Margot Robbie continues her streak as Americaustralia’s national treasure in her second turn as the delightfully unhinged Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey, a movie I have admittedly not yet seen. From what I hear though, she sheds bitter tears as her lover falls to the pavement in a fateful chase through the Gotham City streets. No, I’m not talking about the the tatted-up, purring, emo-glam Joker – I’m talking about the perfect egg sandwich.


Music: “A Beautiful Life” by Broke for Free

My playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish!

Binging With Babish Website:
Basics With Babish Website:


  1. For anyone who watched last week's Being episode about cancer, we raised over $50,000 for Felix Garnett's college fund! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed, shared, liked, watched!!

  2. do the chocolate cake from regular show (its just a normal chocolate cake. im asking you to make a chocolate cake.)

  3. 1:26 hello could you please do a tutorial on this move??? I can’t get it to work for me and my bread hasn’t been turning out right and I suspect it’s because I’m not dropping my thing in the thing correctly please help

  4. Can't say I'm a fan of duck eggs… Very high in phosphor, or at least they taste like it which is all that matters

  5. Hey Babish, now that Marcy's Journal has been released you should definitely try the Kai yat sai from Disney's Amphibia

  6. If you think little bodegas like the one in the movie are making their own ciabatta bread, you're crazy.
    You got to go to where they get their bread which is most likely Costco or Sam's club

  7. I made this exactly the same way Babish did with just one teeny tiny change: I went to the store and bought ciabatta bread.

  8. Bacon is a stoner food. The instructions are in the name, bacon = Bake-in (oven).

    What's the stoner number? 420, which is how you bake it, at 400⁰ for 20 mins on a baking sheet. This produces a chewy bacon that's easily reheated to be crisper, but not burt.

  9. Why not make it with chicken eggs? There's no indication that her CHARACTER is allergic to those….

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