How To Make The Best Strawberry Shortcake – Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

Oh oh hi oh hi we’re live sorry we’re live food show sorry we’re running a few minutes late but you know it’s food show there was a lot to do it’s true we’re having a bunny food show it’s actually a banana show guys it’s a banana bread

Show it’s a it’s a it’s a govern new banana bread show yeah so um we do have a free gift today we’re just going to get started right away with this free free gift with any purchase is the gut renew snack bar banana bread it’s a $39

99 value and it’s delicious so good it’s delicious and it’s good for you is there a minimum purchase Jill I can’t remember I don’t have a sign printed out um I think I can’t remember Jill can you tell me um oh okay these are Class Act 121

Said these are my favorite you guys want to open one up and yeah I would love nothing more than have you eaten today usually it’s by 4 you haven’t really eaten yet well cuz usually I’m working away let me tell you this is a good preservation box because 30 any free

With any purchase of $39.99 or more and it’s cute how cute is it how cute it is you can keep it in your purse I keep them in my bed table I always have something in my purse and when you’re traveling what happened to you one time camia camia you’re going to

Out me like this I this is so I well I can’t not tell it because they have you want to whisper in my ear no no I have to tell the people um so I was going up like skiing in very high altitude thank you so much cheers I was going skiing in

Very high altitude and our plane kept getting delayed no I’m it’s a sign that I shouldn’t tell the story this is not junk food William he said you shouldn’t snack on junk food it’s this is healthy snack William very good healthy snack it’s literally repairing I can’t say that you’re going

To get mad at me for saying organic plant-based proin gut health nutrients prebiotics probiotics powder yeah it is supporting your gut health immune support exactly immune immune okay tell your story okay so we’re going to skiing high in the altitude and my flight kept getting

Delayed and I had like I don’t know a full of full box you get 10 in the Box okay so I had 10 G bars for like a couple days of being gone cuz we were a big group of people like what she has all kinds of food issues so she always

Has to have something clean that she can eat yes and they’re my favorite bars but the plane got really delayed and I like didn’t have any other food on the plane and I because we were sitting it for so I started getting really hungry so I had like

Seven probably and then when we got to the altitude I just thought that I had like altitude sickness because I wasn’t doing too well but it was really just so much gut R yeah she had she ODed on the gut renew but it does help you move just

Going to say in a good way need that in a good way yes and anyway talk about my poop I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t say see I just said help you move my my mom always do this thing like everyone in my family does this except for myself and

Viet where they like use the craziest phrases Tobe me yes everybody’s done no they like say things while they’ll be like I’m going to go drop a big load in there okay now we’re done we’re done talking about this we’re done talking this is your free gift with any

Purchase anything you want you get this to $3.99 uh $39.99 free gift um so you guys we’re going to talk about uh also we’re having you know the infusio day today hand modeling so we have so many incredible flavors these are infused olive oils blood orange basil Tuscan

Herb Meer lemon and the infused balsamics these are like a glaze they are 12 years uh Del aged black cherry vanilla fig pomegranate and white balsamic it’s a peach flavored white balsamic I have been cooking with them and using them all summer um because all this summer fruit is so goodlooking so

Um can one of you take the camera and I’m going to make you your first snack until Daddy gets here okay this is fun for me um all right so Daisy you guys both eat the gluten-free bread um but Daisy eats Dairy canelia does not sorry girl this one for the

Days this is a really good Rec cheese I’m going to put a little put a little Peach on here I’m on here for you go do both balsamic vinegar is outstanding SCE y Marino hi m our our gorgeous miss hamilwood is on how beautiful that isly Holy e I’m feeling like this wants

Vanilla fig that’s what I’m suggesting for really not a p someone said that they put the the black cherry they just ate it like jam on toast oh yeah absolutely we’re going to do some Savory I actually really don’t like plain lettuce it’s the thing I always need

Like lots of things in my salads and with these I’ll literally just eat lettuce raw nothing raw lettuce with oils so you know what we’re going to need we’re going to need you to take the camera because this it’s time for me to Chow Down okay it feels like I’m driving

A spaceship yeah okay ready yeah okay so this is the vanilla fig she’s also one of our favorites delicious and they all like they all blend like just because it’s Peach it doesn’t have to be see how just a little you can make you can make the most beautiful appetizers

And Mom they’re asking what you made can you repeat it it is um a toast point with ricotta cheese a crispy piece of pruto a beautiful summer Peach and a tiny little drizzle of vanilla fig with some fresh basil okay yum that’s the recipe to it if you’re going to say Can

You can you send us the recipe that’s that’s the recipe we love feeding yum I love eating can I do you want me to make you one with no oh you can have a toast point with no um cheese bunny they’re asking for you come

Here bun we got the bun bun you baby this is so hi buns wait which balsamic is on this vanilla hi bun bun bunny say hello say hello bunny come say hi oh hi babies okay okay back here here I come this one’s going to be less pretty because it’s chamelia

Friendly come over here yeah okay oh hey Becca how are you come show come on Camilia have you ever tried any good vegan cheeses mhm I always ask you questions with food in your mouth you can you can talk it’s okay yeah it’s okay what are the good vegan cheeses by BioLite

BioLite no there’s another one remember right now but there’s a good like American jeans this is amazing Mom sorry I didn’t didn’t no it’s so good all right I’m now going to make you guys a the salad we’re kind of crazy about peaches and Bara and all things

Like that this summer but um I made I posted one of the barata salads that I made on Suzanne’s page and on my page which is at Caroline Summers so I’m going to recreate um um I just do it a little bit differently every time this

Is wild rugula so um can I you find me a you me a My Lemon yep oh there’s one right here I have one I love my lemon I love to eat my lemon just like raw dog out the show just so good I know I know and I told

Jill Jill was I was like do we have all of the oils in there she said she said yeah we’re the lowest on the me lemon because you always s that one a lot was like I’m not going to use it today sorry just kidding okay here it comes here

Okay well you know I’m kind of dangerous with boil yeah it just it doesn’t need a lot I’m dangerous with the oils I turn mine into some good can I give me a little salt and Peppa oh I hear do you guys need daddy we’re matching let’s

See do you you want to take it there we go okay now you control the station your camera sorry I there was nowhere for me to go did I I’m going to sit up here do it okay good all right now I’m going to toss um can you gra me a little bowl

Sweetie in the bottom that that works okay I’m going to toss these peaches I’m going to make you treats too Bruce okay you’re not just here to hold the camera you need to oh I got a nice warm from Christen Carlson Bruce okay so these are some beautiful

Pitted cherries that Daisy hand pitted for me wow you know she is Z’s granddaughter you did that yourself I did damn cuz that’s the pits that’s the pits can you grab some of the peach the white balsamic this is hello that onion looks unreal yeah it actually does look

Fake okay dad money shot okay show the label too don’t look at my nails they’re famous right now nice okay this is the each balsamic vinegar tell me when I’ve never seen a balsamic that’s what a white balsamic with infused with that’s good yeah that these this can take a

Little more okay then you know again you’re mixing the sweet and the Savory and yum Yumer yumos a little PE okay well now I have S put me to work as well I’ll just put take me a second to okay perfect all right so this okay da can you grab me one of

Those little bowls right there and then te you okay I was going to display it all on that but I’m go like this for you carola Johnson 5256 hey Bruce thanks so much for well as a I’m loving it and have two friends that are very interested well thank you I’m so happy

I’m so happy that your air is clean and you’re breathing basically Nature’s air inside wow yeah okay all right my you go can I do you want some sweetheart look at this with the arugula I can do it without the arugula for you no well you’re not

Aion but if you want toest it out it’s like so good for you it’s also it’s my favorite said wasn’t you give me one piece well just try one piece just try I’m just going to do one little thing see if I like the aruga with the

Oil oh wait I forgot the bar hold on I can’t do that any Daisy gets that’s right is my favorite food on this Earth hi cuz she showed up and Bara it that was really good thank you thank you I got so excited about the oils and

Vinegar hang sorry also like so good the spicy lce I’m going to make I’m going to do this here I’m sorry I’m get of enjoy something’s loose here uh oh you did that on purpose no I didn’t guys I just want to remind you that today this is the free gift fore

With any purchase of anything that you want to purchase this comes with it $39 that anything cost $39.99 or more hey you know what um just saying Francine Ava Bruce king of witticisms I’m witty they’re not dad jokes they’re witticisms thank you wi real work now it is yeah it is version

Of being witty um you guys might notice that a couple of these bottles are a little squater it’s the exact same number of fluid ounces but we blow through them so quickly and we have this beautiful small supplier and so sometimes they have to get alternate shaped bottles but I

Didn’t want you to have to wait to get the Meer lemon I’m just going to say my one piece of Caroline’s hair looks so thick now I love it oh thank you look at it just that’s from I Love You cats 989 that’s got to be [Laughter]

The okay I love you cats I I’m guessing you have cats I love you I love you cats okay now when i e good food I I call it the happy food day yeah always especially on a Friday oh my God okay here we go wait I’m sorry this is

Who’s this wait we have a special guest hey bun with her little puppy cut hello hello hello Dad action shot this is so good I’m not I can’t even wait for the Bara oh well I’ll give you a little more over here with the bar I’ll eat that whole plate now now a

Couple it’s so funny that all it says on the box is Bata is my passion yeah it’s all of our passion so this is Bata which is you can find this at any high-end store or an Italian Market Market or Trader Joe’s it is um it’s similar to mozzarella but it has

The additional mozzarella that’s soaked in cream in oh you know who’s watching the center hamwood hamwood in the house hammerwood ready often it comes in water this one comes the just having a ball he’s Unstoppable unfortunately wow oh my God she got that slowmo shot

In there oh my God I just slowed it all on my own I know you really did J camia give me a little drizzle of the Peach on Mark f216 all he said was or she tequila yes we haven’t started they’re mind readers would you like me to make the drink

Cuz I could it’s Friday a little drizzle everywhere oh wait hold on first we got to do the money shot the peach balsamic infusio buy it today should we alternate peach or cherry I was kind of thinking Cherry because there’s already Peach on yeah there’s Peach on there let’s have a

Ball and it’s awesome oh that’s right cuz we PE on that Caroline is there any news about your cookbook are you still doing that uh it’s at the printer what it’s at the printer we’re just going to put some black Cherry B yum this one’s

So good so good is do you dip your toast in it I actually don’t but I great as a bread dip it really is I’m going to make you desserts with this nce Wymore concurs yes use the Cherry the Cherry is like your standard just incredible looks so good okay perfect beautiful Suzanne

Bower got my wellas today woohoo all right no smoke in that house okay then just put a little bit of salt on that Vera me okay dang me you want another taste of this but of course I’m putting salt on the I already all right Mark f216 says bruise KAS Amigos

Daddy today well I have to be to read all the comments and say hello to everyone that’s so sweet it’s so friendly my f no bad attitudes hello oh my gosh I have an idea what should we make a peach balsamic cocktail yes yeah go ahead and she’s

Inspired this is why we bring in the young people you’re going to want to use a I’m trying to think of the tequila what yum I’ve just decided I’m just going to be a basic ver B all of a sudden teaches and like I can’t get

Enough of it you can Grill the teach really good with the Cherry too this is awesome they’re waiting for you to say damn damn after you eat iton I’m going to make you a toast for what cuz you didn’t get to have this so okay we’re now having a a little

Argument about which tequila sh right somebody else said Dron ISX true you know it’s a good mix is the reposado that’s in there okay it’s got just a little bit of she’s using the basil olive oil I think it could be good okay go you could use any of them it really

Doesn’t matter this is good it’s unreal thank you it just like it makes it seem like I’m a good cook but it’s really like this is you can just pull together whatever you find I know it’s my brain like I need to have a dinner party there’s no for false modesty there

Caroline well no I am really good but these okay hey slow down now with the infusio products because they really kind of just all the flavor for you okay so so hold up the bottle the basil Mark the cosmos one oh okay I put in two c clothes is that enough for

Three drinks sure okay see what’s happening we have little PR yum we have does that have any balsamic on top yet it just well looks a little shiny cuz it’s got oil it’s it it’s just the P that I I’m going to do that for you Bruce let me film you okay

Okay everything looks delicious let’s see if I’m redder than Peach no perfect that would be too big of a bite for me but I worry about it with him that’s two bites for me I can’t two whoa who kind of peach and lemon go crazy I would try any of

Those holy damn holy damnn that’s amazing good yeah you guys saw me put I put that together in 30 seconds it’s really that’s it it’s just the flavor of these but when you’re when you’re mixing you like you do a little bit of the sweet and then don’t forget good salt

Don’t forget to put some good salt in mhm really like some flaky salt flaky flaky yeah that was so good oh right okay I’m just going to put here so we can keep going what else was I going to make okay well I’m making the cocktails over here

So right now we’re making four drinks so I have three cups cupfuls of theil in there shots and I’m going to do about half a shot I have no idea if this is going to taste no it’s going to be awesome of the peach balsamic should we do lemon or lime lime

I was thinking lime too I just didn’t want to say it speak up your voice I wanted you to just do your did we decide liame lime lime I like it very lime me too I’m a limey girl hi bu and you’re mushing them down first getting all the

Dees those to me Mama thank you teamwork teamk Dre teamwork and here we have our guest of honor oh that’s really cute br should we vote on who likes Bunny’s haircut wait I like Bunny’s haircut that’s sweet of you you don’t like it it’s not my favorite of her it wasn’t

Short I feel like I can see her beautiful eyes yes this is a very traditional look who wants it Italian dessert this is not cantaloup it’s what was that cute ass melon that little tiny melon guy it was it just looked so sweet look how stunning charanus okay but but they have these

Sugar melons in Italy and I don’t know if this is it it smells very ripe and delicious so we said yes to this I’m feeling like this I’m kind of I don’t know I’m kind of feeling traditional Balsam yeah I think so as well right yeah yeah cuz this is already so

Delicious sorry yeah it’s not nice to full Mother Nature okay Bruce I’m going to give you one cuz you’re here and this is your plate but I need a garnish because oh we are definitely putting mint in this drink yeah oh yeah ready traditional balsamic this is

A beautiful it’s aged 12 years it’s like a glaze so you’re just you just use these as like little finishing ready it’s just a little what more people who’s here Jeff it must be Jeff come on in food oh yeah Jeff just comes for the food wait everyone’s matching I know why

Are we all in I didn’t get the memo how are you never butt my you heard somebody said does Jeff just come for the food yeah yeah you’re part of the show thank you all right this is Jeff boyfriend Jeff you want say hi to Jeff um Bruce what you saying would you

Like a would you like a a bite of of course an appetizer smelled something from down the hill sorry Jeff is Italian well was supposed to take care of that all right everyone’s saying that they don’t blame you that they would come here for the food as well he’s like

Jeff is like the most amazing help her M you guys should move to the [Laughter] neighborhood I get to say hi a cuties she so sweet so sweet okay all right back in front of the camera okay let me do my job okay head over there monkey yeah of course I do I

Didn’t want to say it cuz I didn’t want to block anybody else’s blessings but some basil Lindo marolin said who is the new guy so here here’s a little bartender trip on mint wh and smack you just bruise it it wakes it up it releases the

Oils I say you just bruise it but you know teach his own daddy is that one of your witticisms might be okay Mom we good I’m going to sneeze thank you you think it’ll when you shake it it’ll okay Daisy this is for you sweet thank

You uhoh it’s B chaotic over here this is um pruto that is from Parma which is where my mother’s side of the family comes from POA okay do can I put the mint on it sure is that crazy yeah it look so cute I think also be yeah we’re free forming we are

Definitely free forming we’ll try anything once yeah Amy just joined the party Amy Hart hey what’s up people cooking it’s a Friday we just kind of wanted to have a party day so um Amy let me show you this is that is so good is it good this is the free gift

Today this comes with any purchase of $39.99 just for Amy or for everyone for Amy just for Amy just for Amy this is Amy’s show this is Amy this is for you there are 10 bars in here for you Amy so when you get this home give it up for Amy Hart everyone

Woohoo so now this one only has nine in it because Chamilia and Daisy ate one the beginning of the show so Amy which is why it’s free we going to send you a different box we’re going to send you one that actually has 10 so we’re giving

You Amy a bunch of ideas about what you can buy for $39.99 so that you get this as your free gift nice so we’re talking a lot about um infusio today these amazing all you missed us making this gorgeous salad yeah peaches cherries Bara we sered that on a bed Amy that’s

What happens when you show up late um Camilia is making a cocktail these are Susan and Allan’s gorgeous granddaughters my niece Daisy my daughter chamelia hello um over here bruising she’s bruising it um oh my God you’re doing such a beautiful job W one more bruise bruise one more bruise

Elizabeth cigan or yes cigan who is Amy R Amy Amy showed up to the party on Facebook so I’m sorry instagrammers but we’re making it all about Amy today okay would you people like to see this beautiful cocktail made with peach balsamic wow wow it’s like and then a

Reposado tequila and lime and aoy wow so now need a contest to come up with the name of this cocktail ah so thinking something it’s it’s a spritz it’s definitely a spritz it’s not an apparal it’s a palmarita I’m not sure I understand well she just said Parma and like it’s

Italian you know but but how do you say peach how do you say peach in Italian PES pese or just pesh uh pese is fish I think pesh pesh but someone on Insta W yeah okay so we this is a a pesh Spritz okay and mint m

M you killed it pretty good right yes does it be more lroy no no it’s so good it’s perfect wow likees you okay how you make it tell us wa you did okay we did I’m going to put half a shot glass it’s also probably like not

Terrible for youz it’s really it’s like a very good refreshing who would have thought wow oh wow even wow so what I did here wowe W bus for four drinks I put in three shots of a Reposado tequila it was actually an Nyo but that’s fine okay an

Ino tequila and then half a shot only half a shot of this probably honestly could go a little stronger on the peach I think you could too right yeah do you want on that extra little squirt in there no why not okay um and then two

Limes just squeeze two limes and half a can of lcy really and some mint yeah I mean you could also just use sparkling water there’s enough Jackie wants to see the products absolutely I have been remiss here’s an artistic shot of the oils and the bics kiding me today and here is the

Free gift and we’re opening it up it’s not just for Amy now this is now for everyone and these are all the things you can make with the products well mostly with the balsamics and the olive oils careful behind you okay now I could make make one more watermelon Setta Red

Onion something or I could move to dessert because I have two desserts for your girls well seeing as um somebody forgot to charge their phone oh you switch here with mine oh wait just switch them out that’s cool I can help you cuz actually well here give me a second second HOA dockey

Mine is probably fine right oh no chaos in the kitchen what’s going on I’m going to make dessert all right I’ll make a dessert no mine is not fine at all moreid mine has n momy’s has 19 daddy you just freak out whenever see see the

Rip but it’s fine I freak out when it’s below 90% I know I’ve been living on like 10% all day I just went on a little vacation I didn’t bring a phone charger so what wow yeah I’m kind of cool okay so I have one girl here who

Eats Dairy and one who does not so Trula Sager this has been a fun show a thank you tra it’s true I always have fun doing it’s so Trula see what I did there wonderful lovely friend who watches us okay this is coconut yogurt that I got for Chamilia because she

Doesn’t eat real Dairy Amy hard is now asking us to make some eggplant lasagna okay Amy getting a little demanding now that a long time it’s lovely that does take a long time okay so this one is for Chamilia this is the coconut yogurt and we are going to use Lori the

Drink is amazing we’re going to use the black cherry balsamic this one mine on the drink I would actually go a full shot of of um the balsamic of the balsamic yeah it’s so good yeah because it either that or add a little bit of um simple syrup you have no idea how

Good this is I’m sorry boo I’m sorry look at her face she yeah she’s lit like what did you just do are you okay okay so we’re going to put a little black cherry on the yogurt whoa who would have thought it looks like an hot fudge sundae and couple of

Cherries I left these whole because how decent that they’re whole and pitted and then oh dark chocolate wait you know what would be good with this also is if the black cherries were frozen oh yeah I’m a big fan of Frozen Okay so that’s like a bowl full of Super Foods there

Okay okay Daisy I’m going to use somebody called me cheesy yeah all right you yeah not going to say that’s wrong this is just dessert number one there’s another one after there too holy moly the yogurt is a this one is a is a full fat yum yeah

Dad you got to say on me for the reaction shot you missed it’s all about you it was all about the infusio Balsam fer that’s on here black cherry Jean Marie says you all put the fun in Dysfunctional do you like it it’s really good okay oh Judy I missed it you’re

Spot on she said I was being cheesy when I was talking about the cheese okay true yeah okay so this is fa which is wonderful but you can use any kind of Greek yogurt here is for Daisy this is the black cherry yummy you can’t and it’s great on

Ice cream like it’s crazy good yeah Chamilia looks like you Bruce that is a compliment to me that’s so sweet and she’s rolling with it chocolate SEC Daisy yes okay sorry didn’t me to scream we like it it’s so all right this is for you hone it’s like a delicious

Light summer dessert and it’s actually really good to have yogurt for dessert as well because of the probiotics yog right it’s good for digestion here I go yum m 30 seconds damn that’s very easy that is a really easy dessert wait this is so nice thank you I would have never

Thought of this does do free Marge Smith puts the black cherry on everything it’s so good yep the other one that is so good you know it doesn’t free um the other one that is so good is the pomegranate yeah pegan is so so good

Okay so I’m going to make one more and you know what else is so good all of them the vanilla fig yeah no literally all of them yeah oh and you know what else is really good she Peach no she’s okay okay you’re okay baby no she

Whimpers if she’s hurt oh no I didn’t step on her I just like bumped her a little bit by accident so I’m now going to make you a strawberry shortcake what but the Twist on it is that it’s going to have a little balsamic so I’m going

To toss the strawberries in a little bit of balsamic and it’s just going to like it’s going to do a thing so pomegranate is the one that I’m going to use on this it’s like it’s got a nice sweetness to it so instead of putting sugar on these

Berries know usually when you make strawberry shortcake you just put a little bit of sugar on it and you mate them a bit so we’re going to use a little yum yum so um Frank tery I ate ice cream almost every night till doc said I was borderline

Pre-diabetic so I switched to frozen berries I hope you had fun yeah exactly but you know what I applaud you getting there Frank okay so these what turns them like a really interesting color I want to see oh wow they almost look sauteed they look like they have a secret now yeah

Exactly it’s like o o look at like if I do that each platform gets half M okay that’s y I’m actually going to toast these biscuits cuz they’re just going to be that much better so you’re going to have to wait toast the biscuits like it’s going to take a moment but it’s

Going to taste better and I just want what are biscuits well I made some Shortcakes biscuits don’t you have homemade short cake biscuits lying around no I don’t and I I have um I have a dairy free alternative as my whip top it’s just like a coconut oh that’s right Coco

Cocoa whip you can find it it is have you never really good wait I want cocoa whip I’m making yours is getting cocoa whip Coco whip I just discovered it like a month ago from my mother it’s insane tastes like whipped cream it sounds like a pot band yeah it

Does MHM I love cocoa qu yeah okay all right all right so next time I’m going to make these phones a bit more secure for you okay you unfortunately did not come up on and um okay can you hold this I need I would be happy to I who does the dishes Jeff

Jeff the men yeah the men really do the dishes yeah everyone helps but it’s really I would say the most dishes are done by oh I can smell Summers and that looks Jeff chard okay so this is our I think you have enough with okay okay so here

Come sorry I said that a little bit of a sassy tone I it’s okay you know it’s just our thing yeah it’s kind of a sassy show mother and daughter Amy Amy Amy who is Jeff Amy it’s all about you today Amy we’re just we’re messing with with

You Amy Jeff is Violet’s boyfriend he was in here for a moment you have a bit of a snack yes he here to eat and Amy thanks for rolling with the fun okay all right that’s gorgeous okay this is for Daisy is Daisy getting a spoon or she’s getting a spoon I’m

Allergic I’m just getting you strawber I can eat some off daisies okay I’m going to get a good little bite this looks so good everyone wants to know a lot of people are asking where’s violet she they’re going they’re going away for the weekend so she’s getting ready I

Didn’t know they were going she didn’t get to be in show today wow where’s bun I don’t want to step on her where’s she to get on the couch oh okay BR you’re ready delicious bite actually might be really good with some basil toast in those strawberries yum good yeah food dance

Well this is really good these strawberries are unreal so which flavor did you put on the strawberries pomegranate I put pomegranate pomegranate W it’s kindy it’s really good like just the strawberry alone is so good mhm I would actually even oh my God yum put some basil put some basil on it delicious

This is also a great thing to serve on a salad with you guessed it that’s her new this is her new funny this is her look at look at it she she’s like Billy Goat exactly like those goats and grease we saw you heard about the goats and

Grease I’m going to turn this into a salad again dessert salad is unil funny uhuh and the salt and I’m going to serve this with Bara hold on hold on BR Summers this is coming to the camera boy this is so good damn good that was really good right so

Good okay here’s another R Daisy here’s another Christine ruer just came she just came back from Greece did you see Leer’s goats that’s that that’s my favor really good that’s the only thing I’ve ever had yum okay so here’s what happened I know what OMG is what’s IMG I think it’s OMG I

Okay oh yeah Karen just said OMG yo yeah okay so this is how you make it on a salad the strawberries with the bar and some basil and use that pomegranate and then serve it over any kind of GL damn get out it’s also shut the front

Door you can also do it on a top or with some p I’m just going to say so we can do this as well it’s like the palette is so excited right now I don’t even know to do someone named hamilwood said amazing could that be that

Also really good this is going to be like really crunchy and loud but I’m another way to eat it do it it’s not going to be great no it’s not too loud over here going to be me yeah no one else cares does anyone else have what’s

It called I want that is so good nice my turn wow wahe wahe and wah Susan I’m reading your comment which is very funny we received our wellis air today and the whole time I just kept telling my husband Bruce said and Bruce said and Bruce said and he said who’s [Laughter]

Bruceh I have a new client in Korea not a new client someone reached out to me from Korea M and his name is Bruce which is kind of funny because no but like he chose the name Bruce yeah no I I get it wouldn’t have been my first choice wait

What do you want to be called Bruno [Laughter] Bruno I’ve sort of grown to like Bruce didn’t always like it so good might have been Daddy’s I think this was yeah that was mine over there at the corner this is 10 out of 10 it is really good the most important thing

Obviously as you know is to find the best most ripe fruit that you can find so you get to if you can find a farmers’s market in your area look at these dut peaches they’re ridiculous ridonculous they are ridiculous D hold hold them up in the

Light okay but I just got to say like you’re really good at going to the farmers market and I enjoy going to farm maret but I don’t go every week and sometimes I just get like your Standard Produce every time I use the balsamic vinegar it yeah how what the [ __ ]

Shame know I’m going to get shame you need to try this you eat this that’s like the greatest Fe I’ve ever had it’s they’re so good that’s what for his birthday holy F holy F Amo wow this is UN is that a great Peach you it I have more is really

Good everywhere but this is this is how we play so anyway you this is our free gift this goes on all weekend long and it’s not just for Amy it’s for everyone yeah so if you put anything in your cart at suzan for $39.99 you get a little popup box and it

Will say would you like this free gift Amy and Amy will say yes does anyone ever say no I mean some people don’t want it I mean most people take it but um don’t say to that’s how you know you got the free gift you need to see that

Popup box because every now and then then we get a few people who missed it or you know they’ll call customer service and so you just have to accept it because you know we don’t want to bring you something that you don’t want oh will you get bunny say

Goodbye I don’t know if she’ll let me wow Judy Martinez and I met in 1982 on a student tour of Europe really yeah hi Judy wow yeah we had a fun time we were in Rome when they won the World Cup that’s so W yeah and it was

Crazy ridiculous and arugula oh of course she keeps eating feathers from the couch I just I that she a piece of her own hair no she finds everything uh oh my God it’s so good okay L mouth you guys that is our show for today weekend back on Mond great show oh you

Guys are breaking the camera look how pretty everyone is break it cheers bye now adios Chia Chow


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