Chef Jason, owner of Encontro, North Park in San Diego cooks up a halibut dish for us. Everyone should enjoy a meal here.

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This week in the galley we’re in San Diego at ENC contro restaurant North Park standing next to me is Jason Aid angler and restaurant owner nice enough to divide us down here in San Diego and cook up a dish for us and what do you

Have in store for us today J so we’re going to do some local halet um and we’re going to do it a you know sort of a traditional uh risotto spinach risotto and uh the thing about the halet you don’t need to cook it too much okay

Don’t try try not to overcook it um and uh so we’re going to put a little salt and pepper on it in this we have a spinach risotto here so what we did was we uh cooked risotto it takes about 20 minutes to properly cook risotto and we’re just

Going to finish it in the pan and there’s the hit cooking but how long do we have to cook this fish okay so I like to cook fish 3/4 on one side and just flip it real quick so I would say about 2 minutes on one side and then flip it

Um for a minute or so and then uh while the fish is cooking we’ll we’ll start the plating the you can tell the fish is is getting close uh it turns from translucent to more of an opaque so right now it’s it’s a lighter white

You’ll start to see it um turn it like more of a solid white if that makes sense okay so we have two different sauces we’re going to make this pretty simple um you can do this at home very easily we have an asparagus puree I cook

It with a little bit of heavy cream and then puree it so we’re going to put that down okay next we have a sweet fennel puree cooked the same way a little bit of heavy cream and then just pureed okay okay so the fish is ready to be

Flipped you’re going to see a nice oh nice color there yeah nice crisp crust on the outside and so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our risotto put it in the center of the plate here and then we take our we take our

Halit right on top there now I like to garnish it with a little bit of a sweet potato fried sweet potato Jason this looks delicious I got to try it out man that fish just really flakes off nice and then try the sauce that is so good thank you you’re

Welcome yeah I know we’re using halet for this dish and it’s perfect but is this one of those dishes that you could do other fish with yeah so you can do this with Mahi Yellow Tail rock fish um it just halit is something that’s uh

Fresh and local right now and um a lot of a lot of guys are catching the hell of it right now and uh but when you know I mean it’s this is a great preparation for for pretty much any fish I mean absolutely where can they find out more

About you so we have a website and contro North Park uh has a quick little video check out our video um again North Park is the Hub of San Diego’s beer uh community so we have 160 breweries here there’s a brewery down the street Brewer yeah we

Deliver to the breweries um so it’s perfect you have a couple beers you know you have a nice meal before you go on your on your trip um and then when you get off your trip come talk to me and and tell me how it is and and uh if the

Fish processor doesn’t uh take care of your fish I will yeah well let’s get back on the water and show you more exciting action right here on sport fishing


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