How to make an awesome GREEK POTATO SALAD, very nutritious, the combination of vegetables and the crunchiness of the potatoes is extraordinary, and the flavor surprises everyone / Como fazer uma incrivel SALADA GREGA DE BATATA, muito nutritiva, a combinacao das verduras e a crocancia da batata é extraordinaria, e o sabor surpreende a todos

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800 g de batata
azeite, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
3/4 de xicara de iogurte natural
1/2 de maionese
2 colheres de cha de mostarda dijon
Suco de 1/2 limao
4 dentes de alho amassados
Sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
1/4 de xicara de endro picado
1/4 de xicara de salsinha picada
1 pepino medio picado
1/2 cebola roxa picada
1 shallot picado
2 talos de aipo picado

Descascar, picar e cozinhar as batatas
Colocar numa assadeira
Amassar um pouco com o copo para obter crocancia
Temperar com azeite, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
Assar a forno pre-aquecido a 200ºC / 395ºF ate ficar dourada
Retirando do forno, separar em pedacos a batata e deixar esfriar
Numa tugela colocar o iogurte natural, a maionese, a mostarda dijon, o suco de limao, o alho amassado, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto, o endro picado, a salsinha picada, o pepino picado, a cebola roxa picada, o shallot picado, o aipo picado e misturar tudo muito bem
Adicionar a batata e mexer bem
Transferir para uma travessa e servir




TIKTOK Talento Saboroso @elizabethaaron27


Welcome to TALENTO SABOROSO, the channel where everyone can cook a salad that is great for any occasion, today the recipe is GREEK POTATO SALAD, super nutritious and the combination of vegetables with the crunch of potatoes is extraordinary and you will be surprised with the flavor

Peel, cook and chop 800 g of potatoes and place on a baking tray, knead a little with the glass to obtain crunchiness, season with olive oil to taste, salt to taste, black pepper to taste and bake in a preheated oven at 200ºC / 395ºF until golden, remove from the oven

Separate the potato into pieces and let it cool in a bowl, add 3/4 cups of natural yogurt 1/2 cup of mayonnaise 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard juice of half a lemon 4 crushed garlic cloves Salt and Black pepper to taste 1/4 cup chopped dill 1/4 cup chopped parsley 1 chopped medium cucumber

1/2 chopped red onion 1 chopped shallot 2 chopped celery stalks and mix everything well add the potatoes and mix well transfer to a platter and this is the GREEK POTATO SALAD,

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