If you need a warm, hearty dish to get you through the last dregs of winter, look no further than Olivia’s Linguine with Clams and Chicken Rustica.

This creamy dish is lightened by a white wine sauce while still remaining filling enough to satisfy any cold-weather cravings.


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All right, welcome back. We’re in the Fox 43 kitchen with uh with our friends from Olivia’s. They’re making something delicious. It’s a clams and linguini. Um But of course, with a little rustic flair, I’m so excited about this because uh this is a dish I love,

But it’s something I never make at home very easy. We’re gonna show you how to do it and we’re gonna do a rustic style like you said. So we’re gonna have some tomatoes in there that give us a nice chunk, some artichoke hearts clams. Obviously, the fresh clams, the linguini pasta,

Yanni’s got in there when you cook your pasta, salt the water. You don’t have to worry about putting any oil and be careful when you stir it. Like Yani is, don’t break your pasta. OK? Keep it the full length, the minimum like that. Boom.

So a chicken, you see how I got it cooked over here. I just turned the fire off. This is about 75% of the way done. I wanna have everything part baked for this dish. So we make it at the end.

It all comes together wonderfully. So I’m gonna add just a little bit of wine. I turn my fire down. I got it down like on four. These are these, they’re like I said, 75 80% of the way done. We’re gonna add some flavoring in there. So let’s put some uh fresh Italian leaf.

Uh parsley. Could I have a lemony? We’ll do some lemon. We got some uh fresh basil over here. So because I’m just season up, I’m gonna put the ends of it because it’s not gonna go in the dish.

We’re gonna save the big leaves for when we do the end. Kind of like a stock. I just want that flavoring with that wine. You see how I got the stems here too. It’s OK for this part, we’re not using these parts. It’s just to get that flavor into the chicken

And you’re cooking at home. Go ahead when you’re cooking at home. These are gonna sit there and they’re gonna finish the rest of the way. Uh take it up to like a 90% to get that nice flavor. We add some garlic butter. You know what I mean? So

You can, if you need the room on the stove and you’re cooking at home, you could easily take it from this point and you could put them right inside the oven and let them finish in the oven. You know what I mean?

That way you’re using what space you got. But already you could, you could, you could smell it. You know what I mean? You turn this down. So, but it is still cooking just slower. Yeah, it’s still cooking but a lot slower.

So what we did we charred, we marked it nice and then we turned it down. We’re gonna let it finish cooking. The chicken is gonna be a little bit more tender. You’re gonna notice when you slow it down just like low and slow with the beef and stuff like that.

But what it is it’s wonderful uh for prepping. If you’re doing this at home and you’re making a lot for somebody, you could easily take it from here and put it in the oven and then you continue and the next step we’ll do when we come back

To show you how we’re gonna do it with everything prepped. Yani is gonna keep cooking that pasta. We don’t overcook our pasta. Get a nice snap that day. I don’t know. Uh people actually break their pasta. I use a spoon when I eat mine. Don’t break it, don’t break it. Be gentle.

Use a spoon. You mean use a spoon to go like that? That’s right. But if you use a spoon and eat it like this, no, no, I feel like my grandmother just heard you say that and she was like, oh, that’s right. That’s right. I got up from Italy. I know.

Well, it does, it smells delicious in here. I know you, you gotta get the clams going. Those are, um, you, you’re telling me they’re easy. So I’m looking forward to, to learn how to do this. Well, those little neck, little necks you go, I guess because they’re little Jackie.

That’s how, I guess because they are little clams. Good guess, Sean. Good guess. All right, we’ll be back in the kitchen in just a little bit. Thanks so much.

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