In today’s video, Season 6, Episode 5, we will be creating a great entree, Shrimp and Blue Corn Grits.

Download Season 6, Episode 05 Recipe:
Shrimp and Blue Corn Grits

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Devil Crab Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
Cheesy Crab Quesadilla
Oysters Abaco – Version of Oysters Rockefeller
Black and Blue Grilled Oysters Clemson

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On today’s show, we’re going to create a great little Lowcountry Southern dish, shrimp and grits. But we’re not using just everyday grits, of course. Why? Why would we? Right here we’ve got some blue corn, coarse grits. Hey, welcome to gourmet fishing. I’m your host, David Murray. We get everything we need right here.

So let’s go ahead and get started on our shrimp and blue corn grits right now. Let’s go ahead and get started on shrimp and blue corn grits. We’ve got everything we need right here. So let’s go ahead and take a look at our ingredients right there. Blue corn, grits.

Check that thing out right there. Wow. Kind of neat looking at it. Heck yeah. So we’ve got some blue corn grits right there. Of course, blue corn grits. Now we’ve got some butter over here. We’ve got some fresh herbs. We’ve got a fresh bay leaf, a little bit of fresh thyme.

Then we get some salt, some cayenne pepper, and we’ve got some soaked with corn grit. So that right there is what we’re going to use for our grits. Now, for the shrimp part of our dish, we’ve got a little bit of shrimp right here.

We’ve got some bacon that’s kind of been cut up thinly. We’ve got some kielbasa, sausage, some cheese. We’ve got what we got. We got green, red, orange and yellow bell peppers. That’s probably about a half of each one of those chopped up. We’ve got a nice, medium sized sweet onion.

That, too, has been cut up into little small strips. And we got some portabella mushrooms right here, right there. We’ve got some beef broth, a little bit of flour. I’m sure we’ll bring out maybe a little bit more butter so we can really get our roux going.

But I do believe and we got a little bit of water over there for our grits as is begin to cook. So tell you what, what we’re going to go ahead and we going to turn our heat on right now for our grits because we need to kind of sort of

Get that up to here to get to where it just begins to boil. And then we’re just going to cook it. That’s going to take about 50, 50 minutes. So it does take a while to to cook real, real grits, unlike the quick grits. So now I did soak these overnight,

Took my grits, put it in a cup and a quarter water. And as it settled itself down, you can see these little floaters float. Anyway, that’s that’s a different story. So anyway, you want to come in here and and just kind of get those little guys out of there. there’s some over here.

So we’ll do the same thing just like that. Anyway, for the most part I’ve got, I’ve got all those are. Now we’re going to begin to cook our grits in the same water that we soak them in. Heck, yeah. So that’s going to that is going to

It’s going to be pretty good, I promise you that. Yeah. So here we go. We can bring this up to work, just begins to boil and we’re going to cook it down and then we’re going to add a little bit more water.

We’re going to cook that in a little bit more water down. That’s going to take about 15 minutes, just under an hour. This isn’t like the quick, quick grits or anything like that. So let’s go ahead and get this thing rolling. All right. So I tell you what, while this is

Is doing its thing coming up to temperature, we’re going to bring some water up to to temperature. We’re going to warm that up. I’ve got a little pot over here. I’ve got just over a cup of water. And we’re going to bring that up so we can when we add our liquid,

The liquid will be hot and it won’t it won’t call our grits down. But also I’m going to add our salt and our cayenne pepper to that so that it kind of sort of gets all mixed up in there and makes things just lovely.

So here we go. We get ready to get rolling. man. I tell you what, we’re at a just a small boil or simmer, so I am going to come in and reduce that heat a tad. And we’re just coming in, we’re going to stir this for three, 4 minutes maybe. You know what?

I take it probably stir for about one minute because it is beginning to thicken up real well. Check that out. Heck yeah. And that’s what we are looking for. Check that color out right there, man. Heck, yeah. That’s something else. It’s not really blue. It’s more of a purple.

But anyhow, here we go. We’re going to just go ahead and we’re going to turn that up. I tell you what, you know, that is looking pretty good. Making noise. I am going to turn this down about as low as I possibly can, and we’re going to cover our grits

And we’re going to let that go for about three or 4 minutes, maybe 5 minutes, come back, take a look at it, and then we’ll begin to add our seasoned water over there. Our our cayenne salt water. Yeah, check that out. yes. Heck, yeah. Turn that down just a little more.

Man. Get checked out right there. Wow. Coming together slowly. Yes. yes. You have that. Most of that that water has been absorbed by our blue corn grits. So we’re going to come back in here, stir this up pretty good. And then we will add a ladle full of our spicy

Salt and cayenne water just like that. But that there and then we’ll come here. We’re going to combine this, then we will cover it back up and let that absorb up into our grits. Heck, yeah. And then we’re well on our way. Yeah. So it’s been about 40 minutes.

We’re real close to being that. I didn’t think you’ll want to hang around and watch me stir my grits, put some more of our water into it and so forth. Speaking of that, remember little. A little Herbstreit a little time. And. Bailey.

Well, I forgot to put that in the water that was born. And we will bring it up to heat with the salt in the car. I am so excited about getting, getting started on the grits. But what I did is I came back and kind of bruised them up,

Put them in my water and used the microwave microwave soak sometimes for about 30 seconds, boom. And I’m starting to infuse all those oils into our yeah, ink smell now into our, our, our water. So I tell you what, let’s take a look and see where we are. That is looking somewhat good.

Man. Heck, yeah. Check that out. We are getting close. We’re almost to a point to where she’s not really taking too much of that water, you know? So I’m going to add just a little bit more. All right. So, yeah, I think we will.

We’re going to try not to make too much noise, add just a little bit more of our water probably maybe now almost almost a fall, about three quarters of a ladle full now of course, I don’t have any idea what measurement that ladle is, is and I don’t know.

Let’s see, what have we got here? We’re there. Yeah, it’s probably about three or four tablespoons. So anyway, that’s what we’re going to add here. So just like so I’m going to get that all nice Incorporated, just like so I kind of scraped the bottom

Of our pan to loosen up any of the little blue corn bits that have possibly adhered themselves. Now we’re going to turn on the back corner burner over there and we’re going to finish cooking our grits back over there so we can get into our next phase of our shrimp and grits.

And that’s to begin on these delicious little nuggets of yummy necec. Yeah. So we’re going to turn this up and turn that thing up pretty good and move this back over here. So in case we had need to add any more liquid to our grits, we’ve got it handy. You know what?

I don’t need the whisk yet. So we’re going to bring this up to heat and we’re going to add our bacon. Right? Let’s go ahead and add our bacon. This is four slices of bacon. Just kind of sort of chop it up. Nice, nice. And then little small pieces of of.

Yeah. I mean, this that will two things. One bacon’s just good and it’s going to go on top of our are we done. But it’s also going to render now we’re going to get that fat which is going to allow us to finish cooking everything out.

So come over here and grab us another spoon and begin cooking our bacon. Till then, nice and crispy, right? I tell you what we are getting here. Heck yeah. Check that out, man. the smells are just unbelievable with that bacon. God cannot wait to tell you what we’re going to come over

And let’s take a look at what. Okay, I tell you what that is actually looking like grits. Heck, yeah. So let’s take a look. yeah. You know what I tell you? I think I think, I think we’re done. Yeah. Sorry. And it right at 50 minutes, it doesn’t lie. I’ll be darned.

So I tell you now we’re going to come in here a hole. sorry. I didn’t mean to get a little angry, you know, Go boom. Just let that sink in here. Yes, Sorry. And turn it down just a tad. And I’m going to come in with our with our butter. Come in here.

Just like that. It’s about. But it’s good to about a table spoon and a half now, speaking of that, the the recipe joke and download at the website is good for about four servings. Now, what I’m doing here is cooking about two thirds. I basically have cut the the recipe in half.

So when I’m talking about specific measurements at four, what I’m cooking right at this point. So you have about three tablespoons. If you were doing the recipe that you will be able to get a hold of here in a few. So anyway, we’re going to come in here. Yes, just like that.

Yeah. Heck yeah, man. That smells good. Now we will cap this, let that breathe a tad. Put it right there and get it as low as we possibly can. Now we’ll get back to our bacon. yeah, man. Talking about jammies right there. Check that out. Heck, yeah. That is looking ha, yum, yum.

And I doubt all of that’s going to make it through the rest of the recipe, because I’m sure I will be snacking on some of those. All right. Tell you what. We get our bacon just about all out. Shall I get? Yep. I’ll go almost.

I will get both of those little guys out. Heck, yeah. Now we’re going to let these guys just kind of kind of sorta cool themselves off so we can add snack here and put them right there. Now we’re going to get to our sorting

Just like this, and we come in with boom with our onions just like that. We’re going to get those started and that’s going to be our step one and preparing all of our other goodies. All right. To tell you what we’re getting these things nice

And sauteed, kind of breaking them up from the way we put them in. They’re going to come in. We’re going to add our bell pepper just like so. And we probably have another three, four, maybe 5 minutes of saute and then

We’ll get moving on to step number, I don’t know, three, four, five. Something that. heck, yeah. Those are looking good. Now it’s time to come in. We’re going to add our portabella mushrooms. Yeah. Got a nice and thinly chopped up just like that. Thank. Yep. Yes, we do. And he’s off. Yes.

So we’re going to get him these all in here just like so. Yes. Goes down for another three, four, 5 minutes. man. Heck yeah. Smell and delicious. You know as we go through, we kind of like the season as we go, so we’re going to have a little bit of salt in there.

Like so heck, yeah. I don’t know what that is. Maybe a teaspoon. It was three, three pinch sprinkles. I guess we can call that all. Heck yeah. Wow, yum, yum. Get that all mixed in. Heck yeah. man, that is looking and smelling delicious.

And I’m going to come in here with our kielbasa sausage and get that in there. And get it nice and nice and sauteed, I guess we’ll say, and warm throughout. And we’re almost. man, we’re so close, so close to being done. So we got probably another three or 4 minutes on our sausage.

Yeah. That it’s going to be delicious. May I tell you what? That is? Looking delicious right there. Yeah. So you know what? I’m going to try not. I don’t want to overcook them because the colors, the presentation part will get a little. worn out.

So we want to kind of keep these our peppers and onions with a little bit of color, a little bit of Christmas to it. So let’s come over here and we’re just going to transfer these over to a plate temporarily, just like that. And then let’s see.

Yes, sorry, we’re going to just man. I tell you what, it’s kind of sort of smells like the fair. I don’t know if that rings a bell with anybody. My Italian sausage and pepper. Anyway, that’s that’s a different a different recipe. I guess we’ll say.

So I’m going to come in here just like this. Now we’re going to add a little bit of butter, not a lot. And then we’re going to cook our shrimp very, very quickly and we’re going to leave some of the shrimp flavors in our pan speaking. And that was quick.

And take a look at our grits. Make sure they’re still doing good. yes, they are. I think that’s about as good as what we going to be able to get our grits. Let’s come back in here, make sure we get the little vents ready. Do that at the way.

I cannot get that any lower. Now. We got our bubbled up butter and go our shrimp like so. And these are going to take no time at all. Heck no. All right. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to add

Just a little bit of granulated garlic on top of our shrimp. Heck, yeah. Boom. I mean, it is just about time to take those out again. So what was going to put them back in that? But I don’t think we’ll do that with the raw shrimp flavor.

So it will come in here just like this. Bingo. Yes. Now come back in here with just about a tablespoon of butter and we’ll begin working on our roux, which is going to thicken up our beef broth for our gravy. Yeah, I. Heck, yeah. Just like that.

Kind of get those bits and little pieces off the bottom. Come in here. We’re going to add our flour, and I guess I have to clean that up here in a minute. Way to go, Dave. So anyway, yeah, I don’t think I’ve really made them.

That’s my first mess of the day, I do believe. I don’t know. So we’re going to turn this down now. We’re going to create ourselves a little bit, not really a true brown rule, but it’s going to be a darker, darker blond than a lot of the rules that I make.

So here we go. Going to cook this down for about a minute or so. All right. Tell you what that is. That’s looking pretty good. That’s a nice little nice little light brown room. Now, when to come in here, a little bit of our beef broth just like that.

And I tell you what, I’m going to come in and I’m going to add a little bit of our bay leaf thyme, grits, water to this. Also get some of those flavors in there. Yeah, just like that. Move this back here and now we’re going to begin thickening our gravy.

I tell you what I mean. That thing thickened up pretty quickly. Obviously, this is the time. Let’s see if I’m going to need that again that we want to taste. And does the back of a spoon. Yes, it does. And it’s hot. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad.

A little bit of that time flavor in there. Yeah. So tell you what, we’re going to add just a bit more of our of our water to thin it just a tad just like that. And you know what I’m going to do I think drop out our little time

Twig in there to impart just a little bit more flavor. Heck, you man. I tell you what, that is smelling delicious. I went ahead and added also the bay leaf to our to our shrimp gravy. And I tell you what, that kind of knocking that thing down with our with

That really imparted some unbelievable flavor and aroma to our gravy. So what are we going to do here? I am going to attempt to try not to hurt myself. Do this while fine. Our bailiff there is let’s see here. Just like so. Ouch. Ouch. Yup. Quick rent. Voila. There we go.

We are ready to plate. Speaking of plates, we can use this nice large white plate here. Let’s see. We’ve got our. Our shrimp and our veggies. So what are we going to do with this? First thing, we’re going to grab our grits. That’s what we’re going to do.

I do think there for a sec. But I tell you what, those are looking. Those are looking good. Heck, yeah. So we’re going to come in here with a nice. yeah, Check that out. The nice little bed of our blue corn grits just like that. yeah. Bingo. How about that? Heck, yeah.

Cannot wait. It’s going to be delicious. And when you come in here, some of our that way come in here with our onions, peppers, our sausage and mushrooms, just kind of just make a mess of it. Who cares, man? Heck, yeah. This is going to be delicious. It’s like that. Whoop.

Make making a mess now. You know, we’re going to have. You don’t want to play just like that. So we got some green peppers, some mushrooms. Come in here, grab a little bit more with some sausage. thank you. Let’s see that look. That looks pretty good, I think. I think.

Okay, that one just looks like I need to. I need to eat that one. Heck, yeah. So, I mean, come over here with that. Now, let’s grab our shrimp. These, by the way, if you can’t tell them they’re small shrimp, they’re about 60. Count to a pound. I’m going to come in here.

You know what? I’m going to dump all these guys right on here. I don’t know why I am struggling with these talks. We’re going to do just like that. man. Yeah, What the heck? You know what? Come in here and decorate this up just a little bit. Drop that one there.

We him here? Heck, yeah. Just just relax. There, there and. yeah, right there. That’ll work. So yum. There we are. Heck yeah. So come in here with this. Gives us a nice little nice little stir, and I’m just going to put that right in the middle, just like that.

Because what we’re going to do here in a second is when we start to eat this, we’re going to mix it all together. Then we’ve come in here with our cheese just like Yes, heck yeah. Boom. And this is going to be awesome. It’s a little bit more like cheese. Yeah.

Then come in here with some of our crispy bacon pieces and do just like that. Yes. Yum. Turn that off. Come in here. Try to clean up the plate just a tad since we made a mess. But look at that. That looks delicious.

Heck, yeah. Let’s get some of this out of the way. Move you over here. What else can we do? You know, we might come over here with some dried parsley flakes if we want. I don’t know. You just kind of add a little bit on top. You know what? They don’t.

When they dry, they don’t stick to the plate. I don’t know what, but there you go. my goodness. Are you kidding me? Wow. On believable shrimp and blue corn grits. And that is going to be good in a second. Heck, yeah, they were. I think we’re going to go ahead

And give it a taste. Magically. I have a fork sitting right over here right where it needs to be. I tell you what, we’re going to come in and grab us a shrimp. A little bit of good right here in the back side of this thing. Heck, yeah. It’s going to be delicious.

Man. Come on, now. Let’s go play with me. Let’s give it a shot. man is good. That is delicious. Pardon me. And. Mama. Tell you what. We give you grits a little bit and a little bit more of a taste. Wow. Creamy on. Unbelievable. Really?

Is that did take a little bit of time, but, you know, some things, you know, are worth the wait. And I tell you what, those are pretty doggone good. You know, you get a little bite of that coming in right in there right at the end

And get the flavors of the the bailiff and the time. Wow. That’s unbelievable. Heck, yeah. Hey, if you want the recipe, check out the description down below. Got this recipe ready for y’all to download. Hey, right down here. How about some grilled dorado grilled dolphin with a pineapple mango salsa?

Sounds good to that. And then right, right there. Hey, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel like comment and subscribe and all this help. And until next time, God bless. And we’ll see you soon.

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