Falafel waffles with lamb and cheese!
#food #mukbang #eating

Hey Sammy fam today we are having Falafel waffle  that is fun to say so I’ve been cleaning out my   fridge getting ready to move cuz we’re  buying a house right now I’m living in   Brooklyn New York but we’re moving all the  way up to Albany we’re closing on house so  

I got to clean up my fridge and I found in my  fridge in my freezer there’s all this Falafel   dough paste that I made either like right  before I broke my arm or right after it’s   kind of fuzzy I don’t really remember but  all I remember is that I did not feel up  

To actually cooking it so I just put it in the  freezer and forgot about it so I was like what   can I do uh and I made it into waffles and  even though the dough was like six months old it’s still freaking delicious and like  Herby and fresh and amazing way easier than  

Making flawful balls so I got all these toppings  here I have lamb that I have cooked with Harissa   seasonings it’s kind of Middle Eastern North  African flavors it’s a little bit spicy a   little bit of like red pepper going on in there  some like roasted bell pepper flavors uh garlic  

Onion other herbs and spices that make it kind  of Rosy and fresh super tasty we have here thinly shredded red onions cucumbers lightly  tossed in some rice vinegar that I   mixed with prco vinegar I have a lot  of different types of vinegars in my  

Kitchen and just a touch of salt then we  have fresh block of feta cheese and for   some added creaminess if we need we have  mayonnaise so let’s get topping I think   I’m going to start by putting some cheese  down on one of these it’s kind of mash it

In yeah and then let’s do some lamb  and then a little bit of our veggie mix here and hit that with just a squiggle squaggle of mayonnaise this looks  like art freaking delicious I hope oh my God flavor combo of the gods that is so good the lamb

The fattiness of the Lamb balances out  the slightly aggressive herbiness of the Falafel and the acidity of the vegetables  balances that out the fattiness of the Lamb   so it’s like a perfect trifecta it’s  like three different notes like cold Pho waffle super filling

Though and the creaminess of the feta cheese I  love a fresh feta feta I don’t know how to say it   it doesn’t matter you know what I mean tastes like  a fresh one be a little bit more softness than crumbliness it has that delicious  brine flavor from soaking in the

Brine and there are like varying levels of it this   one is a much kind of milder one I  think it’s a French feta which is weird but in this application I like the  milder one cuz I’m getting the acidity  

From the vegetables I’ve had much Tangier  ones what’s that one called epos epos or   something it comes little like plastic  uh tanks almost you know it’s soaked in   this very salty acidic Brine and they’re so  good it’s so Tangy really good on sandwiches  

And salads and stuff but it’s nice that  you have a variety to choose from oh my goodness it’s kind of fun cleaning out the fr   fridge seeing how creative you can  be with your limited and leftover ingredients I love these quaa waffles  I would love to make them on purpose  

Instead of just from leftovers cuz I think  if you were making them on purpose you would   change up the recipe a little bit to make it  a little bit wetter and have a little bit more um body to it a little bit more lift  to it be that from like baking soda or  

Something to make it rise up when you  put it in the waffle maker but this is   good this is delicious it’s very dense  it’s very filling I had these huge bags   of Frozen Falafel dough and I only made a few  waffles from them cuz it’s just such a a dense

Product let’s make another one it’s a  little bit Bittersweet doing this you   know it’s the sign of an end of an era  I’ve lived in this apartment since like   2015 maybe so that is a long time but  you know I just dropped some lamb on my

Crotch going from one bedroom to four stories is   a big upgrade especially when  it’s actually cheaper which is [Applause] insane m I will miss a lot of the Beautiful Morning  views that I get walking around the

City cuz a huge part of my life is every morning  I wake up at 5:00 a.m. and walk like 15 20 miles this morning I saw the Queen Mary  or the the chewy too I believe coming   in it was so cool you know right  there in front of the Statue of

Liberty but there’s always a butt moving Upstate moving to Albany has  its own things to offer like I won’t just   be surrounded by buildings all the time uh you  know a few miles away from my house I can get  

Into Nature Preserve so without a car in the  morning I’ll be able to go walk out to a a   rare ecosystem of uh Inland Pine Barons on sandy  soil with pine trees and animals and beautiful flowers maybe not in the winter but it’ll  be different and unique and it’s own kind  

Of beautiful that I will adapt to and  I’m sure I will appreciate the quiet of I am somewhat scared of the  Solitude not that I’m a people person I just straight up ignore and walk past   anybody on the street who tries to  like stop me and asking me for money

But in the city there’s a sense of like safety from there’s people around there’s eyeballs  on you you’re alone but you’re not alone it’s   like you can cry on the subway and no  one will bother you which is nice but  

If you need help you can get help but  like out in I mean I say small town   it feels like a small town but I guess  the area is technically like a million   people but you know there are sidewalks and  stuff and it’s walkable but there’s no one  

Out there when I’ve been walking around  there on visits I’m just the only person out which is kind of eerie but you know I keep my Traer on so if   anything happens to me hopefully my  wife can find me at least find my body these are so good and so

Fresh just in there like it’s butter the spice is making my nose run a little bit I am kind of annoyed right  now though we have been waiting   to close forever and everything  is good to go this is a pretty one I making a

Mess to wipe up my Crouch but we’ve been cleared  to close [Music] forever mortgage is all approved   um I have like a rate lock until next month at  6.8 so 6.875 so that’s okay you know compared   to whatever 8.5 people are at now insane  interest rates um I got my insurance set  

Up I got all the money for the down payment it’s  like transferred into a local bank and everything   everything’s ready to go and we keep asking our  lawyer like okay like we’re available when can we close and she just doesn’t get back to

Us so that’s super annoying um it’s like  give us you know give us a date next week   give us a couple days for us to get all the  utility transfer set up and book our train  

Tickets to come up and do it and we’ll do it  but she just keeps like wanting to wait till   the last minute and only wants to give us like 24  hours notice it’s like no you can’t do that is it

Like it’s just unnecessary stress it doesn’t need  to be that way I’m paying you to do a job for us but hopefully it’ll all work out um I think the next step is that our  uh what do they call the people who  

Show houses and sell them and do all the  stuff real estate agent a real estate agent who said okay this is going on too long  just make an email of like every single   party involved the bank the real estate  agents the assistants to the real estate  

Agents the lawyers the assistants to the  lawyers and it’s say like we’re ready to   go we’re just waiting on you so like kind  of put her her on blast but like politely we just want to make it happen being  in limbo waiting for it to happen is  

More stressful than actually just getting it done especially with the house sitting empty and it’s technically not  my responsibility right now but I don’t want anything to happen to  it while it’s empty that will affect the sale it’s not like interest rates are going to go  

Down if we have to cancel  and try again with another house but fingers crossed we’ll get it done quick and  you’ll guys will start seeing videos   from the new house soon I’m not really sure  how that’s going to work though the kitchen  

Needs to be redone I’m going to try to  figure out some like temporary filming solution we’re going to have no furniture  we’re throwing away a lot of stuff because   it’s all like Ikea stuff that we got  here in Brooklyn and we’re going to  

Upgrade to like real furniture and  we’ve been saving money for years   and years and years so we’re like let’s  just get knifed stuff and really go for it pieces that we’ll want to keep forever but I’m literally not going to have  

A table to sit at or a chair to sit  on until we make a lot of purchases I’ve been thinking though I might move my lights  my camera gear tripods all that kind of stuff  

Audio gear up into the attic because it does have  you know it’s not just Rafters it has board down   across it and we want to finish it eventually but  it might be a good space right now where once I  

Get a table up there or something uh I could  film you know mukbangs and ASMR food videos up there and I could maybe put my exercise bike up there be nice and cool in the  winter it’s an uninsulated

Attic and it might just be an interesting  backdrop you know uh but I would still you   know wear my GoPro and film my cooking  stuff in the kitchen and on the grill   I’m so excited to be well the backyard’s  ugly right now the backyard needs to be  

Redone there a lot of money it needs to go  into this house but um we’ll get there but   I’ll be out pack grillin with the  GoPro on too that’ll be a lot of fun I have to figure out how to light that be interesting but there’s one new project I want to

Start so you guys may know that I play cello  I I mean I still can play cello but I don’t   play it very much because I live in an apartment  building and I’m not one of those people who feels  

Comfortable annoying my neighbors so I generally  try to be pretty quiet so when we move I’m very   excited I can play My Cello I can play my bass I  can use my giant bows stereo system blast music  

And I won’t you know be annoying anyone I’ll be  just having a good time but I want to do a project   where I start using my cello to make videos for  some kind of new channel I have to come up with  

A name but with my arm I can’t play super fast  for a long time it hurts um you know cello you   hold like this and there’s your bow or you’re  plucking and this is where you’re doing all your  

Finger work your fingering so what I want to do  is I want to record you know every single [Music] note yeah why can’t I make my  brain do the like half steps   but anyway you get a Doras latio and everything in between all the way

Up record playing every note on the cello  with the bow record playing every note   on the cello with uh PL and then do  various [Music] um do various attacks   do a pianissimo attack do a like medium  and then do like a Forte or fortisimo or

Whatever and so I’ll H up just like  banks in my computer recorded on   video and in audio I’ll chop it up in every single note and then I want to go into a video  editor Premiere and like play songs with  

The chopped up video and I it sounds like a  huge pain in the butt and that it will take   forever but it also means I could play things  that I can’t actually play physically and they   would sound kind of unique and choppy but  I think that might be kind of the fun of

It I might try just to do do at least  one of those I’m assume it’ll take like   a month the hardest part will just be  recording everything and chopping it up   and an organized fashion into all the notes and  labeling it and the file management of it all

Um making the songs will be tricky and timec  consuming but at least it’ll be fun and when   I find a task is fun I can actually like devote  myself into it and dive into it a lot more when  

I was a kid and you know I didn’t have to worry  about making money money I didn’t have to worry   about anything you know I was lucky the school  was easy and I just did my trollers and I had  

No other responsibilities I would spend hours and  hours and hours and hours and stay up all night   like doing things in Photoshop and doing things  with video editors and just messing around and   making projects for no reason there wasn’t even  YouTube there’s nowhere to post it it’s just for

Me so I want to capture some  of that magic again oh so good so filling though oh my God but there’s a lot to look forward to  a lot to do and I’ll be keeping you guys   up on everything happening and showing you  a new house and projects we’re working on  

And new foods we’re making and trying  and there’ll be lots of restaurants to try once we get a car um I’ll  probably mount a camera in the car and start doing some like  local uh food reviews of stuff   that might be too far for me to  walk to or get delivered and do  

That in the car so that would be fun  something new what is making me so [Music] gassy I’m excited once we get  over the hump of actually buying and   moving and everything will be it won’t  be easy but it’ll be exciting and I’ll  

Be away from people fighting all  the time in the apartment next door so thank you guys for watching I think  the farts are a sign that I need to um go potty and I want to build one of these and take  it to my wife who’s working in the other room

So she can give it a try love you all see you soon


  1. It's like I'm growing with you because I've been watching you since your first fried chicken video (I think it was your first; it's the one where you also had a waffle and raw honeycomb). Anyways, I'm so glad to see you reaching such an achievement like getting a house. I tip my hat to you with respect and wish you well on this new chapter your of life. #sammiefamforever

  2. i am new subscriber maybe join at 2020/2021, just glad to see everything made up to be something great, nice sammie so nice, all support here for you

  3. I was thinking about you and wondering where you were!!! Congratulations on your new home, how exciting! I am glad to see you, hug and kiss Miso for me, hope you and your wife are doing well, NomNomSammieBoy!!!

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