With an abundance of zucchini growing in the veggie patch, one of Nick’s favourite ways to utilise them is to make these tasty and easy to make zucchini fritters. Packed full of flavour and paired perfectly with a salad or in a sandwich, these little treasures are a tasty treat.


Makes 24

3 medium zucchini, grated
6 eggs
1 cup breadcrumbs
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 cup continental parsley, chopped
Salt, 1-2 pinches
Cracked pepper
Olive oil

Grate zucchini into a large mixing bowl. Push zucchini to the side and crack your eggs. Beat well. Mix into the zucchini with a fork. Add breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper. Mix well. Look at the consistency. If too dry, add another egg. If too wet, add more breadcrumbs.

Place a frypan on medium heat. Add olive oil and heat. Drop heaped tablespoons of the zucchini mixture into the pan, using the back of a spoon to flatten gently. Fry until golden, flip, and fry on other side.

Remove and place on absorbent paper.

Eat immediately or allow to cool then refrigerate.

These zucchini fritters are delicious with a salad, as a side dish, or served cold in a sandwich.

Hi today I’m going to make zucchini FR cuz that time of the year you know we got zucchini in the garden this is a Lebanese variety so first of all we got to Dren all right the first thing I going to do put eggs while I do you can push this on the side brag your eggs in there and then you bat them and the quantity that we got here I’m going to use five Eggs three medium Zucchini but then you choose yourself you know the own quantity how many zucchini you Have so a bit Here So the the EG gets all mixed real well otherwise if you don’t do this you have bit of a problem after some Salt now I can actually mix start mix it up just roughly cuz a lot of bread crumbs going to come in parle G I make so many different ones whatever comes in my head so many different things with egg plant you can make FRS mushroom FRS mix with other things so many different things recipe you can do just use very [Applause] Imagination so put a bit of paper bread crumb said one end full for for this I probably need two end full and then I when I mix I’ll see the thickness and some gr Cheese uh this peino romano and I always say you can use any like any cheese you like so now we mix put it real good real [Applause] well well this here I’m going to add a little bit bread crumb you don’t want too dry and not too liquid either so in between so I put five eggs but now when I look the quantity of the zucchini I to put another the [Applause] again they’re ready to go fr the in oil and fried the pan okay now you put your fried pan on the gas on medium and War up your and then you put your oil in you need a f bit oil cuz otherwise they burn to too you know they bur too

Quick doesn’t much see okay the oil I think the oil warm in see you can actually He so a little bit of spice in Between all right what I do now just flatten the top so when you turn with NI and Flat All to get them Out so the the zucchini flaves the FRS they already cooked and I think it’s time to try Bit They delicious any way you want you can put even on in the morning on toast slice them out and put them on top or get with the made them side any way you want if you have a sty salad and this on the side sandwich you can put them in

Sandwich that’s right slice of cheese in the sandwich they are really nice


  1. @sgm6690
    1 second ago
    Loved seeing you how you make your zucchini fritters. My 85 year old Italian Dad (in Melbourne) has a great veggie patch too and also cooks . I rang him yesterday to ask him how he made his frittata with patate e cipolla.

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