Chris Lombardi from Outpost Burger is back in the Good Day Kitchen with Tina, he’s making some amazing chili dogs!

Burgers have had their moment now it’s time for CH I’m think they’re supposed to say chili it says chicky chicky tenders got those uh Tina is standing by with all the details this all right so Chris Lombardi um is here Outpost Burger they opened in Davis back in November

Right yes all right congratulations to you I know you’re still working over in Woodland at Burger Salon Burger Saloon so we we focused on hamburgers a little while ago the smash onion Smash Burger but now hot dogs are also on the menu yeah you know we had to give a little

Bit of variety we tried to go smaller menu but uh threw hot dogs in there chili and hand cut and hand dip tenders per order chicken tender so I just couldn’t bring a fryer today I know I know what is all this here what’s going

On so we do this like fancy Criss cut cross on the dogs I don’t know if you can see that yeah it helps it get caramelized it helps those toppings to go all in the middle of the dog the sauces that way you have a nice flavor

Structured bite every time you know it’s a hot dog people are like what can you do a hot dog do you remember back in the day well when we used to you cut the hot dog when you’re frying it up frian fried rice egg yeah okay that’ll be the next

Uh next segment yeah so uh this is our Alpine sauce it’s like our zesty Tangy sauce Mayo based a little bit of vinegar can people change sauces if they you know special order um these are two of our most popular so the Alpine dog we start with the layer I mean excuse me

The pepper dog with alpine sauce the cherry peppers and you said it’s a little bit of spicy a little bit of kick like a little bit hotter than jalapeno oh caramelized onions that’s a lot uhuh and then a little bit more Alpine sauce on top okay and then chopped bacon wow

Yeah so then this is a all 10in Nathan’s all beef hot dogs okay so people have questions about that all beef hot dogs and we serve them on a a Philly style roll cuz we put them lots of toppings on it can’t stand up to a regular hot dog

Bun okay so that’s our pepper dog and then we’ve got our chili dog so homemade chili um whose recipe yours your yeah it’s my recipe but it’s you know sort of just accumulation of stuff it’s in like an Americana style chili I guess you’d say you know kind of built just for

Chili dogs and burgers it’s not going to have a lot of like that Texas smoke in it um I we do have a secret ingredient I mean I guess I can tell you it’s a little bit of cinnamon and love you can never mimic the love but um you’ll taste

It when you when you bite into it it’s kind of like a Cincinnati style chili I guess John you want to dry yes I do and then um fine dice onions on top and that’s just your classic CH dog up ch ch dog dog here we go he just cooked that

Too uhhuh nice and hot in his pant I noticed that he uses the spatula the TR the TR look the Trel I love it I guess that’s the perks will be next to Ace Hardware and Davis never run out tools what do you think John yeah so good if you visited Outpost

Burger in Davis would you order burger or hot dog it would be tough yeah double up it would be tough might do both yeah yeah go with somebody do half and half and blame it on the kid you’re not going to finish your half I’ll just eat your

Half so you’re located at G Street third and G third and G them Outpost Burger Chris thank you so much for everything we’ll be right back the bun right thank you for noticing oh sorry

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