this is totally a normal meal to bring to work as leftovers, right?

by Alextricity


  1. TrishaThoon

    I can’t tell if you are serious or not. If you are serious, why would this not be normal? Bring whatever you want.

  2. _mariguana_

    This looks so good! Every weekday my partner and I will make 4 servings of whatever we’re having for dinner so we can bring leftovers for lunch the next day and our coworkers can be so weird about it. “It must be nice to have so much time to prepare that food” “You must not have kids!”

  3. wellshitdawg

    Totally abnormal, seek therapy

    Jk this looks great. Is that a hunk of tofu? What seasoning did ya use? I need some new recipes n shit

  4. DuckWaffles

    More impressed by the pyrex than the food, I bought 3 of the same set. The snap close lids are awesome.

  5. SunAvatar

    This looks way better than whatever I’m going to scrape together for lunch today.

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