🍸 Unlock the Secrets of the Perfect Dirty Martini! 🍸

Welcome to Mybartender, where we’re diving into the classic world of the Dirty Martini! This video is your ultimate guide to mixing this iconic drink that’s beloved by martini aficionados and cocktail enthusiasts everywhere.

What You’ll Learn:

-The Basics: Whether it’s your first time holding a shaker or you’re a seasoned bartender, we’ll walk you through the essential steps.
-Ingredients Matter: Discover the ideal blend of vodka or gin, dry vermouth, and the all-important olive brine that defines a Dirty Martini.
-Garnishing Tips: Elevate your cocktail with the perfect olive garnish for that extra touch of elegance.
-Professional Techniques: Gain insights into bartending techniques that will have you mixing like a pro.

Perfect For: Cocktail parties, impressing your friends, or enjoying a sophisticated drink after a long day. This video has you covered for all occasions.

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#dirtymartini #cocktails #martinis

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Hey guys welcome back to my bartender today we’ll be making the dirty martini now side note your pore counts are going to depend on the size of your glass today we’ll be using a 4 oz nicanora glass first add ice to your cocktail shaker next add 2 and 1/2 o of

Vka next add a half2 Oz Drive remove next add a half o of olive juice now shake until well chilled now pour into your glass now garnish with olives and enjoy

1 Comment

  1. Not quite my tempo…
    First of all, I would have used Gin, since it pairs so well with the savory olive brine.
    Secondy, I would use less vermouth. Thers olive brine already no need for all that vermouth.
    Thirdly, I would stir it rather than shaking, making a silky cold and dilouted texture without over dilouting and tonning down the gin.


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