The rolling motion of an ocean wave is akin to flipping an egg.

Additional Recommendations:

“Egg Whites should always be fully set, never runny,”

“Always, take into consideration residual heat and carry over cooking. The egg will continue to cook long after you’ve turned off the stove and plated the dish.”

On Fried Egg Doneness:

Over easy eggs (aka, over light): no browning on egg whites / runny yolk

Over medium eggs: browning egg whites / runny yolk

Over medium/well eggs: browning egg whites / jelly consistency yolk

Over hard: eggs should have browning egg whites / fully set egg yolk

* This Episode is dedicated in loving memory of, Chef Jun Lilly. *


So over the next 60 seconds you’ll learn a secret and with a little practice in muscle memory you’ll be an egg flipping Okay you want to heat the pan to a medium low setting the key is is to keep it medium low okay so with that in mind add your butter your fat your olive oil whatever you’d like to use make sure it’s not sizzling you just want it to turn into a

Fluid and coat the bottom of your pan All right time to add the egg we’re using a chicken egg here but you could use a duck goose alligator or dinosaur egg i don’t know doesn’t matter get it in the pan the key is is to make sure it’s at a medium low heat stay in control of the heat remember

That cooking eggs is about finesse and about staying in control of your fire so looking at the egg whites which are always fully cooked whether you’re doing them overeasy or poaching them soft start to see how they coalesce and look for it up to the yolk to take place yep looking good

Okay so here’s a secret take a look at these waves uh what you see is rolling action and this is exactly what you’re gonna do in the pan in slow motion you see the the rolling of the egg taking the natural curvature of the pan

Over now this is the side that you want to season with something coarse and sharp like salt or pepper because if you do it on the first side it’ll equal a broken yolk when you flip it over so a big jump in the pan like this will equal splattered yolks

Always let the egg dynamics follow the curvature of the pan


  1. I saw a documentary about how an egg is formed inside a chicken. If vegans want people to stop eating eggs, watch the video about how an egg is made, and you'll never eat one again.

  2. I've been working at a restaurant that primarily serves breakfast for about 4 months now, and I STILL haven't gotten the trick yet. If anything I've gotten worse because of my anxiety over previous failed attempts. I always either fold the egg or I flip it too hard and it breaks.

  3. Fried eggs should NEVER be flipped. It is simply a disgusting habit. They should be fried on one side only, the yolk should remain soft and yellow, and the whites should have a crispy brown edge. I also want my eggs fried in lard … never butter. You flip my eggs, I will throw them at you!

  4. I don't "flip" my eggs. Instead, I cover them and let the top steam. Alternatively, I do what my mother did and cook sausage or bacon first, keeping the grease. I then introduce the egg(s) and use the spatula to splash the hot grease over the top of the eggs, cooking it.

  5. To gain the "rolling motion" practice, practice flipping a piece of bread. Once you've gained the "muscle memory", the egg will be a piece of cake.

  6. Ok, so firstly, there is no such word "coalesque" – it's "coalesce".

    Secondly, you don't ever lift your pan off the heat like that and then put back down to continue when cooking eggs like this,

    Thirdly, don't ever "tilt and sway your pan" after cracking your eggs in, you get an uneven cook for that egg.

    The egg you see before the flip technique is most definitely not the same egg you see in the next segment.

    And finally, nobody in their right mind does that egg flip thing – it's a very american thing they call "over easy" or something.

    Never ever ever ever ever ever flip over a friend egg.

    If you want your egg to end up like he has, poach the bloody thing.

  7. That seasoning egg after the flip might be the reason I can’t flip without breaking the yolk 🤯gonna try this tomorrow morning

  8. 😂😂 Never flip eggs top chiefs never do it you just spoon a tiny bit hot oil on top perfect sun side eggs ❤

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