#okra #friedokra #kurkuribhindi #bhindi #بھنڈی Crispy Fried okra or kurkuri bhindi recipe. کرکری بھنڈی.
is perfect snack side dish or starter. preparation time for this crispy fried okra is 25 min that includes cutting and marination
yLTktppcooking time is 10min. This quick healthy and tasty is popular and easy to cook. Kids how don’t eat vegetables definitely love This kurkuri bhindi recipe.
Ingredients are simple that includes
okra or bhindi 1/2 kg
red chilli powder 1tsp
paprika powder 1/2tsp
turmeric powder 1/2tsp
cumin powder 1/2 tsp
mango powder 1/4 tsp
salt 1tsp
lemon juice 1tbsp
gram flour 1/2 cup
Rice flour 1/2
oil for frying

لال مرچ پاؤڈر 1 چائے کا چمچ
پیپریکا پاؤڈر 1/2 چائے کا چمچ
ٹرمریک پاؤڈر 1/2 چائے کا چمچ
آم کا پاؤڈر 1/4 چائے کا چمچ
زیرہ پاؤڈر 1/2 چائے کا چمچ

fried okra recipe
Okra fried recipe
bhindi fry recipe
how to make fried okrahow to fry okra
how to cook okra
southern fried okra
okra recipes
fried okra with flour
deep fried okra
easy fried okra
old fashioned fried okra
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how to make fried okra from scratch
okra recipes home cooking
fried okra recipes
how to make fried okra with fresh okra

Asam alikum welcome to home tment today I’m sharing the recipe of kururi bindii or crispy fried okra for this recipe I’m taking half kg of okra bright green color without any stains washed for twice washed thoroughly and dried now let’s see how it will be cut for this

Kurkuri bindii we will cut its head and tail and then cut from the middle remove its seeds and then we will cut it lengthwise now I have cut all the vindy and removed their seeds now it’s time to marinate these vindy I taking 1 teaspoon red chili powder paprika powder half teaspoon turmeric

Powder half teaspoon mango powder 1/4 teaspoon and cumin powder half teaspoon add all the spices and mix thoroughly I’m not using the salt at first because it will release its water and all the spices will not get into these ocra pieces first I’m going to mix it with

Spices without salt and then we will add 1 teaspoon of salt salt make it a bit sticky then add 1 tbsp of lemon juice which will cut its stickiness and it will not get stick with each other now mix this salt and lemon juice with all the okra

Pieces and let it rest for 10 minutes now it’s time to make them a little bit kururi add half cup of ground flour and add half cup of uh rice flour rice flour make it more crispy mix them thoroughly so all the okas get coated completely after coating this uh ground

Flour and rice flour do not rest because it will get sticky and will not separate from each other while cooking let the oil heat in the meantime so that while mix mixing oil would get hot enough and it will immediately transfer to the hot oil now let’s pour all the bindes into hot

Oil look at them they have started cooking the flame should be medium to high it will take only 10 minutes to cook all the bindes keep changing the sides so that all the sides will cook and after 10 minutes when the color changes to light brown and they look cooked remove them

From the oil and place them into serving dish look all the crispy Bindy are ready to serve serve them hot delicious okra are ready thanks for watching subscribe the channel


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