Quickly popcorn recipe at home. very testy and yamm popcorn homemade hot crispy popcorn recipe.

Hello my dear viewers welcome again to my channel and today I want to share with you very hot and crispy popcorn recipe and for this I need one fry pan you can see my flame is high and I need a little bit oil it doesn’t matter which one oil you have in

Your home you can use also butter and ghee I Ed today this oil this is flower oils sunflower oil you can also use to I have this corn this orange color corn is better for the popcorn and I have little bit salt I’m getting my my oil is a little bit hot like 80% and then I want to in put the uh poer Inside you have a movie night and you have no popcorn at home so this recipe is for you you can watch till end because this is a very easy day you have many many popcorn in your home for your children for your family and you can see

I want to zoom my video I I am waiting for a baby little one baby popcorn and just little bit weding so now now you can see the small one baby popcorn and then I want to cover my this fry Pan so now now you can see the little little one with baby baby popcorn and now I want to cover my this fry pan so like this and I am just letting 2 minute and then I have so many popcorn this is smelling and this music this song I love This oh look Here So this is the finished look and my popcorn is ready in just a 3 minute and today I want to enjoy a moving out with my children so guys if you are new in my channel so please subscribe my channel and share my this video with your your family and

Friends I hope you like my video so if you have a question so comment me in my comment box I am 100% answer you and I want to say now bye-bye take care and don’t forget to watch my next video so Bye-bye A Oh


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