How do you make Aioli? We learn how to make a traditional French favorite, Grand Aioli Provencal, creating a homemade aioli using organic ingredients and finishing with local fresh fish. Chef Steve Rose welcomes his friend and culinary buddy, Chef Umit Ozkaya, back to the kitchen.

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S5 EP507

Welcome back to the organic Rose I’ve got my really good friend you osaya with us today and he’s going to share some amazing family recipes with us and I’m going to share a few of mine as well cuz you know I’ve got to get into the act as

Well Im what are you going to teach us today well the first recipe is my from as you said my family this family is comes from Southern France marsel my French grandmother’s recipe and later we’re going to do a little my Indian grandmother we’re going to do a little

Indian style rice to go with the curry and then we’re going to have my Turkish grandmother’s recipe red lentil soup you were true Hines concoction aren’t you too many I have too many grandmothers all over the world you know there’s nothing wrong with too many grandmothers

That’s a good thing so we’re going to start with the grand ioli provinal it’s a real uh true French Southern French style ioli which is garlic may as we call it around here but this is a little bit different than what you you would find everything else so let’s start it what

Are the ingredients let’s go the ingredients we have thean mustard olive oil cooked potatoes these are Yukon potatoes but it could be any potato salt garlic of course and couple of egg yolks and a lemon juice so we’re going to do with do this with a modern

Pastel okay so when we start I’m going to give this garlic a little bit uh Head Start by slicing it okay how many clothes should we do Chef a lot I have the reputation of using lots of garlic so let’s start with that that’s about four cloes

Right and then we’re going to add some salt while we are mincing this it’s going to bring all the oils of the garlic so it’s it’s going to take a little while okay because we’re going to get we have nothing but time we got nothing of nothing but time okay so

We’re going to give it a good smashing to this garlic so the mortar and pestl I I noticed this one has ridges in it what does that do oh it facilitates the process you know gets them nice and easy makes it smoother that’s the real deal huh yeah

This the real deal oh man it’s getting so creamy already y [Applause] it’s can I smell it sure so this is my grandmother would say forget about it it smells so good so it’s this stage as you can see the garlic is pretty much pulverized mhm so

As you can see the garlic is already pretty much became like paste it’s getting like a real creamy paste creamy creamy paste now at this stage we’re going to add Dion mustard but tablespoon okay nice and then I have those potatoes uh as I said you can go potatoes they

Are nice and boiled I’m going to micro using this micr plane I’m just going to use only one potato so it makes it for a this makes it for a smoother it’s almost like ricing it huh correct potato is cooked all the way tender did you salt the water when you

Cooked them or not I did salt and a little bit of bay leaf oh nice and then we’re going to squeeze the half a lemon and I’m going to give it a stir to do this blend it I’m salivating now it’s all Blended now we’re going to add our two egg yogs okay

Raw raw egg yogs [Applause] now that’s all Blended okay now we’re going to start the emulsification process okay so we using a tell me about this olive oil okay this olive oil is olive oil that I made myself and it’s squeezed out of our organic um biodynamic Olive on the ranch here and

Um it’s it’s wonderful oil it’s very a little bit peppery but it just kind of a little bit spicy it the olives actually pick up flavors through the air as the trees are growing on our property from all the different vegetables we have growing here so there’s some hints

Of red pepper hints of green pepper hints of yellow pepper um there’s hence of Basil of course in there Rosemary and Thyme that’s a really pretty color too well the olive oil you know makes a difference than the good eggs y eggs from our happy chickens yeah I saw them over there y

They were under the grapes yep talking up a storm mhm they always get excited when they see you though oh they probably went out to the cpop and laid a bunch of eggs this recipe has a potato in it and the mustard so it kind of giv binder is a more stability

Yeah at this moment I’m going to give it the test okay I think we have enough garlic in there yeah enough lemon too yeah can you pour little B more for me thank you [Applause] slower slower that’s enough I think we we reached the point in there yeah I think so

Too what’s this good on what are we going to use it now what we’re going to do is this is the ioli part right what makes the Gran ool is again another traditional French style display of seafood so you where are we at now so we

We we’ve made our ioli we got our beautiful platter some gar some decorations from the art so we’re going to Ensemble our grand ioli platter so let’s start with the I put the Iola right in the middle okay and I’m going to put the seafood this is like a freest style

Depends on your artistic qualities I’m going to start with like this card in the other side maybe you want to put all the PRS in the middle pile them up or in the middle so we can put all the veggies there you go yeah all of the seafood is

From our local seafood shop in Santa Rosa is that called seafood and eat it yes there you go I mean this is actually a could be a meal for by itself for quite a few people yes it could be yeah there you go so we’re done with the seafood okay

Let’s get rid of that get rid of that now what we have here here we got some boiled purple potatoes boiled eggs okay we have some blanch green beans baby carrots we have some blanched U Kel and then we have a red bell peppers these are breakfast radishes some Belgium endives and some

Triso and from my are some Tomatoes very nice so we’re just going to Freestyle put some of these ingredients right there okay what’s what’s the deal with breakfast radishes it’s a name they give it you know are they milder or spicier than they’re mild they’re mild you can try one you tell

Me so it’s a little bit Tris I might oh they are very mild I might be mispronouncing the name of triso but I Mison lot of things some Belgium end dive let’s put them this side so we use these end Dives in 3v so as a like a boat you can create

Your own bite like on topas you put you know this and that piece of fish ioli tomato make create your own bite for every different bites so let’s put some fennel fennel goes real well with the seafood these are gently poached fennel and where did you poach them poach them in

Again I again in a very seasoned poaching liquid with a lot of bay leaves salt chili peppers and some green beans for over here radishes that’s starting to take shape it’s beautiful just pile up the radishes here okay again there’s no rule here is just uh whatever you have in

Hand you can do substitute anything free form free form now some purple potatoes those are really pretty do you ever think about doing this for a living sometimes but and let’s put some eggs okay those are eggs about 10 minute boiled eggs okay okay did you salt the

Water too you did oh yeah yeah otherwise hard to peel if you don’t yep cuz that membrane sticks onto the egg and it’s difficult to peel so what do you think the best venue that would be to use this yeah that would be like a gathering celebrative GA

Gathering some kind of uh holidays anything you put out there like a buffet but in one plate like a large Buffet it could be as I said this could feed four or five people definitely and you can put a lot more stuff in it you can put like a

Poach muscles or any other shellfish some crab or I like to use like a ancho with bakaron and stuff you can do anything my favorite yeah Eno I I you have any no I don’t yeah all you can do anything like that so and also you can

Add different sauce too this is the ioli but you can add different you know spicy versions of it depends on you there’s a lot of flexibility on that one so that’s about the size of it Steve well it looks great to ouri of course you can make all the

Vegetables and seafood ahead and then make the AOL and emble last minute so you could do it like the day before your guests arrive and then just keep it everything in the refrigerator and then half an hour before they show up you go ahead and just lay them out on the

Platters and um open some Veno and go for it or martinis or martinis even better there you go what’s your favorite kind of Martini the good one top shelf and make sure the glass is not empty right glass is not empty it’s not cracked well youit this is beautiful

Thank you Chef I I I’m just impressed I get like Hawaiian say chicken skin I get goosebumps but it looks wonderful and I can’t wait to jump in and try it we’ll do that so basically this plate has no rules right this plat has no rules I

Love that whatever you have whatever is in seasoned whatever is fresh available Seafood wise vegetable water you can do all that it’s a cold dish so you can do anything and let’s give it a um let me make you a little bite yeah so I’ll grab

One of these beans so I’m going to put a little loli on the bottom on the triso okay I’ll give you another Bean maybe I’ll give you a pepper oh we didn’t put the peppers look there you go pepper that is so good and I’m going to give you a little of

King salmon here okay and how about a potato okay and a little bit more ioli on top and a little bit radish that’s your handheld tapa that’s beautiful look at all the different colors in there and or you can get a plate makx off a little platter and sit

Down and have I eat I just eat it like this yeah so there’s no rules well okay well Steve is eating his mouth is full uh thanks for watching the organic rows we’re going to catch you next Time

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