How to make the traditional Greek MOUSSAKA pie, nutritious, easy and delicious / Como fazer a tradicional torta Grega MOUSSAKA, nutritiva, facil e uma delicia

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4 berinjelas
1 colher de sal de sal
1 litro de agua
3 batatas
500 g de carne moida
1 cebola picada ou ralada
1 colher de sopa de extrato de tomate
1 dente de alho
sal, pimenta do reino e os temperos de sua preferencia a gosto
1/2 pedaco de canela em pau
30 ml de vinho (opcional)
500 ml de molho de tomate
2 folha de louro

Bechamel sauce
2 colheres de sopa de azeite ou oleo
100 g de manteiga
100 g de farinha de trigo
1 litro de leite morno
Noz moscada, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto

Fatiar as berinjelas
numa tigela, colocar o sal e a agua e mexer bem
colocar as fatias de berinjela na agua com sal por 10 a 15 minutos
Retirando as fatias de berinjela da agua, secar completamente
Passar azeite nos 2 lados das fatias de berinjela
Numa assadeira colocar agua quente e arrumar as fatias de berinjela numa grade
Assar no grill de 3 a 4 minutos de cada lado das fatias de berinjela
Retirando do forno, colocar numa tigela, tampar e reservar

Descascara e fatiar as batatas
Secar completamente as fatisa de batata
Numa panela com oleo quente, fritar levemente as fatis de batata
Retirar do fogo, escorrer num papel toalha e reservar

Numa panela colocar o azeite e refogar a carne moida
Adicionar a cebola picada ou ralada e mexer bem
Acrescentar o extrato de tomate e mexer
Adicionar o alho e mexer
Acrescentar os temperos de sua preferencia a gosto e mexer bem
Adicionar a canela em pau e mexer
Acrescentar o molho de tomate, as folhas de louro e deixar a carne cozinhar e reduzir bem o liquido da carne
Acertar o sal e a pimenta do reino
Retirar a canela em pau e as folhas de louro
Retirar do fogo e reservar

Molho Bechamel
Numa panela, colocar o azeite ou oleo e derreter a manteiga
Acrescentar o farinha de trigo mexendo bem e deixar cozinhar por 3 a 4 minutos
Adicionar aos poucos o leite e mexer bem
Ralar a noz moscada a gosto e mexer
Colocar sal e pimenta do reino a gosto e mexer
Retirar do fogo e reservar

Para montar a MOUSSAKA, numa assadeira arrumar as fatias de berinjela no fundo
Fazer uma camada das batatas por cima da berinjela
Colocar a carne moida por cima da batata
Fazer outra camada de berinjela por cima da carne moida
Espalhar o molho Bechamel uniformemente na superficie
Salpicar mussarela ralada por cima do molho bechamel
Assar a forno pre-aquecido a 180ºC / 350ºF ate o queijo gratinar e ficar dourado
Retirar do forno e servir

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TIKTOK Talento Saboroso @elizabethaaron27


Welcome to TALENTO SABOROSO, the channel where everyone can cook today the recipe is MOUSSAKA, a traditional Greek pie made with eggplant, potatoes and ground meat, very nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare slice 4 eggplants in a bowl place 1 tablespoon of salt 1 liter of water and stir well

Place the eggplant slices in salted water for 10 to 15 minutes remove the eggplant slices and dry completely, rub olive oil on both sides of each eggplant slice on a baking tray with hot water, Arrange the eggplant slices on the grill

And roast on the grill for 3 to 4 minutes on each side of the slices, remove from the oven, place in a bowl, cover and set aside, peel and slice 3 potatoes dry the potato slices well and lightly fry the potatoes in a pan

Removing from the heat, let it drain on paper towel and set aside in a pan add olive oil and sauté 500 g of minced meat add 1 chopped or grated onion and stir well add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste and stir add 1 clove of crushed garlic and stir

Add the seasonings of your choice and stir well add 1/2 piece of cinnamon stick and stir add 500 ml of tomato sauce, 2 bay leaves and let the meat cook and the sauce liquid reduce adjust the salt if necessary and add black pepper to taste,

Remove the piece of cinnamon stick and the bay leaves for the béchamel sauce, put 2 tablespoons of oil, 100 g of butter, 100 g of flour in a pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes gradually add 1 liter of milk and stir well grate nutmeg to taste and stir

Add salt and black pepper to taste and stir to assemble the MOUSSAKA, arrange the eggplant slices in the pan make a layer with the potato slices add the filling of minced meat make another layer of eggplant spread the béchamel sauce evenly sprinkle grated mozzarella on top

And bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC / 350ºF until the cheese browns removing from the oven the MOUSSAKA is ready and this is the MOUSSAKA

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