Moroccan food Tajin Kufta TGN Thai TV PART 1

E Good Start gr I’m not a chef but I sure I’m a good and it’s nice thank you for coming to our show what are you doing in Thailand now I Import and Export business Import and Export it’s through the internet right uh yeah internet and also with factories and direct customers direct customers so

If they wanted to see what you’re what they’re doing what website do they go to yeah I can uh I can provide the website so okay well how is how would you describe Moroccan food um Moroccan food is a very old typical is a spicy food normally the spicy food but

We have also some sweet dishes a few one so I can say Moroccan food is different than Asian than uh is it similar to anything Egyptian or anything or little North African or maybe the French and Italian Kitchen is based on on Moroccan sauce to make a tomatoes to make the

Sauce for the spaghetti and that’s what I’m going to make today I told you we is it okay you don’t have a the Tajin no in Thailand yeah I didn’t find it’s hard to find but is it okay that we can make it we can make without Tajin yeah yeah yeah of

Course maybe can can you can you tell us why Tajin what’s special about Tajin Tajin because made made from soil and it’s like a clay yeah and when when you cook it especially with charal the chal so the heat it goes too slow yeah and make everything

Concentrated there is no water left in the end of the flavor doesn’t disappear either yeah or everything still why is the shape has to be like that it’s like like a Chinese hat yeah I think just traditional uh way how to make because we never used before the

Aluminium and the stuff for cooking you know everything from soil even for water so so actually the tajine um I when in Morocco they normally you can actually ask you actually jump drop it off at the the bath and they and they cook it for you right all you must say Tajin which

One Tajin fish or this one Kua it means me beef beef or maybe chicken with green olives and yellow lemon that is my favorite the preserved lemons yeah they have a lot of I do at home also but you make it at home it’s not old enough only two months

You know oh how old does it have to be your the lemon maybe years yeah years I tried to do it before but it got moldy no you you need to know how to do it you have to teach me she not cleaning out to to teach me it got moldy after a

Couple I can first it tastes fine first second month but after 3 four months it starts getting moldy did you make any oil in the beginning no you for for C car group How do you want this cut yeah how do you want dice or slice this uh small pieces okay cubed small pieces and what else they can do you start the oil here you turn on this how how high do you want very very low very low yeah very low

How small is this small enough yeah yeah it’s like the the pan takes a while to heat up cuz it’s a iron very lo you so I small spoon small spoon yeah okay you want a bigger one oh it’s okay okay like this salt with the oil just little bit not too

Much the onion oh long for [Laughter] long Why do you put the salt with the with the oil this is our our tradition always because we believe when when you don’t make the salt first then the ghost eat from your food you know oh so uh Tomatoes what you cut big small TR [Laughter]

So okay this one I will make it like balls mixing bowl is that enough beef for you we have more beef if you want yeah zero okay yes yes okay so here I’m going to add black paper this big yeah or bigger no it’s like this like this yeah turmeric turmeric uh

Come are there any spices in Morocco that’s hard to find in Thailand yeah most of it most it’s hard to find so the spices are different from Indian spices too only this we use from India theic yeah last 1,000 years I think yeah paprika paprika I think mostly Morocco the tea

Is very famous one very famous tea Min tea the yeah they they pour it from a long from a a lot of sugar very sweet right is it very sweet a lot of sugar I didn’t notice that when you have the like the tea ceremony in Morocco when

You eat in Morocco they actually have the sugar like a block of sugar really and they and they have to give you a lot of sugar if it’s like you know I love like a good host I I never knew that I a good host will give you

Okay enough or you want more Tomatoes more maybe one more yeah okay so make it just small balls like this now we we can off the oil the Heat So mostly the average size of the kopka is this big or it depends on each recipe different do they make it out of lamb also Lamb with lamb mostly beef beef lamb is another recipe again is tasty one you know very good huh you want these Cho parley or yeah chop which

Which parley the the nor we use this one that’s one we never use that’s European huh European with beef steti [Laughter] why are we helping you I said it turns our hands yellow because the turmeric the hands get yellow why they didn’t want to get their hands dirty CU why you watching it we’re not helping look okay you want garlic yeah the garlic can make six or

Seven chop and chopped Cho yeah I lower a medium medium yeah okay so we start putting the Ralls in the into the oil Hey Look

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