Hey y’all!

It was a family reunion in my kitchen this week, as my brother Bubba joined me to make caramel apples dipped in my line of B.Lloyd’s Nuts. Bubba will always be my favorite nut, though!

We used Granny Smith apples, Pecans, caramels, semi-sweet chocolate chips and white chocolate chips to make this most heavenly treat. The moment they were ready, Bubba just dug right into his, making a mess like he always does! That’s my brother for ya! Some things never change, and I wouldn’t want them to.

Love and Best Dishes,


Hey y’all I’m so glad that you popped in on me cuz you’re not gonna believe what today’s challenge is y’all it’s a nut challenge and I got my favorite nut with me my brother Bubba y’all he is a nut these are my line of nuts y’all it’s B

Lloyd’s nuts did it but they come in all different varieties of nuts and this is so good we’re gonna put them on caramel apples that’s curl yes they’re called outrageous caramel apples you we little bit because it’s kind of thin right now okay every damn uh-huh this is making an

Almond roasted pecan and almond pieces do you know Bubba I’m thrilled to say that these are in over 7,000 grocery stores across the country is deflectors cool just a little bit good now we’re not gonna cover the whole Apple okay we’re just gonna cover part of it Oh

Right now I’m gonna roll this in the nuts bubbles Lauren and Jordan are gonna love get me the France thing about these athletes y’all is where it keeps the demons in business these are gorgeous yeah pop them in the fridge so in five minutes y’all we’re gonna take our

Apples back out and we’re gonna drizzle them with this decadent decadent chocolate all right so Bobby it’s been about five minutes and of course caramel once you get that caramel it could get cool it doesn’t take for a meeting so if you want to get out our chocolates ready now

Added a little old to this show because it was so thickened I want it to be able to run off of our four bone-dry apples look at these beautiful apples That’s the base so there we go y’all outrageous caramel apples so let me hear from y’all I want to see what you’re gonna do with all these nuts rather than us alright well here you eat this one take that look how beautiful and how really here I think it’s gonna

Be messy too quick yeah that’s why I was just gonna cut us off up these I’m just gonna cut me off of these that beautiful Apple that’s what good another didn’t get no Apple yeah You


  1. Paula every Christmas I make your chocolate butter gooey cookies. I have to otherwise my kids won't talk to me. I was really surprised when you didn't make the Caramell from scratch. Also, I will definitely not take your advice on covering only half the apple with the Caramell… Because my kids would kill me LOL still love you Paula, you're one of my very favorite cooks❤️☺️😉💯

  2. Paula makes cooking fun. She was crucified for being honest.  we are quick to throw people under the bus. we are becoming an unforgiving and merciless nation. Lord help us.

  3. A favorite memory from childhood, caramel apples are still a favorite of mine to this day. I love making them for the kids so I can have one too. ⚡️💖⚡️

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