#pizzalover #pizza #shorts #wild #dish #cookingoutdoors #cooking #pizzadough #food

Hey Pizza Lovers welcome to flavor packed Adventure today we are going to cook something special a rustic tandor Pizza get ready for a giant and incredible tasty Masa piece we’ll get our chicken marinated with herbs and spices and Grilling it underground it all begins with the freshest ingredients

That will bring our pizza to life while our chicken is getting ready we’ll cut our veggies like bell peppers and black olives now let’s Dive Into the Heart of the matter our giant canvas for the flavor the dough we’ll put handmade pizza sauce cheese shredded chicken

Veggies and slam on pizza dough in goes our Giant Pizza the Heat and Flame will work your magic and there you have it a giant flavorful master piece fresh out of tandur this isn’t just a pizza it’s a celebration of culinary creativity if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to

Like subscribe and hit that notification Bell for more delicious recipes until next time happy cooking super


  1. Все гармонично – ландшафт, природа, искусство мастера, счастливые дети ! Супер 👍❤️

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