Fatteh Hummus is a traditional Levantine dish that consists of layers of ingredients such as crispy pita bread, creamy hummus, yogurt, chickpeas, and various toppings, all assembled in a bowl or on a platter. This dish is popular in countries like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, with variations in its preparation across the region.

The preparation typically involves:

1. Crispy Pita Bread: Pita bread is toasted or fried until it becomes crispy and golden. It’s then broken into smaller pieces to form a base for the dish.

2. Hummus: A layer of smooth and creamy hummus is spread over the crispy pita. Hummus, made primarily from mashed chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic, adds a rich, savory flavor.

3. Yogurt Sauce: A layer of tangy yogurt sauce is added on top of the hummus. The yogurt is often mixed with garlic and sometimes tahini to add depth and creaminess to the dish.

4. Chickpeas: Cooked chickpeas are often part of the layers, providing texture and protein to the dish. They can be flavored with various spices like cumin, paprika, or sumac.

5. Toppings: Fatteh hummus is garnished with a variety of toppings, which can include chopped fresh parsley, pine nuts, toasted almonds, pomegranate seeds, and a drizzle of olive oil. The choice of toppings can vary based on personal preferences or regional variations.

The beauty of fatteh hummus lies in the layering of textures and flavors, creating a harmonious combination of crispy, creamy, tangy, and nutty elements. It’s often served as a warm or room temperature dish, perfect for a comforting meal or as part of a spread during family gatherings or celebrations. This dish is not only delicious but also a fantastic way to enjoy the flavors of the Middle East in a single, satisfying dish.

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