This Keto Breakfast Burrito has 5 carbs and it under 400 calories.
Ingredients needed are
2 La Banderita Zero Carb tortillas
1 Frozen Sausage Patty
1 Egg
1 Slice American Cheese
Chopped Onion

Place egg and sausage patty in microwave for 1 min 30 sec, assemble and eat!

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#QuickBreakfast #food #KetoBurrito #breakfastburrito

Hey yo today we’re going to learn how to create a awesome uh keto low carb burrito breakfast burrito uh here’s what I’m using I’m using these uh lav banderita carb counter zero net carbs I understand some people have a real problem with the carb situation but

These are zero net carbs um so they’re not totally carb free but you know they are a little bit um you’ve got your um I’ve got some onions here that I’ve chopped up I’ve got a frozen sausage patty which you can get at Walmart Kroger uh any place they come in a bag

Uh you look at for them in the frozen section it’s just a a pre-cooked sausage patty uh which essentially has like one carb maybe in it um you got the uh one egg which I’m going to uh make here one slice of American cheese and uh I’m

Using uh Hind tomato ketchup this is just something that I like to do years ago when I was a uh young lad uh we used to go to Bob Evans and Bob Evans used to have a a sandwich called the little farm boy platter and it was basically a

Sausage sandwich uh that looked like a hamburger and it had onions on it and it had a sausage patty and it had a bun and it had ketchup and I loved that sandwich so much uh then I stopped at the actual real Bob Evans in Rio Grand and one of

The waitresses there asked me if I wanted to have it Bob’s way and Bob’s way is to put an egg on it so I started having that sandwich that way and it’s one of my favorite sandwiches I know it sounds weird to have ketchup and onions

On sausage just seems kind of a weird thing trust me give it a try see if you like it I’d actually like for you to comment down below if you do like it with the with the ketchup and the onions uh it’ll be a little bit different but

We’re going to going to go ahead and get started here and we’re going to uh make this and I’ll show you just how quick and simple this can be as a as a nice morning breakfast so here we get started first thing you’re going to want

To do is you’re going to want to spray this bowl with Pam uh or non non-stick cooking spray because that keeps the egg from sticking to the Bowl cuz we’re going to do all of this in the microwave so we’re going to break the egg drop that bad boy in there got a

Little bit of shell in we’re going to scoop that bad boy out and get rid of him now this is one of the tricky spots here with an egg in order to do it in the microwave it actually has a film on it if you put the egg in this way it’s

Going to explode you’ve got to break the yolk and stir it up just a little bit now you can start up a lot and end up with kind of a scrambled egg type thing but I like mine to look a little bit like a fried egg so I just break the

Yolk and kind of Stir It Up just a little bit so it’s not completely um so it’s not completely yellow but it’s just kind of mixed up some and then I like to put a little pepper and salt in okay um next we’re going to put this into the

Microwave and you always want to put you always want to put something over the egg because if you don’t um it might explode and mess up your microwave a little bit uh it’s just a little bit more clean up so I put a little uh paper

Towel over the egg so that it doesn’t explode in there and we’re going to put the sausage patty in there and we’re going to put it in on high for 1 minute and 30 seconds while that’s being done we’re going to go ahead and move the onions off to the side

Here it’s somewhat important to have this in this order you’re going to put this the catchup over here on this side a little bit over here now when I talked about low carb catchup does have carbs this is hindes organic and of course you can get ketchup that doesn’t have carbs

But this actually has 5 G of carbs per tablespoon so I doubt that’s a tablespoon it might be but I I don’t think so um then I like to put the onions on next and then I like to take the cheese cheese on here going fold it in

Half and just use half of a slice for each burrito so as you can see this isn’t super high in calories and it isn’t also isn’t super high in um cars so it’s kind of a nice morning breakfast situation uh we’ve got about 24 seconds

Left on that so what I like to do with that is start putting things Away says the food’s ready that was 1 minute 30 seconds let’s see where we’re at on that egg just to make sure that it looks okay see and now see how that fried egg looks really nice in there it’s nice and mixed up with the yellow and the white

So what I like to do with that is cut it in half and we’re going to take the sausage patty out also we’re going to cut that in half lay the sace Patty right there on that you see how it goes with the curvature of the of the

Burrito and then we’re going to take the egg we have at the curvature of the burrito you going to put this one right there you have two dishes to put in the dishwasher take this you’re going to fold that over like so you’re going to

Fold this guy over like so and if you do it the right way you’ve got two beautiful breakfast burritos maybe these are tacos anyway thanks for watching and uh hope you Enjoy

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