This cooking video shows how to make a yummy chicken Caprese pasta and salad

So you want to just separate the chicken and we’re going to insert a piece of mozzarella right the next slit here is going to be a tomato this will be the last one right here great so check these out these look fabulous now we’re going to get some chicken seasoning add that in

Between each layer once you do that just using one finger press in the seasoning in between just like this and we’re going to carefully Place each of our Capra chickens right in the center like this that looks so good okay and now we’re going to introduce some

Pesto so you’re just going to take some pesto and drizzle this right on top look how great this looks so far so here’s the next step here we’re going to do the same thing with a little bit of garlic if you don’t like yours too garlicky you can skip this

Step now I’m going to take some haved cherry tomatoes here and I’m going to scatter these around the chicken gorgeous and now we’re going to take some pasta this is cooked spaghetti okay so you’re just going to take start with a handful is just create a little Outer Rim here just like

This now we’re going to add the rest of our Tomatoes along with some butter you want to do one North south east and west just like that great and before we toss it in the oven we’re going to just do one little drizzle of olive oil around the whole thing just like that

And one down the center of your chicken this looks fabulous and before we toss it in the oven I like to take my leftover pesto here and just do a couple dollops on the side once I mix this all together when it comes out of the oven this is going

To be pure magic okay so we’re ready to put it in the oven you’re going to put it in at 350 and I love this recipe because you will have some leftover ingredients which I like to use to make a Capra salad so what you’re going to do is just alternate

Mozzarella tomato and a piece of Basil just like this okay good this is a nice big boy here get that in there and now what you’re going to do is just salt it we’re going to add some fresh pepper a little olive oil drizzle and some fresh balsamic

Glaze there you have it just like a restaurant delicious this just came out of the oven and it looks so fabulous I am so excited to take one of these out now so that’s what you’re going to do you’re just going to get one of your chickens to start

Okay and then now what you’re going to do is just mix this pasta together so this is going to now form the sauce of your pasta oh smells and looks divine so see how all of that is nicely integrating here we have the beautiful cooked chicken juices with the butter and the

Pesto all you need to do is just with tongues give it some nice Scoops okay you can see here how everything is beautifully mixed and integrated the tomatoes just add such a great flavor to this as well so I’m going to go ahead and give myself some

Pasta what a meal and now for the garnish going to go ahead and garnish it with some fresh basil oh it really just doesn’t get better than than this my friends this is an Italian explosion of goodness in your mouth oh I wish everybody could smell

What I’m smelling right now this is just insane this recipe wouldn’t be this recipe without a little drizzle of Parmesan cheese on top we’re going to go ahead and sprinkle that on the chicken as well oh come on so now don’t forget about this guy with this meal now you have your capre

Salad and your capre chicken pasta oh beautifully cooked now see how moist that looks it’s not dry you never want your chicken to be dry go ahead and take some pasta some tomato and basil oh my God that is a bite from Heaven put up PE te everyone this is

Divine got some of my cpre yum yum yum

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