Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip
This is the creamiest, easiest, and most delicious artichoke dip I have ever had! Simple ingredients that go so great together. Make this for the holidays or any gathering for a dish everyone will love!

Get ready for this delicious spinach dip wait until you see this oh it’s so delicious next I chopped up one red pepper I’m going to go ahead and just stick that on the sides wow look at those colors oh so good all right we cannot forget the artichokes I went with the marinated

Artichoke hearts I know that there’s regular just cans of artichokes but just having them already be marinated saves you time and adds a little bit of flavor to the dish so I’m just going to put the artichokes here in these little spaces that we have yum okay now that we have the artichokes

In there I’m just going to use my fingers here don’t worry they’re nice and cleaned and washed and I’m just going to go ahead and break up these artichokes super easy to do too you can just use your fingers you don’t need a knife or anything like that but just

Make sure you wash them right yeah I am going to now use a little bit of minced garlic if you want to go with fresh garlic of course that’s fine I’m going to go for about I don’t know roughly maybe I would say a spoon and a half full of

Garlic I don’t think it’s that big of a deal though I really like garlic so I do not mind having too much garlic in there me too all right so grab yourself some sour cream and roughly about A3 cup but once again honestly it’s not going to make

That much of of a difference to the dish I’m going to spread it around here putting a couple doops yeah I’m feeling in the little pockets wow yum okay perfect and of course what would spinach dip be without cheesy goodness so let’s take some mozzarella cheese I’m just

Going to spread it all the way around this spinach dip and once again I don’t ever think you can have too much cheese so I’m not even going to measure this out I’ll probably kind of throw in here like a half of a bag of of shredded

Cheese oh my gosh it’s going to be so good whoa yummy all right once you have the mozzarella in there I’m going to take a little bit of Parmesan as well just for the top it’ll get all nice and crispy on top and add some really good flavor to that artichoke

Dip wow and you see how easy that is oh such a great thing anytime I bring this to a party people love it it’s gone so quick did they yeah I always know it’s going to be a hit all right there we go easy peasy I’m going to stick this in the

Oven for 20 minutes let it cook all together while that artichoke tip is cooking I am taking the circular loaf of bread here and I am just going to cut down the top cutting the top off and then I’ll scoop out the inside and I’m going to serve

The artichoke dip in this bread oh yum all right so there I cut off the top top and I’m just going to take the knife making a little Circle oh it’s so good now you have a dish and you can use the bread all in one which I love when artichoke dip is served like this well really any kind of dip in general I am a huge fan of all edible and no clean up all edible and no clean up

Oh are you ready for that look at that cheese on top right there all crispy wa oh my goodness do you smell that look at that I am just taking my spatula now and I’m just going to fold in all that goodness move that spinach around oh my gosh look at those arure

That pepper wow this is going to be so good just want to go through give that a good mix oh woo warm and bubbly cheesy I know it’s steaming up the camera smells so good okay now we’re going to take our bread bowl and we’re going to put in this

Delicious goodness hopefully I don’t spill it all over the place this iron skillet is like extremely heavy for my one small arm wow look at that steaming that looks so delicious I’m just going to come in and sprinkle the top of it with a little bit more of Parmesan cheese oh my gosh

Yummy yummy yummy yummy okay so I’m going to give this let’s give this a try I’m going to take a center piece of a bread right here put the get a nice juicy ARA choke on there yum all right let’s go wow hot still a little hot be careful make

Sure you let it cool down that that is delicious good though oh my gosh try it see wait till you try it that’s pretty good I don’t even need the bread I could just eat the dip that’s true look at that look at how beautiful that looks oh my gosh that’s

Such a great great appetizer I know everybody to share give it a try dig in you won’t be disappointed


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