Caprese Salad with Huge Spanish Tomatoes

After a trip to my local outdoor market, I have decided to make a simple Caprese salad with huge heirlooms and negro tomatoes topped with soft Burrata cheese olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Hey guys welcome back to cooking with Natty today we’re doing something a little bit different I want to take you to one of my favorite towns they have a fresh produce market here that is like no other so come on let’s go have a look Together Time to get home and make my capry salad how good does that look as you can see from my intro video I went to the markets on the weekend and found some absolutely gorgeous hairing tomatoes and these are just I have never seen tomatoes this big in my life until I

Came to Spain and they are absolutely gorgeous and has inspired me to make a very special dish today since it’s nice and sunny so let’s cut our tomatoes for our Capri salad going to cut off the ugly parts of the Head LLY and I want it quite thick I want them to be kind of like tomato steaks love my tomatoes which is why I’m cutting them quite large but feel free to cut them smaller for yourself my goodness so this is one of the simplest

Salads to do the key here is to have a fresh produce so it’s nice and tasty and it’s just beautiful with the flavor let’s play it up now because of the size of the tomatoes I’ll probably go for two pieces of bzel and then two pieces of bzel just alternate the colors

So pretty already oh amazing we’ll pop this bad boy in there all righty so what I have here is some lovely B and I just love the way it bursts onto everything just be very gentle how good does that look next I want to go in with a little bit of salt

Fantastic it’s amazing how salt brings out this Sweetness in our tomatoes now we’re going for a little bit of olive oil just and I like to add a little bit of balsamic vinegar as well on a beautiful Mediterranean Daye like today you just need to eat it outside

See you on the next one

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