Truffle Butter Rice and Tomato Mozarella Salad. Mukbang!

Watch me eat truffle butter rice and tomato mozarella salad. YUM!

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#mukbang #food #cheese

Hello hello my honey be so today I’m going to show you guys something that I’ve been enjoying lately uh it’s like a meal combo I don’t know if it’s necessarily healthy but there are a lot of vegetables involved so let’s get started we are going to first start off

With some grape tomatoes we are going to wash them I like my food a little bit colorful so I got the colorful one and the red ones as well I’m going to eat a lot of these so think that’s good enough let’s wash it I just rinsed it and I’m going to

Leave it in the water for a little bit and then we are going to cut some onions I’m just probably going to do a third of it because look how huge this onion is so let’s first cut it in half take go the outer layer and then maybe yeah cut it in half

And then we’re going to cut it into little pieces I love onions this is necessary for me the water out and put the onions in here T and then and we are going to get extra olive oil extra virgin olive oil then we’re going to let it like not too

Much let it mix in mix it mix it good mix it well we are also going to use I like to use this uh pickling sauce for onion this is actually for onions for when you eat cream barbecue but if you don’t have a cream market nearby you can just um

Also use balsamic vinegar just going to put a little bit maybe like half a spoon to one spoon mix it what I also like to add here are mozzarella bowls mozzarella put as many as you like if you don’t like mozzarella or cheese you don’t have to put this

Step so you can opt out The Onion part if you guys don’t like the onions if you don’t like cheese don’t add the cheese I am going to add the cheese because I love cheese however many as you like like I said depends how much cheese

How much oil how much whatever you put to decipher if this is healthy or not but I think this is pretty healthy healthier than noodles right so we’ll just mix it well together let it soak in and then voila that’s it super easy right okay T orange and yellow

Ah so pretty okay so we’re using brown rice cuz we are trying to eat a little healthier and I have this truffle butter that we bought which changed my life um truffle itself is expensive but this truffle butter I think was about $60 I believe and it’s lasted us a long time

So I just like to mix a little bit of this truffle butter into the rice and that’s going to give me a nice truffle taste and I love it and then I also the butter is going to melt because the rice is hot and I also like to add this

Pickled onion sauce again just a little bit give it a little bit more flavor we’re going to cook some eggs and put it on top and vol that’s it hello my honey bees it’s your girl honey and today I’m going to be eating truffle butter rice with eggs and

Tomato mozzarella salad and bell peppers so let’s dig cuz I’m so hungry guess what guys my ice is back I’m so happy I literally need to have ice with most of my drinks and unfortunately my other ice machine we couldn’t fix it so we had another extra one at home so we just

Exchanged it and here we are with some ice and sparkling water cheers so you guys are going to be like what is this combo honey well I don’t know I don’t know if you would call this healthy I think it’s pretty healthy he healthier than noodles right um but I’ve

Really been enjoying this combo and I really hope you guys try it I do love this salad like I’m obsessed with it and I’ve been eating this combo like a few days straight for a while and I don’t get sick of it so let’s try it I’m so

Sad this egg popped but you know we got to embrace the imperfections so let’s try our first bite honey bite with the egg and yes we are eating brown rice so hold on yeah come on come on egg work with me here first bite honey bite

M you get a little taste of that truffle and it’s amazing look at that I love it M I don’t know if it’s just me but I think I always enjoy a little bit of crunch with my food and so I wanted to eat bell peppers it’s good I love eggs if you guys ever try making this salad let me know how you guys like

It it’s best if you let the sauce soak in in for a little bit so like leave it out for a little while maybe like 10 minutes but if you don’t have the time it’s still good M so yeah if you guys don’t have a Korean market you guys can use balach vinegar

M i can eat this every day M mhm M so good I don’t know I love the texture of brown rice I prefer brown rice over White you guys might think this is a weird combo but you never know if you’re going to like it until you try it right believe it or not I love the taste of veggies like my favorite salad is arugula and I know a lot of people don’t

Like a a arugula salad because it could be too earthy for them but I love arugula so good have you guys been doing doing the workouts with me the ab workouts I haven’t been able to do it every day but I’ve been doing it as much as I could and

Today I started the tong workout it’s only like 10 to 15 minutes depending on how you pace yourself but man I was sweating by the end of that I do really enjoy doing home training like watching YouTube videos and just following it if you guys have some workout videos

That you want to share please share them in the comments down below I like doing different workouts cuz I feel like it gets boring if you keep doing the same things over and over again m so simple but delicious mhm m m I love that it’s so Colorful yum you guys I have some really good news so you guys know I kind of took a break with mukbang videos and I was a little bit more focused on golf I realiz realiz that golf is truly my passion and a lot of people have actually told me

That they think I have talent in it and I wanted to follow my passion and my dreams and yes I’m sorry for you know taking a long break but it is getting somewhere guys I may be modeling for a huge huge clothing company like a sports clothing company slash T still regular clothes

Actually but it’s like sports company but if it goes through I will announce it to you guys but I just received an email and I might be working with them in March huge and then another golf company actually contacted me and are interested in working with me so I’m super super

Excited for that too nothing is set in stone yet but most likely it will happen and I’m so excited you guys it’s never too late to follow your dreams and to you know have a passion I’m in my mid 303s now and I just found my passion in golf like

Who would have ever thought I would be I would love and be obsessed with golf right my dad first introduced me to golf when I was like seven but you know I just said some balls just because just because you know and I remember my dad was addicted to

Golf like when it’s golf season my dad would always watch tiger on TV I still remember the Sunday Reds but I always thought golf was so boring and it was boring to watch and I remember back in the day no one really consider it a sport they’re like golf isn’t a sport

And there was a stereotype behind it like only Rich old people people play or it’s like boring you know and now golf is like a cool sport all the kids want to play golf they want to become a pro golfer it’s really interesting to see how things change

Over time and I wish I you know actually pursued my career in golf and I remember my dad was like oh my gosh like honey is talented in golf like if she loved it would have loved her to be in the LPGA like she has the skills and I wish

I just pursued it I wish I listened to my dad but at the time I was like no this is not my thing the reason why I started Golf was because during Co you couldn’t be in contact with people but golf was kind of like an individual sport

So a lot of people were getting into it and I actually kind of started falling in love with it because the clothes were starting to look cute like they had a lot of cute golf clothes and I was like oh it’s cute I want to wear it and I

Want to hit balls on the golf course and wear cute clothes and you know share my clothing fashion and style with my followers and then I started my golf account and then here I am just caught the golf bug super addicted loving it and hoping to turn it

Into uh I don’t know a golf influencer or or into work you know my ultimate goal and dream with this whole golf golf thing is to become a senior pro golfer I know a lot of people are laugh at me or like they’re like what is she

Talking about like not good enough to be Pro and that’s why I do want to be a senior golfer because I still have years ahead of me and you know it’s always good to dream you know and it doesn’t hurt to dream and that’s what motivates me to do

Better right if you have an ultimate goal or a dream so if you ever see me on senior LPGA you guys heard it here that was my dream since I was what I was 32 when I first started Golf but hopefully I could reach high for my

Dreams and goals and yeah so guys be on the lookout you guys might see me model for some golf stuff and I am so excited for what’s in store for me and this is already my last bite you guys last bite and again my whole message to you guys is to never stop

Dreaming and you guys should have like an ultimate goal or dream that other people might think it’s impossible but there is nothing that is impossible my goal in life is to make the impossible possible and I believe nothing is impossible in this world and so yeah cheers last point If you guys do try this combo out or the salad at least let me know in the comments down below how you guys like it I love it thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please go and hit the Subscribe

Button if you haven’t already and to become a Hy bee and like this video you guys liked it and I’ll see you guys in my next video bye bye-bye


  1. I love salads and veggies too, but i don’t like arugula at all for me it tastes like how sweaty people smell lol 😂

  2. I think that if u wrap it with seaweed and make it as gimbab, might be great? A new variety of gimbab? Lol but In my opinion sparkling water is not healthy babe!, also congratulations on knowing your passions! And wow if a company asking u to be part of their team that one already sound good, may everything works for u Hyunee!

  3. Healthy carbs, healthy fat, with protein and lots of fresh vegetables is definitely a healthy meal. This recipe looks so delicious and healthy, I have to try it!!! Thank you for the recipe, and I love watching you make ur meals :):):) btw, you look really good and you look like you lost alot of weight already 🙂

  4. Pursue your dreams Hyunee!! I truly believe you can become a pro golfer one day and you will also make a career out of golf whether it's modelling or being an influencer. You have our full support!! :):)

  5. My daughter makes a salad close to yours the only difference is she puts cucumbers, and feta cheese with the basaltic vinaigrette. Delish

  6. My two cents..

    The oil and cheese is NOT healthier than noodles. Although, noodles can be just as unhealthy when adding oils/animal stuff. 😅😅😅

    The amount of fat in this meal… from oil and butter alone.. and then the cheese. It’s really not as healthy as you’d hope/think.. and then the eggs.. eee.. you tried, but you really don’t understand it 🙁 I hope you figure it out though! 🥹

  7. I CAME for the noodle Videos, but i really enjoy your Transformation and how your persinality Shows (more Like shines in your videos) the healthy Food is super inspiring and yes, i also do the workouts – thank you for your Motivation!

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