Don’t miss this classic fettucine alfredo recipe with a rich sauce. An easy classic that is so tasty. We thank you for watching our videos.

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Kent Rollins
Cowboy Cooking, Cast Iron, Outdoor Cooking, Grilling, Dutch Oven Cooking

Editing: Andy Mercs

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In this week’s episode we’re taking a classic from italy and bringing it across the water fettuccine alfredo but we’re blending romano cheese with parmesan in a creamy sauce and topping that with some chicken oh my gosh it is so good come on we’re going to set it on

The table say grace and have us a good meal Hey thank y’all for stopping by the barn on a breezy afternoon it’s what you call a skirt alert put a rock in your pocket something cause it’s going to blow you away if you can if shad want to pan around there and show you that tree i mean things are forgetting to whoop

Pretty good that’s why we’re under here y’all wouldn’t have seen it stay on the plate today but what are we talking about a pasta dish yes the cowboy loves pasta but not just no ordinary pasta we’re talking about fettuccine alfredo now you have to say it italian okay let me think

About a minute fettuccine alafraid though is that really good right there okay that’s cowboy italian okay so that’s hey and i’m sure there was some italian cowboys i just nearly know there was that took care of cattle over there in that country well at this time i need

You to take your pasta water and go to getting it hot because we have to explain this pasta and you see right here where it says fettuccine feta sign no no try again fit feta you gotta do it italian yes and look at it it is not like

Spaghetti it is a pretty wide little noodle and they gonna be so good because the whiter that noodle the more that sauce is gonna get just to clean to it but what made this dish what it was well there was a chef over there but oh i’d

Say right whoa we have a pasta expert in the house let me just see do you you think maybe so that you would huh oh maybe how about you dugger he scared him so how was this dish made so famous and so popular well it started way back in about 1914

And the guy’s name was alfredo de lillio i think i’m pretty close to that but y’all can look it up and y’all can say the cowboy don’t speak italian either alfredo’s wife was pregnant and had a child so he went in the kitchen and he’s

Thinking what can i do i’ve got to feed my wife something that is so good to nourish her and what’d he come up with fettuccine noodles yes butter some parmesan cheese a little bit of water and that’s it and we made it and major says the italians are here so

She loved the dish so much that he thought hey this is a great dish i should put it in a restaurant but at the time right after ward one restaurant business wasn’t good but in the roaring twenties the tourists begin to come back to italy over there and look around and

Think how great was the food there it was amazing and who was it that really made this dish come to america douglas fairbanks and mary pickford they went over there two great actors and they found this dish and they found alfredo and they got oh my gosh this is

The best thing ever all the history is done it’s time to start the cooking so water is boiling over there we’re gonna dump a whole pound of this in that little pot traditionally this dish member was just simple ingredients of butter and parmesan rageanio cheese and then

You just let it all mix in there together and it made sort of like a creamy sauce but hey i’m gonna cowboy up this thing just a little bit we are and we’re gonna have to add some what you knew it was coming some heavy cream some butter some garlic

But folks we got to have some meat in there do you know how my spectators here would feel if we tried to just put this pasta dish on the table and it didn’t have no meat in it i’d get dog bit so i have one chicken breast and we have as

You’ve seen me pounding it down there with a rolling pin chicken has a membrane on it and when you break that membrane it’s going to accept seasoning better but also it’s going to fry a little quicker so we ain’t got to wait quite so long so what are we going to

Season this little chicken with well first of all i’m going to put some of our mesquite seasoning on him because it really goes well on some chicken it does also we’re going to add some smoked paprika in there because i really think it goes well with some chicken i do

And you can’t just put this on there and then think well that is good that stuff we need to do this to it give it a little love give it some rubbing in there so everything will be good and then we’re going to turn it over

Same thing on the other side we have our eight inch field skillet and i’m gonna tell you it’s pretty warm because it’s been preheating there a little and folks i like to do this chicken in some olive oil and some butter but guess what the

Butter is over here and not with me so hang on in the skillet go the butter just run it around there and keep an eye on your pasta because this is boiling a little and you want that stuff to become what al dente a little olive oil yes in goes the bird

And folks the lid is most important because we want to sort of get that steaming effect in there too to keep that chicken as tender as we can so we’re going to go pretty low on the heat and put that lid on there and steam probably take about

Maybe five minutes each side with a low heat like that but it will be so tender when it comes out of there everything i’m going to cook in is probably going to be 99 cast iron and i do like a lid for stuff especially if i’m trying to get some vegetables in

There or we’re trying to sort of get a steam effect on this chicken now this field come with this lid but you’d be thinking i have some old skillets in there in the house but i ain’t got no lid for some of them look in your drawer

Maybe you’ve got some of them skillets that is got glass lid that’ll fit on there i’ve even turned one skillet on top of another skillet to make a lid so look around i bet you can find something that’ll fit if you ain’t got a lid i’ve heard that when it’s when you know

Pasta’s done if you throw it to the wall it’ll stick [Laughter] to me if you throw in pasta at the wall look to me like you just didn’t want your pasta i mean we’ll try that even again i’ll get way back over here see this all right it’s gone

And that water’s hot when you just reach in there and get a pasta who told you you heard this okay see it now i want you to look first then we’ll throw some i always check my pasta especially if it’s gonna be in a sauce again where if you just pinch it a

Little yeah and it comes like that i think it’s pretty close now we’ll throw it up there get in the wall [Laughter] well the chicken is done it’s sitting over there and the very same skillet we’re going to return back to this little low heat over there now if there

Was any little burnt pieces or anything left in there be sure that you get them out and to that what we’re going to add a stick of butter now remember i told you i was going to cowboy this thing up a little bit and what are we using

Folks they ain’t paying me to tell you this i promise but get you some kerrygold butter it is some of the best stuff in the world we’re gonna let that butter completely melt there and then we’re gonna add three minced garlic cloves to it we’re gonna bring out some flavor

Well well what’s going on there well the garlic has been cooking about a minute or two remember stir it constantly we don’t want to burn that garlic and then we’re going to put in some of that what heavy cream i’m lacking that stuff already make sure

That you keep stirring it as you add that cream we want it to thicken just a little just make sure it all gets in there and remember we’re on low heat well i can tell you right now this has reduced down some and got a little thicker and

The flavor’s coming out of there i could just quit right now get me a coffee cup pour that in there and have me some drinking it’d be good but we got it some grated parmesan and we’re going to just sprinkle her in there as we continue to

Stir don’t just dump it all in there because i don’t want you to get no clumpies of cheese in there so just keep funneling it in there gradually and then we’re going to add that other kind of cheese that i have trouble saying what is the name of it chen rajanio

Something italiano some kind of cheese so it says romano we’re gonna blend this right back in there with it a little bit at a time i can already tell you beagle that is probably not going to share this dish with you now they just got cheese on top of it he

Does if you accidentally get so much cheese in here that that gets so thick you can’t hardly stir it and it won’t pour over that sauce that’s why i’m gonna give you this tip when you drain that pasta save some of that water so if you need

To thin this back that’ll do a great job it will so however thick you would like it if you want it to be over there where it’s really creamy and sort of this texture i’d quit right now if you want a little thicker hey add a little more cheese to

It we’re going to call that sure enough enough get that stirred get it all blended well to where it’s smooth and you can use a whisk if you need to but if you’re cooking it in a cast iron skillet just don’t use nothing that’s metal against metal Do We you don’t gotta go to italy the cowboy has done put the fettuccine alfredo in there with a little bit of the parmesan and also what a little bit of sprinkling of that parsley on there now if you’ve got some fresh hey i’m all for it but hey it’s

Pretty hard to find fresh down here on anything with the summer and the winter that we’re having so hey we’ve had some really good help four of them were here when we started now it’s down to two i don’t know where they went look at this one here he’s getting

Sleepy just waiting he said come on with it dad big thank you for always being the best taste tester ever yes there you go and the little mage thank you so now it is my time and shannon i want to thank you so much for introducing me to pasta that didn’t

Come out of a can shan tells me you got to twirl this stuff around there and then get you some of that chicken and give it another twirl what do you do with this piece that’s trying not to go with you shin huh can you tell me bite it off

I can’t only imagine how good that is alfredo i just want to tip my hat to you brother cause i am glad you sent some fettuccine over here to the grocery store the flavors you get out of that folks sure traditional would not have the cream in there but when you can blend

That cream back in there that the garlic has been cooking in that butter it’ll make your taste buds just jump up and down be happy like i’ll be happy we don’t swirl the pasta plum out we have folks if that stuff don’t make you jump

Up and down in the kitchen and holler at your neighbor you better get some help cause that stuff right there is probably as good as anything i’ve eaten the last three or four weeks i’m telling you for sure now as always i tip my hat to all our service men and

Women and all the veterans that have kept that old flag flying around camp wherever we may be we just lift you all up we thankful for you and folks hey i’ve always told you never look down on somebody unless you’re reaching down to give them a hand

Up but folks let’s lift everybody up you got two hands don’t just reach one down there get your neighbor too pick them all up and let’s just be the best neighbors we can the best friends we can because friends and family are what hold the world together and that’s what it’s

All about now everything we use today will be listed down there in the little link below you won’t be without it go to the website a lot of recipes there that you can click on andy chan thank you big major i just appreciate it so much y’all

Braving the elements out here in the wind to the rest of you come on in here because we fitting to get one of them great big old hugs we are and i’m gonna see you down the fettuccine alfredo cowboy up trail so this is really a simple dress dress

Hang on just to mention i have trouble with this Dog action how about now hey hey hello how do you read it here we go 45 alfredo deleo You


  1. ''Friends and family are what holds the world together''

    So true!

    Merry Christmas to you and your siblings, good Sir!

  2. You are right the original recipe is just butter and permeggiano or grana padano for the sauce.

  3. Y can't you put metal against metal on cast iron pan. That's a big reason y I like my cast iron cause I don't gotta worry about Messing up the non stick surface.

  4. My great-grandfather used to test his pasta by throwing it at the ceiling…he had 2-3 meals worth of pasta above his stove til the day he passed

  5. Spent the last two weeks in the hospital for cancer
    Care getting released today definitely going to cook this up in the next day or two!

  6. Snowed in tonight so made this one for the family using my cast iron skillet handle covers with my official Kent Rollins Mesquite spatula while wearing my 'Can't Get Full on Fancy' apron. Smiles all around. When my college boy son asked where I got the recipe, I told him Cowboy Kent Rollins. He said 'I love that guy. I watch him all the time'.

  7. i almost commented harshly very early glad you plugged what real alfredo actually is this is more carbonara though the alfredo is lost with the addition of cream. just purist i did still laugh at the sling it to the wall grandma used to do that and it does work lol.

  8. We love and subscribe to your channel. We watch all of your new posts. Your Italian accent is annoying to me. Not trying to start a movement, it's just not funny or even tolerable to me.

  9. Trying to figure out how to give you another thumbs 👍🏻. Seasoned some cast iron and made this again today. Turned out better than the first time.

  10. Never liked alfredo guess what can't wait to make it it's my daughter's favorite dish she's a pasta freak.
    I shared this with her!
    Enjoy your channel love the pooches can't wait to see the puppies.

  11. If u go in italy,and if u go in a restaurant,you can't find fettuccine alfredo. It doesn't exist in italy😅

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