This Halloween, don’t fall for the pumpkin seed hype! While they might seem like a tempting, healthy snack, they could actually be causing harm. Many of the so-called benefits you’ve heard are pure myths! In this episode, we unveil the REAL story behind pumpkin seeds and uncover a hidden problem that you need to know about.

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– This Halloween, when you’re carving the pumpkins I want you to skip the tradition of eating the pumpkin seeds. Now, while this may seem like an innocent, delicious snack pumpkin seeds are actually doing you more harm than good. Now, there are a lot of claims about the benefits of eating pumpkin seed.

They’re great for prostate health, they’re great for regulating hormones. They’re full of antioxidants. They strengthen your hair and nails. They’re great for heart health and they’re rich in zinc. Well, some of this actually may be true but there’s a bigger problem with pumpkin seeds and I bet you know what it is.

Yep, they have lectins. Now, what the heck are lectins? Lectins, as most of you watching this channel know are part of the plant defense system against being eaten and plants are eaten by animals or their predators and plants do not want to be eaten and they certainly don’t want their babies

Their seeds eaten. So plants use biologic warfare to convince animals that eating them or their babies is going to make them feel bad, is going to make them not live as long is going to make them not as fertile. And so these are incorporated into the vast majority of seeds

That you have the potential to eat. Another similar favorite snack, very much in the same way, are sunflower seeds. So when you see all those baseball players munching on their sunflower seeds and spitting out the shell just realize that they’re eating lectins loaded food.

Sunflower oil is bad for you because it’s an omega six fat and it’s loaded with lectins as well. This also goes for peanuts, which are not a nut at all. It’s a legume cashews and chia seeds. Now wait a minute, chia seeds. Chia seeds are great for you

’cause they have omega three fats, which they do. But years ago I was exposed to studies from Lauren Cordain the father of the paleo diet who’s a professor at Colorado State University of humans who were given chia seeds to show that they had anti-inflammatory properties because of the omega three fats.

And lo and behold, they did have omega three fats in their blood, but their inflammatory markers like sea reactive protein CRP actually went up when they were eating chia seeds. So what can you do? Well, since we’re on the subject of chia seeds you may have seen my interview right here

On my YouTube channel with basil seeds and the founder of Zen Basil. Basil seeds have all the benefits without the lectins and they act exactly like chia seeds so use basil seeds instead. Now, there are seeds that don’t have any lectins. Plants have a strategy. Plants would like you to distribute

Some of their seeds for them by eating them, and these plants make the coating of the seed indigestible so that you can digest it with your digestive enzymes or even your microbiome. And so you’ll poop their babies intact somewhere with a generous doll of fertilizer. So flaxseeds fall into that category.

Now, as you know, flaxseeds are loaded with a really cool protein but they’re also loaded with the short chain omega three fat, linolenic acid flaxseeds have been shown particularly linolenic acid to dramatically reduce inflammation and to actually prevent lipopolysaccharides those LPSs that I talk about from getting into your bloodstream.

Now, here’s the deal with flaxseeds. They resist justin. So you could eat all the flaxseed crackers in the world and they’re useless. You could sprinkle flaxseeds on your salad. They’re useless. You have to grind them. And please, if you’re going to buy them ground buy them refrigerated, keep them in the refrigerator.

I personally like to buy them whole. Get a coffee grinder, grind your flaxseeds when you use them and then mix them in with whatever you’re going to eat. It’s a great source of omega three fats, fiber, and protein. Second, hemp seeds, hemp seeds have no lectins.

They’re also a good source of omega three fats. They’re a great source of protein and they have been shown to improve heart health, brain health and eye health, particularly hemp hearts are really easy to use and there’s no more processing needed. Sprinkle ’em on your salads, put ’em in your goat yogurt,

Put it in your goat or sheep kefir and they add a really great texture. Sesame seeds. Sesame oil and sesame seeds have been shown to block the effect of LPSs those inflammatory bacterial cell walls. So get yourself some sesame seeds. In fact, studies in humans show that having people

Consume two tablespoons of sesame oil, not the toasted but the regular a day dramatically lowers blood pressure in people who are hypertensive. And when they stopped using the sesame oil their blood pressure went back up. Are there safe nuts? Well, yes there are.

First of all, you wanna get zinc, have some Brazil nuts. They’re also rich in selenium. About three Brazil nuts will give you your daily dose of selenium that you need for thyroid health, for prostate health. But don’t overdo it because too much selenium can backfire. Walnuts.

Walnuts are a rich source of tannins a type of phytosterol, polyphenol that has been correlated with improved brain health. Macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts are mostly monounsaturated fats like olive oil, but they contain a additional fat that’s been shown to directly affect the health of blood vessels and the brain. And there’s several studies

That suggest that this particular fat in macadamia nuts, can suppress appetite. Pistachios, they’re one of my go-to nuts. They are rich in melatonin. In fact, they’re the highest melatonin containing food there is. No, they’re not gonna make you sleepy. It turns out that melatonin, as you know, is only one of two antioxidants

That are used in our mitochondria. The other one is glutathione. So melatonin is not the sleep hormone. It is the antioxidant of your mitochondria. Finally, pine nuts. Pine nuts, of course, are an essential ingredient in pesto along with basil and Parmesan cheese and olive oil. But pine nuts are absolutely delicious,

Particularly if you toast them lightly and then sprinkle them on your salad, throw them on your vegetables and you’ll have a great way to get another beneficial nut in a fun way to change around your vegetables and your salads. Okay, that’s it. Throw away the pumpkin seeds. Don’t roast them for Halloween.

That way you will not get a spooky surprise. If you found this video helpful I think you’re gonna love this one. Macadamia nut oil gives you the concentrated amount of omega seven that you need without the bulk.


  1. This guy is a hack. He just out to make money. Stop wasting your time watching him. He tells you to basically stay away from a mediterranean diet, considering all the things he’s telling you not to eat Mediterranean and diet is the best out there people who in the blue zones are eating legumes, seeds, and nuts.

  2. EAT THEM SPROUTED. Sprouting not only neutralizes phytic acid, lectins, and enzyme inhibitors contained within the seed, but certain vitamins, including vitamins C and B are shown to increase when a seed is sprouted!

  3. Now he tells us that pumpkin seeds are no good after I’ve ordered them. He keeps cutting out things till only the expensive things are left. Pine nuts are expensive —even at Marc’s & Walmarts. This is unsustainable for people who are living on social security.

  4. There is truth to what he says. I still consume nuts and pumpkin seeds and I'm not sure if I'm having inflammation, but I suspect that I am. I also have an autoimmune disorder – Hashimoto's Disease so I probably should be more wary about seeds and some nuts. I gave up gluten years ago and that helped a lot. My daughter used to eat sunflower seeds but started to have a lot of inflammation throughout her body. Once she stopped the sunflower seeds, she felt much better again. I will try the basil seeds, although I don't know if I'll like them. I'll definitely try the Pine nuts. Thank you Dr. Gundry. This video was very helpful.

  5. how many is too many pistachio nuts to eat every day? I should've looked into this years ago as I still overdose day and night on pistachios

  6. I tried an intensive, epigenetic diet with 1/4 cup of both pumpkin and sunflower seeds per day. I did NOT soak them. I forgot they had lectins, and I ended up with a severe rash. I am definitely lectin sensitive. My rash completely goes away when I do not eat lectins. While not everyone may experience the same problem, for me Dr. Gundry's guidance about lectins has been extremely helpful to me. I appreciate having information available so I can figure out what works for me. You certainly are not going to get this type of information from your average, western medicine doc. I would probably be on a pharma drug for this problem without Dr. Gundry. I am grateful. My only comment would be that this may not apply to everyone so keep that in mind.

  7. You really don't know what you are talking about. There are 1000's that say the opposite. You are just trying to be controversial

  8. According to the WEF we need to eat insects and other crap so that they can have more beef and better food for themselves. They already admitted that they want to "cleanse" the planet so that they have more space. What more is there to say…..😏

  9. I would love to know the levels and types of lectins in the various foods to know which ones to avoid or eat in lesser amounts. They can't be all equally dangerous or toxic, right?

  10. Too bad Dr you would having us giving so many good seeds away , I’ve eaten them for years, am now 86 and fit , you had better do another study . ?

  11. Thank you very much, Dr. Gundry! I did not know that chia seeds have lectins. I will be buying holy basil seeds or flax seeds from now on!



  14. well,.Mister we been eating all our life pumpkin and sunflower,.and nothing went wrong,..all the seeds you sugest and grind them,.taste like shead,.!!!! noone eat them,.!!!

  15. "Dr." Gundry is a charlatan. Do not follow any advice he gives. He is purely in it for the money he makes selling his snake oil supplements and bullsh*t filled books.

  16. After reviewing over a dozen of Dr. Gundry it is apparent he has stake his claim as the Negative Nelly. According to him everything is bad for us that is good for us at some point and what is bad for us is good for us. At least he does offer alternatives.

  17. Strange how his getting his information about pumpkin seeds. Weird they all talk shit. Its all about what type of blood type group you are very important. Eat right for your blood type.

  18. You could tell this “doctor” is completely paid off by some big pharma company . The corruption is so obvious

  19. All these Doctors have not got a clue, they are just all trying to sell something.
    Without doing costly research I have first hand proof which diet is best.
    My parents are immigrants from bangkadesh my dad is from a village in bangladesh where all they had to buy in was oil, salt,sugar they eat a diet predominantly plants, fish,rice and occasional chicken and beef. My grandma and her mum was over 110, my uncles and aunties lived until in their 90smy dad is in his 90s in the UK in his 90s eating rice daily. The only uncle that died at 72 was a heavy smoker. They all use soy bean oil. They were villagers who woke up at the crack of dawn and worked all day relaxed in the evening with friends.
    My husbands family is from sylhet Town now they were already living like western so called civilised society eating late after they finished a day sitting in their buisness, no exercise his parents both had western diseases and both died in early 70s. I have more actuall cases in real life where I can compare and contrast and can tell you all these doctors find one thing and run with that and cause so much confusion. If you listen to everyone you will be only eating a plate of ice. Have you noticed they never tell you exactly what to eat just skim around the outside. I think eat everything that your gut can take staying away from ultra processed food and so on.
    Also cooking removes alot of lectins if not all my family would have died in their 40s.

  20. For over 25 years I was suffering urinary problems due to BPH After eating pumpkin seeds for three months all my symptoms are gone this doctor is nuts!!!

  21. This guy is a wolf in Sheep clothes. He's compromised. Every single plant has chemicals to protect itself. Whaaaaaa, Ur so smart😂😂😂😂😂

  22. Do animals want to be eaten? They probably release fear and anxieties and no wonder humanity have such problems with being happy…

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