Una ricetta che ti mette allegria. 10′ minuti di ingredienti e risate …
Che pasta ci metto ?
Bucatino il meglio.
Spaghetto ? Nooooooo
Liguine mmmmhhhhh … così così.
ma basta che sia la mia ricetta e poi puoi metterci quello che vuoi, tanto viene comunque bene.

Ingredienti per due porzioni:
250gr di pasta (Bucatini, linguine, spaghetti)
200gr di vongole veraci o lupini
200gr di cozze grandi e pulite (gettare acqua)
6 pomodorini (3 pomodorini a persona)
2 agli interi
Limone ITALIANO NON trattato
Foglie di basilico fresco
Olio evo
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[Music] Good morning friends then Today I came in with an element that looks good almost everywhere Why Why Why clearly as you can see I went to the dietician who told me that I basically have to dissect my foods a bit so today I was undecided about what

I Magno carbohydrates proteins fruit vegetables Cheese I didn’t know what to do so today I’m going to do a little bit of a bit of a bit of a bit and a bit so what will I prepare for you Today you have no idea what I’ll prepare for you

A first course takes a few minutes Very tasty very tasty and there will be a bit a bit a bit a bit In short a little bit of everything I don’t know if you have understood Let’s proceed for 5 minutes and

Throw ourselves on the stove Have a good day everyone Have a good day then let’s resume our discussion for a moment and I will present to you my splendid recipe for today’s four elements So I went to the

Fish shop and how does the lady who sells all the sea delicacies see me eh m Drop everything that is there so I then try to put everything together and churn out some recipes that sell like hotcakes So for this recipe that I clearly haven’t told you yet, um bucatini

With mussels, clams and pecorino cheese, you’ve never eaten it but you don’t know what you’re missing But now I’ll explain how to make it excellent So then the lady will clearly serve you some clams, some real lupine clams, take the ones you want but I recommend you try to purge them

Eh eh So ask them if they are already purged you have to keep them if you have to do this purging you have to put them in water and a little salt otherwise the La Vongola

Should be rinsed all over because it is already small if we wash it all and it practically doesn’t taste like anything anymore so I advise you to take clams that have already been treated already cleaned already filtered

Otherwise later when you put them in the oil throw them away all because it is full of sa This is an element now let’s go and see how to cook them then I will do something for two two people so at

That point then you multiply everything you need then you will need some mussels clearly you will need I know about ten one fortnight the lady saw me and gave me 8 kg of mussels but since I’m like that I eat them so but you don’t need all these mussels which I

‘ll show you you will only need a few then in my recipe I recommend three cherry tomatoes three no more per person So take three cherry tomatoes because then it tastes all like tomatoes and no longer tastes

Like clams so what do we do without a lot but it serves to give a whole lot of flavor and chillies and to the What do I say to do the let’s not add pepper, we’ll need to add the zest, eh And then some

Pecorino, pecorino mi and Eh, the pecorino should simply be grated on top at the end of all this because if you put it in first the pecorino will turn into a mussel so the dish will end up entirely

With pecorino and then in the end you eat I don’t know what kind of pecorino I recommend but I’ll tell you in the recipe later to grate it Before bringing it to the table Everyone or everyone

Grates it themselves or you have it grated and then everyone puts it on top In short do as you like but we won’t put it on first After that So here is a terrible dilemma we would need

Some bucatini But no bucatini, no bucatini I get dirty My shirt gets that dirty So with this recipe we would need bucatini Why bucatini because La Cozz the clam must not be inserted in the middle of the spaghetti which then you pull up the spaghetti and inside there are two

Mussels and two clams that you won’t even notice. The Mussel and the Clam must act as a side dish to the flavors that you are going to prepare which must it’s there and say Oh I’m a mussel Please give me

Your attention If instead the torcinato in the middle of the buc of All the spaghetti whatever you want you lose it and you don’t even see it the eye wants its part so even seeing the cozza means

Giving it attention and therefore your brain takes it Ok that’s enough In short the gist of the discussion was we would like bucatini if ​​you have bucatini you have bucatini and you will Rim magnate with bucatini

Sen no I would recommend some linguine linguine linguine is a a little better D the spaghetti because it incorporates less mussels and clams. Then add the pasta that you think is also tortiglione let’s go and see the elements to do first we have to go and cook the clams and

The mussels eh let’s do the mussels first and then the clams Why Because the mussels are dirty I can’t tell you she said she would clean them for me la la my drug dealer of fish and therefore the mussels are dirty

So when someone says to me Ah I Magno the water of the mussels water of the mussels is not magnate I’ll tell you the water of The mussels are bred bred attached in the middle of things that pass

Mose So when you open the mussel from La Cozza you practically eat up all this slime you have to wash the mussels well then cook them and throw away the water not even filtered

You just throw it in you only like the mussel But you have to cook it I recommend the clams instead no we can cook the clams directly in the pan with boiling oil but as long as they have been

Purged Ok please remember So in a pan we put our mussels with half a glass of water and a little ol of squeezed lemon we put a cover and put them to cook for at least 78 10 minutes Just let them open. Please don’t cook them but don’t let them

Cook too much. Let’s see later instead in another pan we’ll try to open our clams directly in the boiling oil. Clearly we’ve put brown our garlic, be careful, there will be no need to blend it with white wine. If you want,

You can blend it after you have put in the clams, otherwise you can also not add it because if you don’t like it, a bit of a wine flavor remains white if it is not absorbed well it becomes a problem when our our Wings have gained value we put our clams and let

[Applause] open the clams They are opening and we remove the garlic when the clams are cooked we remove them and put them aside and we put the cherry tomatoes. Why don’t we put the cherry tomatoes together

With the clams? Because otherwise the cherry tomatoes will cool down in the oil and therefore the clam will cook badly. We have thrown out all our clams which we put aside and in the meantime the cherry tomatoes are

Cooking. Let’s cover them so we have a light sauce but the tomato itself doesn’t get mushy all over the mussels They’re opening in a bit I’ll peel the mussels as many mussels as I’ve seen in my life Here’s a top quality mussel So the mussels are ready Here they are they’ve opened

Now we let them rest and after that we should clean them we will have to take them because we need them whole but put aside without the shell which is as I was saying before it is quite

Dirty as you have seen I have not added salt yet because the clams and mussels are already salty so it is assumed that they are already tasty enough, try it if you need it, add a little bit of

Salt So here all that’s left is we removed the clams and they are on the side we removed the mussels and they are on the side we removed the cherry tomatoes and they are on the side because Because when will we put the pasta

To review if we stir everything we stir and the mussels get mushy the things the cherry tomatoes everything breaks and we don’t make a good impression so I invite you to remove everything just put some mussels to give them a little flavor inside our oil let’s put the

Pasta let’s wait for our classics 7 8 10 minutes I recommend the pasta must be dense because we have to re-cook it so leave it at least 2-3 minutes before it is cooked because we have to

Re-cook it in here while the pasta is cooking and let it resume a a little bit of oil with the smells of clams and mussels in it. Well, when it has recovered, we pass the pasta and mix it. I recommend the pasta al dente because we have to mix it so then it

Also releases at least that cream that we like so much and then we we put back everything that we removed before, we drain the pasta directly into our broth and let it sauté, we finish cooking, possibly adding some pasta water, we drain our

Linguine But if you have bucatini, do with what you have best in the house and mix everything until you finish cooking the pasta directly in the pot in the pot I’ll show you again There are only a few clams and a few

Cocca Most of everything I removed and then put them back in a little while when we are towards the end we almost threw back in all our contents that we had put aside so our our tomatoes our mussels that we had cleaned and put set aside a drizzle of olive oil to finish

And at this point we’re going to plate up we’re done Here’s our beautiful dish of course Barbieri was shouting at me because it’s definitely not plated as they would like at this point AA at this point the most important factor comes into play which we forgot in the meantime a

Little scratching some lemon zest on top Now only at this point guys not before otherwise later yes Amma crazy as Barbieri says a gratia of this and only now our pecorino romano if you have it if not Abruzzo Milanese Norwegian no Norwegian

No but pecorino as if it were raining on top of our Bucatino spaghetti linguine whatever you like Mamma mia To conclude a few basil leaves [Music] Of course now here we are at the restaurant then at your house am Give me this dish but what

C brings to us as long as we eat But good I recommend that this is our dish of bucatini, linguini whatever you like with cherry tomatoes, mussels and clams I put some clams on top after I freed them so I cleaned them but some

To show that there are st St clams there ‘ I had masses So gentlemen I was joking but I hope you liked the recipe I invite you to try it Here it is, it’s beautiful, very fragrant

With the exaltation of flavors from the sea to the earth, cherry tomatoes and basil After that there’s also the cheese, the pecorino and the lemon guys it’s a triumph of Flavors Please do it because you won’t find any others Please don’t use ostr lard How do they make this one because it’s

Genuine it’s made with the flavors that go in Have a good day everyone and come back to visit me Oh I forgot put a like subscribe do something otherwise there is no Trip for I recommend you eh [Music] come back [Music] K


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