How to make a perfect whipped cream at home for frosting and cake baking. Super Stable Whipped Cream Frosting for Hot Weather is here:

If you want even more details to check out the video here –

An important tip to note is: use pasteurized egg whites.

The process of making a whipping cream is simple and anyone can make it home.

Ingredients of Homemade Whipped Cream Using Egg White

Pasteurized egg whites – 2
Sugar – 200 gms
Vanilla essence – 1 tsp
Lemon juice – 1tsp
Food color – 2 drops

Full Recipe:

Whip Cream Pasteurized Egg White Beat It Sugar Add Gradually Vanilla Essence Lemon Juice Food Color Whip Cream is Ready


  1. We have to start with slow and later move to fast am I ri8?

    And after whipping can we kept this in refrigator to set properly.

  2. I did it with semiautomatic beater but I couldn't make the cream ~ can you please help me with the perfect proportions!!!

  3. Don't try, I tried it and they turned out so smelly, they were reeking of eggs, really horrible smell, my kitchen full of it.

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