use any

Wine for Linguini with clam sauce it’s got to be peanut Grigio you don’t want to use chardonay you don’t want to use uh the cheap cooking wine uh that’s main for cooking you don’t want to use any of that stuff you just want to use a peanut

Ggio all right and it’s got to be a pean of gregio that you would drink now Barefoot what I use today is perfect it’s a fairly cheap wine it’s a very drinkable wine uh and it’s good it’s good for cooking it’s good for casual drinking and it’s uh really really affordable to cook

With right so we’re going to stir our Linguini again so a little backstory on me I’ve had uh two pizzerias and um I’ve been in the food business restaurant business since I’m 15 so I don’t know what is that 19 years 20 years something like that since 2005 so 19

Years and uh I started at the neighborhood pizzeria around the block from where I worked I literally worked two blocks away from it I started my grandmother got me the job she called up the guy the owner Joey Papo she said are you guys hiring my grandson’s looking

For work he said yeah send them down I went down I uh spoke to him told me to come in on Friday night 5:00 4 hours 5 to 9: so I showed up me you know 15 years old I didn’t wear my glasses I was supposed to wear

Glasses my aren’t as bad as they are now but they were not good so I go there he says I’m going to be the pizza cutter my job is to stand in the back and when the pizzas come out the oven guy is going to

Throw them in the box and I’m going to cut them it’s all I had to do soon as the pie comes out goes right in the Box my job is to cut the Pie close the pie put on top of the oven that’s it busy

Busy place I got paid $5 an hour to do that you know my slices weren’t that even no not only cuz I had a weak wrist but also because I couldn’t see and then he also had like a little CCTV above my head so like you know I’m cutting the

Pie here TV’s like up there I’m watching it so he goes what are you watching I’m watching the TV he goes that ain’t a TV you’re watching the customers H everybody got to laugh that night they thought I was I thought I was watching TV cuz I couldn’t see unbelievable

I’m going to scrape the sides off a little bit you don’t want that to cook on there you want that to go into the sauce nice all right now this might not look like enough juice but it’s a lot of juice it’s really really a lot of juice

All right you want juice because that pasta is going to go in here it’s going to soak it up if anything we’re going to have to take some of the pasta water maybe like a/4 of a cup a thir of a cup and we’re going to have to put it in

There because this pasta is going to soak all that up but you want that you don’t want to add the water now because then the pasta is going to soak up the uh unconcentrated liquid you want it to soak up the concentrated liquid so when you bite into that macaroni mean you get

A nice bite of the sauce and then after the macaroni gets hydrated in there then you add a little bit of water to make a little bit more sauce just to coat the macaroni that already already has all the concentrated flavor already in it that’s the secret it’s a really simple dish but

There is technique and there are some Trade Secrets now you might say oh that’s a lot of red pepper I like things super super spicy okay obviously if I was you know cooking for a restaurant there wouldn’t be that much red pepper in there uh if you don’t like red pepper

Definitely don’t put that much you could even leave it out completely you don’t have to put at all all right so when you see the pasta starting to look uh not so chewy not so hard you could feel it you could see it I’m sure you cooks out there know

What I’m talking about but for people who’ve never cooked before they don’t cook that much you’ll learn you’ll get it patience patience and repetition the more you cook the better you’ll get all right when we take the pasta out we’re going to get a pasta spoon so

Let’s go over here and get a pasta spoon one of these guys the other spoon would work but it’s a pain in the ass all right so this pasta’s got about another 2 three minutes and then it’s going to go right in there so I’ll see you in a

Minute all right so we’re back our pasta is Al Dente we’re going to go we’re going to shut this one off shut this one off we’re going to leave this one on cuz as soon as the pasta goes in here we’re going to move that part put this part

There because this is a higher heat it gets hotter so that way we could really make the sauce nice all right so here we go drain it a little bit right in you don’t have to worry about mixing it just go right in drain a little bit right in drain a little

Bit right in it’s really important that you don’t get this past the cooked too much don’t be afraid to undercook it because you could always just keep cooking it in this pan you rather cook it in this pan than finish cooking it in this pan all right so we’re going to shut

That just for a second just so we can move this pot put it on our uh wood cutting board so it’s out of the way going to move this over here turn it back on going to hit it on high get it mixed really really good

Now’s the time that you’re going to put the parsley just like that lower the flame actually a little bit it’s a little too too high all right and now we stir we stir and we get everything mixed up delicious now you could use you know um

A stainless steel pan you could use any kind of pan for this I just happen to use this one cuz I washed it it was the last meal I cooked in and it was on the stove I have a stainless steel pan looks better for the videos but it really

Don’t matter what you cook it in doesn’t doesn’t have to be stainless steel doesn’t even have to be this right so when you start to see now the macaroni soak up all this juice is when you’re going to put a little bit of that pasta water in

Here you going to see it starts to cook really really fast now all right you’re only going to put a little bit of the pasta water so see now see how much juice so now we put a little bit of the pasta water it’s about 1/4 a cup just like that right

In and you stir and that’s definitely enough definitely more than enough for the juice and the flavor if you like more you could always just put a little bit more my wife would probably like a little bit more juice so you know what I don’t want to hear her I’m going to put

A little bit more right just a little bit more and there we go that’s it I’m going to let this when you start to see this water now this juice start to simmer that’s it it’s done we’re going to take it out so I’ll see you back in about a

Minute okay and there it is the finished product Linguini with white clam sauce delicious


  1. Great job with this. I have been wanting to make this as I really like it, but have never tried to cook it. Nice and easy to follow instructions.

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