Margaret Thatcher’s “mystery starter” recipe is one of the most revolting things I’ve ever seen

by Much-Substance-7321


  1. Agressive_slot

    Could’ve guessed it from the name Margaret Fletcher alone lol

  2. Budm-ing

    You can see from his chosen hair style that his opinion should not be trusted since he has no taste.

  3. Orpheus-is-a-Lyre

    Literally what is the point of the video if he doesn’t tell us how it tastes?

  4. randomgunfire48

    I was cool with it until the he said “cream cheese” and “jellied”

  5. Greeny3x3x3

    I understand hating on Thatcher but im still interested about the food so why couldnt we seperate the two for a fkin second

  6. Super_Bright

    Good news: Thatcher is still fucking dead.

  7. vivelabagatelle

    Horrifying recipe; extremely good narration.

  8. VolumePossible2013

    Still have no idea who Thatcher is

  9. UmbraHighwind

    Why does that look like it’ll start moving once I eat it?

  10. dawson170

    Raleqtambrobrét is the dish of the gods, don’t knock it till you try it

  11. lr0nman_dies_Endgame

    Margaret Thatcher is dead

    Ding dong!

  12. Which_Reason_1581

    Click bait. Fake. Introduced in 2023.

  13. 7thLayerBean

    Upvoted because I enjoyed the little hand.

  14. Silver-Springs24

    This vid cuts off the end, where he spits it out gagging violently.

  15. ultratunaman

    Seems about right that a cloven hooved demon would eat what looks like slimy shite.

  16. Infinite-Campaign773

    So serious question, why do a lot of British people not like Margaret Thatcher? I thought she was responsible for ending the decline of British society and idealism that began at the end of the second world war. As in, she was pretty much the British equivalent of Reagan. I don’t really know what her specific policies were, at least outside of the Falkland war, so could somebody possibly enlighten me a bit? I just want to know why she’s such a controversial figure.

  17. Virghia

    I thought Nixon’s cottage cheese × ketchup was the worst food ever eaten by a world leader

  18. KultofEnnui

    Oh, so she was definitely a vampire.

  19. Representative_Bat81

    Ah yes, because bringing inflation from 25% to under 5% is hating the poor. She killed industries that were already dying.

  20. Dubious_Titan

    Curtis Mayfield deserved better than this.

  21. Kurdt234

    A cook once told Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote fight club, he came in Margaret Thatchers food and she ate it.

  22. ___--__---___--__---

    So how is this related to Thatcher?

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