Episode 4 of Mediterranean Diet is healthy & hearty creamy orzo pasta that takes only 20 minutes to make

Okay we’re back it’s episode 4 Mediterranean diet this is starting to get exciting and today’s dish is creamy orzo pasta this entire dish only takes about 20 minutes to make we start by frying some chopped garlic in extra virgin olive oil going to throw in some crushed

Tomatoes we’re going to let that cook for a little bit okay now we add the orzo pasta oh look at those little Beauties and some chicken stock let that cook down 10 minutes some Greek yogurt I bet nobody saw this one coming oh yeah let’s get the parsley in

There and a good amount of parmesano reano mix it all up nice okay it’s ready it’s delicious salute from I Love It yeah


  1. While the recipe ingredients look delightful, I have never seen orzo pasta that looks like that. Looks like the finest angel hair pasta broken up into tiny pieces.

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