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This super tasty and easy to make chocolate dessert recipe with mangoes. It will be eaten in seconds. This great cup dessert idea is perfect for parties or when you have no time to make a cake. Only few simple ingredients!

This recipe makes 4 cups x 330 ml.
12 g gelatin
50 g cocoa powder
400 ml milk
200 ml heavy cream
70 g sugar
2 ripe mangoes
20 g dark chocolate

Hello everyone and welcome to my channel “Fruit garden”! Today in this video I’m making the panna cotta creamy dessert with chocolate and mango! Soak 12 grams of gelatine in 50 ml cold water set it aside 50 grams cocoa powder 50 ml water. Mix well into the paste 400 ml milk

200 ml heavy cream 70 grams sugar cocoa paste Turn the stove on low heat dissolve sugar and cocoa powder stirring constantly add gelatin and dissolve it finely strain the mixture through a sieve so that there are no lumps left Cool it down I use 330 ml glass cups

Place it to a fridge for 1 hour I peel two large ripe mangoes Grind mangoes in a blender into a puree I’m pouring the mango layer grate some dark chocolate Decorate the dessert with dark chocolate Subscribe to my channel please! Click the like, please! and bon appetit!


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