Join Murray Lloyd and his special guest Chef Steve Rooney from Cucci Restaurant in making this easy summer meal! Learn how to make the Cucci signature Wet Marinade, as well as Grilled Lamb Chops, a Panzanella Salad, and an Italian Tuscan Bread Salad in only 7 minutes.

All you need is:
1 Rack of Lamb
2oz Cucci Wet Marinade
Salt & Pepper
10oz Mixed Greens
1 Red Onion
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Olive Bread
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar

This video was originally aired on national television in 2008, as part of an episode of QScene BBQ TV called “A Baaaad Feeling”.

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This video was produced by Hill’s Video Productions. Check us out:
Instagram: @hillsvideoproductions

So what are we going to do today today we’re going to do uh we’re going to start with a little uh grilled lamb chop um with a panzanella salad Little Italian tusin bread salad we could get that going before we start with anything else pit patter so I got your fancy

Machine right here all right and this is really really straightforward so I basically got the uh the food processor right here we don’t monkey around too much it’s a a sweet herb wet marinade got some uh nice Italian parsley okay not going to mess around at all no bang

That’s why we’re putting it in the proc straight in there there’s my garbage can uh some Rosemary maybe we could the stems on that are a little bit all right I peel it for you we’ll uh just take them off the stems Murray okay and and

Steve I hate to break it to you but on this show yeah it’s a marinade a marinade there you go excellent I had to get you we’ll make a marinade then that a boy uh fresh basil same thing again I’ve got the stems on there I’m just

Going to take the leaves off bang right in there and I hope I don’t burn out your food processor or your wife will be after me she’ll kill me she’ll just kill me and uh and that’s it so parsley you’ve got the Rosemary Basil’s in there

I’ll get rid of the bowl all right um enough want them all sure throw it all in there that’s do it all yeah seems we got it all for me and that goes right in there okay and we just very nice J oh what an aroma boy that’s lovely lovely

Aroma we’re going to zest a little uh lemon zest in there okay and while you’re doing that I’ve got some really nice Italian pepperoncino here very very spicy what’s a pepperoncino that’s just a t type of red chili that’s uh indigenous to Italian cookery and that’s

What they call it so see the way we’re zesting this just with a um a peeler just make sure you don’t get too much of the white under there works wonderfully well when you’re doing it uh in a processor yeah is that not $41 throw it

All in there let’s do it all you know what while we’re on the subject we may as well cut that in half we just squeeze the juice in there right you want a little bit of liquid just to help mix everything up cool and uh in addition to

That we’ll throw in a couple of cloves of garlic that I have here same thing it’s all about Flavor so I got three nice big chunks there throw them all in great oh is that ever smelling nice yeah smells good little bit of uh salt and pepper basically at this point you sea

Salt that’s kosher salt kosher salt okay little pepper and uh a little bit of olive oil there you go now I always kind of throw it all in there and hope for the best at this point but if it’s too dry We’ll add a little bit of uh of um

Better to keep it drier because you can make it wet you can’t make it drier if it’s wetter I got that right yeah all right so un lock as you can see oh there she goes off she goes I’ll probably add a little bit more oil it’ll be an embarrassing situation if we

We’s not loosening up when we’ve got no more oil left there we go there we go we just let the right amount of oil did you notice that kids perfect exactly now that usually I you know I let that run for two or 3 minutes let it come to a fine

Consistency and basically there’s our finished product right there all right and that’s what we use in the restaurant so that’s the coochie wet marinade and that’s pretty much the standard dressing for all our proteins in the restaurant it just brings everything thing to a little bit of a higher flavor profile

You know oh what a nice aroma so off we go so I’m going to make that disappear can I do your lamp of Television may I do your lamp yes please do all right Steve has asked me to cut these down bone and make chops yeah we’re just

Going to make some nice chops out of that aren’t they nice and I’ll take that over here big F got my bone there there we go great that one we’ll just throw them right back into that bowl add some of that marinade and then we be uh Off

To the Races great so I’m going pick that up here so I don’t make a mess and again you you got to be aware there is a lot of oil in there Murray so you don’t want it to flare up on the grill all right so it’s just a gentle

Amount now basically in the restaurant when we do this we probably give it uh at least 24 hours in this marinade before it hits the grill our show isn’t quite that long so we’ll just put it in for now like this okay we’re going to yeah okay we’ll do the I couldn’t bore

Anyone for 24 hours we’ll do the television version all right and uh once again a little bit you know we we only put a little bit of seasoning in there at this point so you give it a good shot of salt and pepper before you’re going

To put that on the grill all right and uh make sure it’s all nicely coated it gives it a nice green Hue as you can see there too did you want to give it a shot of salt and pepper give a little bit of that but I’ll let you do that cuz you’re

The grill Guru there I’m the grill Guru kosher salt yeah I’m not a we we don’t really uh tough to do in the wind we use kosher salt for all our Meats not too much uh now I’ve got this on a high heat is that what you’d like that’s perfect great

Perfect it’s a shiny new barbecue as well it is a beauty isn’t it oh doesn’t that smell nice there we go oh that’s nice that’s nice we usually some bread they’re about 6 minutes 6 minutes to get that done all right yeah so now the Tuscan bread salad all right I’ve got

Some nice um olive bread there which you’re just going to brush with a little bit of could actually use the marinade for that in the in the restaurant we just brush a little bit of that on our bread as well and uh that’ll just warm through and we’re just going to cut that

Up for our salad once we get going okay put that on now the ingredients to the uh the panzanella are very straightforward uh I’ve got a red onion which I won’t need all of just going to take the core off there again nice thin slices tell you what why don’t I give

You the uh the bowl we can combine it at your end I I should have should have put it in the Bowl before I did you could have done that I’m just going to let move this bread a bit give it a little turn and while this is cooking Steve why

Don’t we just take a little break and we’ll come right back Great

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