Join us for our latest episode of Sips & Dips with cookbook author and anthropologist, Dr. Susanna Hoffman. We will be exploring the origins of the many dishes and recipes that Susanna will demonstrate for us through this series. Susanna, will provide in depth and detailed information about every recipe and how significant it was to our Greek culture throughout the years. Our wine expert, Fotios Stamos, will be pairing the wines with each recipe to highlight the dynamics of the match.

In this segment Susanna will be featuring a Beet & Chickpea Dip recipe from her Bold: A Cookbook of Big Flavors, a dish that is easy, quick, and super delicious.

Our Sip & Dip clips are fun, informative, educational, and inspiring!

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Hello everyone thank you so much for joining us for another fantastic episode of our sips and dips series featuring the lovely The Talented the very intelligent Dr Susanna Hoffman uh before we bring uh Susanna on let me introduce my co-host foty Stamos how are you fy

I’m doing very well and even better now that we’re gonna have our sips and dips Clips with our res I like to say if I could without imposing our resident Chef here at uh Greek wine club Urban Wine club Dr Suzanna Hoffman let’s do it

Let’s do it she’s a resident just like a DJ she’s the resident Chef the resident uh in but we were discussing this before the resident smart person in the room because she listens to us talking she decides yeah I’m the resident smart person I think right but let’s let’s you

Know let’s uh let’s be serious for one second not only are what we’re going to do um as far as you know have Susanna teach us how to make interesting fun and tasty dips but we’re going to learn a lot other than the actual dish itself well that’s that’s the great thing about

These clips for me personally is that we always get some really really cool information always get like um I kind of take it like if I go if I go on Jeopardy after these clips I feel like I could be the winner because we get so many cool

Bits of information so much background um history and you know that’s what fascinates me and that’s why I love these clips so much and on top of it I think it also brings a better and bigger appreciation for the dish I think it tastes better when you know more about

It absolutely excellent so without wasting any more time let’s bring on Dr Suzanna hofman hello hello thank you so much for joining us we have another fun recipe that we’re going to uh be exposed to and experience with you um it’s that time of year where we like to bring out seasonal

Ingredients and the ingredients for this particular one is Susanna well beats are the main thing um and then and and actually every every ingredient in this particular thing is Ancient Ancient so if we’re doing a season it’s the ancient season um we originally talked about this dip um because it it

Would work for um lent for but we we couldn’t get up together with the crazy busy lives and things that were happening to us and everybody’s had a rough time this last year um going to go ahead with it anyway because um uh one of the main ingredients is beets and

Beets are in season and not very many vegetables are in season yet so um that that makes us be able to exploit what we can get I’ve added a little bit of mint and I’ve added a little bit of chives to at least my decorations and and they’re

Coming up in my garden the rest of the herbs are kind of like being lazy so far I’m not going to allow that for long and where’s my reany you um and and again um it it’s a it’s a dip that’s Greek but it’s but I made it up

That’s okay that’s perfect actually I love I love made up stuff because the last one if you remember I did my mint and parsley with ancient currants little tiny grapes um that I’d soaked in redena and and that’s one of my favorites but this is one of my favorites too and um

All the ingredients are as I said are ancient and it’s kind of a combination of a humus and a scor with beat added which of course gives it an incredible color I’ll show you what it looks like when it’s done sure wherever I put it oh I love the I I

Just love the whole sound of it did I all the ingredients oh look at that that spill on my computer back up there’s now olive oil on my mouse pad oh but it’s [Laughter] good so you want to talk about the ingredients or do you want me to put

Them together or both let’s let’s yeah let’s talk about the ingredients real quickly what so yeah we’ll definitely talk about the ingredients which we mentioned the basis is are the beets we’re adding chickpeas yep um The Garlic which is an important base of this dish right I mean

Do something Greek without garlic that’s what I say I mean I mean it it’s it’s it’s a part of our culture that you know without it just doesn’t taste Greek to me I still claim it’s the sound of Grease plink plink people peeling garlic and dropping them in tin bowls

Just right there but yeah I mean um but all these ingredients flavor and textures that’s what I think is is to me what really brings out this particular recipe the textures and the flavors between the beets the chickpeas um you know some dip have different smoother textures but I think

That this one presents a really really interesting one yeah and it comes out nubbly I’ve got it on my finger now you know it’s not like a total puree because um the garlic and the almonds don’t puree that well I mean you you can get

The bee to do it um and of course the the medium that makes it all work is olive oil right um and there’s a little bit of a red wine vinegar which is also very ancient and there’s um sea salt so it’s it’s actually you could actually do talk

About the battles of each of these ingredients like salamis in the salt but certainly you could talk about the Persian Wars because um they’re the ones who brought almonds to Greece interesting yeah the original almond trees came from what is currently called um Iran which was Persia um

Although Wild Ones have been found in Armenia as well but you have to remember what what people don’t often realize is the these people all spoke the same very similar languages they were very early um um wandering groups of indo-europeans who’d come down from the Earl Mountains

The um west side of the Earls that about the Caspian in small hering groups and so the first people down there like the frians and the hit well the Hittites are the earliest um but the ones who became the Aryans and bakans like bakan camels um and the Greeks the early groups of

Greeks and they didn’t come all together they came in in small bands so when Herodotus went around and talk to the cians who were L Latter Day Persians or um the wars between the Persians and the Greeks these people could understand each other W interesting they all spoke

And they still do speak an Indo-European and it’s basically you could call it the South Indo-European Branch except um actually relating each one to the other is a little difficult but we do know that they came down and settled in various at about the same time shz I ask

You a quick question did you say Aryans yeah Aryan Indo in the AR that that that like the white anglosaxon Aryan yeah okay okay Indo Europeans were white were were Paar Caucasian blonde blue eyes and that’s the way the early Greeks are and a lot of Greeks today in the village

That I live in in Santorini almost everybody’s a blonde and blueeyed my daughter is very blonde um so when we think of Greeks as being dark um or even the Italians or even the Spanish that’s much later um and you know had to do with mixing of populations and uh

Demographic shifts as happen all the time in the world one of my point points whenever I’m teaching this kind of stuff is to to say to people that nothing belongs to anybody people have always taken over each other’s Land from the very get-go and we make much more of a

Big H and cry and stew about it now but it is a history of humankind um yeah yeah we might need to to uh announce that to lots of people in this country who seem to not understand exactly how it works yeah well the Indo Europeans themselves um conquered U people who

Were already living in Greece and they talk about the people who are already living there and we know a lot about uh the remnants of some the monans were not Indo Europeans but the means were and there are some of the early group The Early groups that com down but we we

Still have stuff from the monans alike olive oil they’re the ones who did olive oil and and the early Greeks of course we they W they don’t even call didn’t call themselves Greek that’s a Roman name for one particular branch of Greek speakers that the Romans ran into early

Grea but the Greeks never call themselves that they call themselves as you know you know elanus which as far as we can tell means the people of the light because they came from the north wow so so cool the light love the light and they came with a sun god and a

Male God which the the people who were already living there the monans did not worship sun was much more important to these people I guess they didn’t have it as often they were they were cattle they were cattle herders and um they came in these moving um little little bands you

Would call them not even Clans or tribes um um but they spoke the same language or similar languages um enough um and they you know they conquered bit by bit and we have stories of their being con of their conquering like the um the Labyrinth and prit and

Um was it thesias who does who rides on the bowl that’s a story of the fact that they were enslaved at first by the manans um who were taking tribute and then the mowans disappear when the volcano of Santorini erupt man I you know it’s it’s funny because

Some of the things I’ve known some of the things are new to me so thank you for for for the new stuff uh but just the way you describe it which is why I love Greek history so much and why I love when you come on and and tell us

It’s like I picture it in my head and it’s like this like exciting like action movie of like what’s going on I know these things happen over like long period of time but like Greek history is just amazing I I I love it so much I’ve gotten stuck lately there’s a

Series of books now from a couple of different writers on the lives of the women of the Trojan War which Homer practically never talks about so these these current writers are putting themselves in the heads of the women like clestra and andr Maki and Penelope and they’re really they’re nice novels

Oh my God yeah I I’m so interested reading everything I can because like I said it just fascinates me I love it so much um all right so so so we gonna uh get into the dip absolutely should get into the dip I’m gonna get into it with a chip right now [Laughter]

Perfect the Sip dip and the chip I have a gotten pea you know commercial pea chips and then I made some out of pea by myself there you go there you go real deal so let me tell you about the dip um starting from the olive oil because I

Think it’s really important let’s see Mom now maybe you can help me get him on the payroll this is my real Kitchen in New York it’s about the size of a closet but here I’ve got all kinds of stuff uh just just so the audience knows uh Susanna is currently in

Colorado where is theil just so they know behind you and at some point you got to give us a shot of that view as well because that view is amazing okay we we do that you want the can of B no I poured out I

Thought I poured out a um um 34 cup of it but I guess I didn’t oh you put that your wine glass and drink it that’s what she I’ll take you on the tour here yeah look at that view oh my gosh so how often do you get visited by

Bears uh every day every every they make their garbage run oh what’s this theirs and so oh they yeah they’re they’re dumster divers so you have to have your garbage cans secured and B and really bolded the to are bolded in place that’s so funny I house not funny if uh you’re

Face to face with one but funny when you say it to be afraid of no they don’t they don’t bother you as long as they don’t have babies that you get between did you happen to see that viral video about the girl uh who her dogs were attacked by a

Bear and she she went and knocked it off the fence no if you if you haven’t seen it it’s fun it’s it’s a great video she’s trying to protect her dogs and she knocks a bear right off a yeah I saw that yeah yeah I mean we’re not afraid

Of them here you just stop and stand still what worries me sometimes is the Tourist because they begin to follow them not smart so you have to yell at them to stand still and the other thing you do if you’re really worried is you just stretch yourself out and you look

Big that’s that’s what I do and FY bothers me sometimes I stretch myself out and I I sh them away all right I this dip is really easy I mean it’s four five six maybe ingredients you throw the whole thing into a quis and art I’m going to start

With the um this is an oldfashioned quear because they have the best Motors absolutely how’s the focus is this okay yeah yeah all right this is my nice Greek olive oil I get from teramed and and Cody has great olive oil too yes straight from Greece straight from this

One’s from the colada District Great And for those that are that are paying attention to this we’re going to do a segment uh pretty soon on olive oils with oh excellent so that’s a 3/4 a cup of olive oil I take one and a half dip beets um

Or one big one that I’ve cut into pieces is now there’s the trick with beets people some people try to peel them before they cook them not a good idea cook them then peel them so we’re at high altitude and I know it’s high it’s silly but water

Doesn’t boil here it bubbles but it doesn’t get up to 212 so a bee that would take you I mean 35 minutes at your altitude it’s going to take me an hour um and I’m going to put it two small ones because I didn’t do a large one I’m

Using Global knives which I keep really sharp um I like the globals in their feel and but basically the equivalent of what would be one large beet that I’ve cooked and I’ve peeled after you’ve cooked them and they’re completely soft you just run them underwat sort of like this like running

Water your thumbs on them and the peel comes right off just like that tail um and you know I guess you can buy them cooked now I don’t do that kind of thing so anyhow so it’s one large beat it is uh a/4 cup of slivered blanched almonds okay okay

Now almonds come from as I mentioned Iran originally and some wild versions are in Armenia the Greeks had them very very early and as you probably know it’s in tons and tons of Greek food um besides Coralis there’s a Greek a soda pop that’s almond flavored almonds are decorate um

Kiva almonds and how much you guys can think of some of the almonds are in everything yeah yeah everywhere yeah I thought I thought Greeks invented almonds they infinitive now um almonds are not a fruit are not a nut almonds are a droop very closely related to peaches and

Apricots um and plums and other stone fruit that’s what the droop means so they have a little fleshy outside which is like a peach outside and inside they’ve got a double layered seed and it’s the inner part of that seed that we’re eating we’re just eating a

Seed there so they’re a fruit they’re not a nut interesting so we’re eating a seed and not a nut I’m a Nut she’s not going in there the the Almond is I didn’t mention beets but um almonds go back about to 4,000 BC maybe even ear earlier we found them as early

As 9,000 BC in certain sites um so they were already being picked and plucked for their seed really early W um beats were probably at least 6,000 years have been eaten but you have to remember that when these groups first came and when and they’re even more ancient because people up until about

30,000 years ago were hunters and gatherers and Gathering contined uh in fact even when I live in Greece we still in the village go out and gather our greens so beets were originally sought after for their greens which we still eat charred is is and it was only a little later that

People began to eat the tap root of the Beet which I threw one away and the bulb on the Tap Root oh yeah yeah yeah and it’s very sweet there’s a lot of sugar in it they’re very healthy and anything with this much color has a lot of beta carotene so it’s

A it’s a it’s better than carrots um so they were gathered and they were grown and they were eaten way back in ancient times as early as the very first wandering Greeks came in and chickpeas are even earlier um they’re talked about by the ancient Egyptians they’re in mentioned

By uh hamurabi and some of the early tablets they’re a lentil um and they come from all around the Mediterranean and the reason and the name in Greek is as you know is rikia which is the same word as garbanzo if you know Linguistics the B and the B are

The same the um th and the Z are the same just a different movement in your mouth so it’s the same word that’s come with them the IDE chickpeas the name chickpeas comes from the Latin and here’s the funny story about that I don’t have an uncooked one um they

Became known as chickpeas because they look like the face of cisero really they were called the face of Cicero peas he was the Elder statan who Statesman who actually basically started the Roman Empire the Roman Republic and um and so so he was also the shall we say the butt of jokes so

Inste of calling the ciceros lower parts they called it Cicero’s face and from that it went through the French Chic pea and it got into the English as chickpeas but that’s where that comes from which I think is a wonderful story I love it

Love it I’m putting in a cup of them now I bought these cooked and organic and I tell you why I’m at 9,000 feet and so usually I cook them myself from the dry but not here I mean I made gigantes the other day giant beans which you’re supposed to they’re supposed to

Take about two hours and I soaked them overnight it took seven hours oh my gosh so so you not only have to know how to cook under normal circumstance you have to know how to cook in high altitudes yes absolutely which is why don’t do

Bread ah yeah I get it I get it although flat breads like pasas are great actually they figured bread out now and they can make a lot of people do it really well but I I don’t bother you know unless I’m making a soda bread or a

Flat bread and put one cup of Cicero and then of course there is the essential Greek ingredient the best the best now I I I peeled several of these but I wanted to show you a trick otherwise in case you don’t know it I’m just throwing them in I’m doing

About six clothes but that’s your up to you here if my cameraman can follow me if you don’t need your garlic beautiful anyway it’s going it’s going to get chopped up there’s there’s no need to peel it carefully you take the flat of your knife you have to be really careful

And you take it put it over the the clove and you smash it and out comes the garlic oh beautiful beautiful so sa you a lot of trouble yeah yeah because you know it’s it’s generally pretty sticky pretty uh messy so yeah look at that how easy that was

Yeah it’s really easy um but I said you know if you want them beautifully shaped like when I make a scoro stoi you know the beef um 100 cloves of garlic stew oh my gosh that’s intense it’s intense you want me to make that on

TV yes yes yes yes while we’re there so we could eat it I actually use the whole hundred I it’s a beef stew any I put six of these guys in here um sea salt salt which of course the Greeks fought over many times and they

Also paid people with to earn salt or earn your salt is a real thing this is tiny bit I don’t I don’t overs salt this is just 38 of a teaspoon and one and one half um tablespoons of red wine vinegar I don’t use balsamic Greeks are now making balsamic

They’re making two kinds of native fruits fig balsamic a regular balsamic just a plain then fig and then pomegranate but it’s not in their culture it’s learned um basically what you did with old wine was you made uh vinegar out of it especially if you made a mother because the best vinegars come

From like the best sourdough a mother that creates with you know you put your old wine in it and it makes the vinegar these are also teric but I think P’s got it too and I think that’s it is that it yeah moish it it’s all in there all in feel like it’s

[Laughter] poker now me soup it up look at that color yeah it’s beautiful now there was a district of Greece called scor I don’t know if you knew that I did not it was near mavia oh okay it was run by the English as of course vasia produced the wine

That the English couldn’t pronounce and they called it Momsy wine and so they uh they had the district around and there was actually a Duke of scoro which I think is lovely and I would like to be The Duchess of garlic now that you mentioned that my

Wife is from Monas and when we said drive down there I think I did see sign for scor that really that’s awesome yeah I never knew the the connection there sometimes when F Whispers in my ear I think he’s the Duke of scoro maybe when he when he whispers in

Your nose yeah that’s the problem you know what the Greeks used to tell me when I lived in the village and I love it they they said one of their sayings was that if if you notice somebody someone else if someone notices your breath they haven’t eaten

Properly a there you go true it’s true look at that deep color that’s all that’s to it that’s like in in in essence that took you minutes yeah it’s a few minutes except for boiling the the but you can buy them already cook I

Don’t I didn’t do that but I mean I I would never suggest it but if you need to yeah it’s it’s okay you’re hurry um I’m going to do for you maybe next one um one I make with um grape leaves and and that it’s no cooking at all I

Mean it’s just amazing you can do it in five minutes love it love it this it doesn’t take a whole hour so Le me having to say a lot of history my gosh that’s beautiful looking so texture-wise I can just tell yeah it’s really wonderful yeah we have

A company coming this weekend kids there you go married kids and I’m going to decorate it with some chives you know how Greeks love any kind of onion oh it’s gorgeous there you are that’s all that’s to it so there’s now I got two bowls of it and

It’s time to sample there you go oh look at that look at that that looks so good it’s hard to get good pea here but I found it you know you know there’s so much to um the Greek cuisine and with you know offerings and dips you know we’re always

Prone to the the classics toiki and Scala and uh Mela Salata and but there’s so much beyond that and you know we always you know want to think of other ideas and options and you know you bring such interesting approaches uh that still keeps it Greek but keeps it very

You know interesting and fun and tasty well one of the wonderful things as you know there’s high employment so a lot of the Educators who thought they were gonna you know move on in some other fields have gone back to their Villages and are are producing incred incredible um agricultural products

Cheeses and the infused oils and um wines as you know and wine makers and there’s like a Renaissance that’s an interesting concept like there’s certain things that trigger certain actions by the people and and and certain results happen because of it and it’s interesting to think about

Right right um you know as Susanna is um selfishly eating that on her own for yourself I’m sent the inred is that um f loves to throw people under the bus is that is that um obviously yeah good something has to accompany you know these dips as a

Beverage so you know with with a dip like that that has texture and structure and the garlic adds another element of um another layer of element um we can go either way we can either go with a crisp white which I’m having mosco but you can also have a red or you

Can have white wine from Santorini that has a lot of minerality and acidity um the acidity in the white wine with with atico from cini or moscofilero really plays and cuts into the garlic that’s in this dip cuz when I had it I tried it

Both with the white wine and then I said let’s try it red when it comes to Red though um we really need to choose a lighter red that has high tannins like cro that actually again plays with the garlic so the garlic and the olive oil are very important in the pairings and

If the wine lacks acidity or tannins you’re going to lose either the wine or you’re going to lose the dip so those are our two recommendations when pairing uh this lovely dish or dip I should say with the wine of choice so think about uh citrusy acidic white wines or uh

Light body with with higher tenons for the Reds here’s a important point that goes with that that is chickpeas were one of the snacks because you never drink in grease without having some food snacks at the very ancient days of the symposia which we now think is a meeting

Where you talk or you bore yourself to death perhaps or you’re doing a presentation um or um whatever but think of what it means Sim means with POS is from poon it means drink together and it was the third segment of the meal after the essentially or derves after the many

You know courses that considered consider the entree the men went and relaxing on lounges not sitting up had a symposium um a session where they drank and carried on Alexander does some lovely descriptions of it because his father Philip used to get so drunk he claimed he could not perinate which

Means walk from one couch to the other and so and one of the snacks was roasted chickp and I’ve got an A recipe for roasted chickpeas in the olive in the Caper I love that book Olive in the Caper people if you have an opportunity please check it out it is an amazing

Amazing cookbook full of facts full of recipes full of everything good and any and so they would pop them chickpeas in their mouths I told her they were very ancient this is before they were known as you know ciceros peas um maybe it let up to it um their

Discussions but um they would pop chickpeas and other little morsels and they would U bring fine Greek wine and and fod will tell you back then of course they would dilute it um but um but the pairing is perfect yes they they they diluted it why because it was uh

Too alcoholic or it was too there was it was from what I um my recollection is wine was much much stronger back then yeah that I I think that’s I I read that somewhere and um they like to Pace themselves and they would um dilute it

So they can drink for longer periods but yeah they were they were drinking like all night during like these like another uh interesting fact or should I say myth that I that I came across is that the ancient Greeks um had this thing about uh when they were at symposiums or they

Were at Gatherings and they were having Wine and Food um in order to eliminate being intoxicated they would hold an amethyst because the amethyst would actually absorb all the alcohol so they would not get drunk well think of the meaning think of the meaning of amethyst

Are not methis menos yeah there you not drunk did you know that is that is that oh my gosh I didn’t know that yes yeah and what is the color of the of an amethyst it’s purple purple so it would absorb they absorb the color and the and

The toxins or the or the alcohol from the wine as you held it in your hand it would keep now now if that was BS or they were just you know you’re using it as an excuse to drink more I would suggest not trying amulets of any sort

Well I was G to suggest we should have grandmother used to make her kids carry garlic to W off illnesses and I don’t think that’s going to work any better than an amethyst I think we should have amethyst parties but what the other thing for those of you who know Greek um

Is the real word for for drink is poto or poon um but they drank it in ancient days and these two handled cups I don’t have anything quite like it no I don’t have anything quite like that but they were like this they were low and kind of

Low and flat and they had two handles and those were called Kon and from that we get cross SE oh my gosh and then it got named the drink got named for the vessel I see a lot like kakaban for example the fish stew that really means the kettle it doesn’t mean

The stew and S and um uh saganaki is the name of the little dish that the cheese is melted in not the cheese not the cheese you know you you know that’s now that you’ve raised that point um Susanna if you think about it I always thought

About you know the word for for wine in Greek is uh Enos yes but we use the wordi and we always wondered like where did it Ki come from was it used from another culture but now you just said you just clarified that for us now language changes and it changes quite

Rapidly as you can tell say from Shakespeare there’s a lot in there that we we don’t understand anymore um so over the history of three to 4,000 years of Greek it’s changed a lot um and so funny little Expressions just as in English you know like get off get

Over it you know something like that right that 20 years ago it’s like you know suddenly they start calling it bring me bring me a cup instead of bring me the wine ah feta feta just means a slice because feta was so popular it was like pizza so

You went into a store and said give me a slice and it was it was sheep’s cheese well now you say that Suzanna now that you say that suzan I always wondered when my parents just say um give me a a m a fet up me I’m like fet like no fet

Upsi give me a piece of bread yeah yeah one slice did you ever know that AR never I didn’t know that why do you think I’m here FY you think I’m here for like I’m here to learn learn and every time Susanna’s on I learn you can’t learn this anywhere

Can you no that’s why I come here I did I’m a little kid from Denver you’re doing big things let me tell you oh my God like like you know we FY and I are Greek we’ve always been Greek just in case you didn’t know we’ve

Done so much in the Greek community and like I constantly say to FY um every time you’re on with us Susanna I always say to FY all right I learned something new and that’s probably it I I don’t think I could learn anymore I know everything and

Every time you’re on Susanna I learned so many new things and it’s fantastic it’s amazing fody now knows that his his his birth and his being their son was not as important to his parents as sliced briad [Laughter] oh man true very true we’re gonna take this information

When we do our family gatherings and we’re gonna maaz everybody oh my God I love every time every time we do these segments and I learn something new I am the first person to use it you know to make myself like a big shot like hey did you know this and uh

So this is the reason why our our folks that are watching you need to continuously watch our Sip and dip Clips or dips and sips um the information that’s being provided here by Dr Susanna Hoffman is is in my opinion unmatchable um Dr resident Susan res our resident

Chef culinary expert DJ Dr Susanna you know this for us is is an honor because uh the the information for us really uh resonates with the exper experience and Ian yeah we can learn about Wine and Food and you can demonstrate you can teach Ari how to make uh dips uh for his

Wife doesn’t work it doesn’t work that easily I I’m a hard learner the appreciation here is uh the whole combination of its roots its history and why things are today and it really brings things into light of a different perspective like I as Ari says I continuously learn and appreciate uh

Things that I should already known being Greek American right but no but you know what you you say you should have already known but these aren’t things that are like very easily uh learned like the these are these are very like specific and very Niche things and and suzan

Always brings it and I love it it’s like I love hearing all these things and I love learning about it and that I truly do appreciate that knowledge that she brings these segments yes and you know and having said that we’re going to be uh you know really anxiously waiting for

Our next segment which you know stay tuned we’re gonna um bring you a segment with Susanna on Greek Olive Oil we’re gonna explore olive oil from the different parts of Greece um we’re going to send a nice package to Zanna of different types of olive oils that I

Think that will also be eye openening and will really change your views on olive oil and that should have you appreciate different light I don’t know Susanna cuz I I know everything about olive oil so I don’t know if you could teach me anything more I think I know

Everything do you know how you do an olive oil tasting no okay you don’t you don’t swallow swish water around and spit it and it in the olive oil into a vat you clean your pet between the olive oils with a slice of apple and a piece of

Bread all right touche Dr Susanna Hoffman I did not know that you win this round you U one of the reasons I can do this is um is is chickpeas can also be made into flour and people in Greeks use it a lot because a lot of times they

Couldn’t get a ly they couldn’t get real flour especially in hard times um and over in France it was the same and they made a little R out of chickpea um flower that was called a panise and from that came the character that was very famous in the frame in the

Old Greek film from which the restaurant shapan took its name and I was one of the owners really yes it keeps getting better I mean we need to we need we need to uh you know save a lot of this for all the upcoming segment because this is like

Really you know Priceless information I I I’m not even worried about getting information our future segments suzan brings it and we love it and this was an amazing segment I mean that the texture of that dip I I’m gonna make it well I’m not I’m not gonna make it I’m not gonna

Make it I’m gonna have my wife don’t you dare somebody’s gonna make it for me but like I I want to taste this because it looks so so good the text is so nice um the information you give us Susanna is so amazing we just appreciate we appreciate everything you bring to these

Segments you’re welcome yes to Bast have a sip of wine I will and send me some oo I can terrible oo here oh no I got you covered I got you covered F you need to send her the um the Greek americ American Spirits package yes give her

Everything we’re gonna send you a package Susanna of um very well-made interesting uh Spirits made by Greek Americans I’m ready my cameraman drinks quite a bit of it too so hey hey you gotta pay him somehow oh I think I can got that covered but not not not to not to shill

Too but like the Greek American Spirit package which is a real thing that we do and it’s amazing products available on our platform at Greek wine club and at gazon so check it out if you are so uh uh uh interested and I had to tell you

Too everybody that I just tell fi to send me a case of wine and he picks the most amazing wine and ships it to me I don’t have to think about it wonderful Greek wines from uh from n from um uh cre from sanini umos um

Aceros and it’s a wonderful thing you do p thank you very much I’m glad that you appreciate it yes absolutely no FY knows his stuff FY is like the resident well he he knows his stuff for a lot of people all over the country but I’m just

Going to say he’s the resident of like everybody within our Social Circle can you imagine everybody who knows FY is like hey FY tell us about this tell us about that he’s always shipping wine he’s always giving people wine he’s always telling people about wine and everybody has great things to say except

For me I don’t know FY I don’t know you’re not that good I don’t know whatever yeah just you know you’re one of those hard no all all my wine consumption is because of FY and he taught me so much about it hey f is there such an expression as barar

Ari there is now there is now bar bar I like it I like it well there you have can I tell you a funny quick story Susanna sure so I used to when we were little we had um uh you know all the Greeks in our neighborhood

And we used to call them Theo and Thea everybody who was Greek in the neighborhood was Theo and Thea so uh there was one amazing uh Greek family that basically like our my second family and the the dad was a barber so um Everybody he was a c Menos yeah

Yeah exactly so so everybody used to call him uh uh the barber right so I used to call everybody Theo and he was a barber so I used to and and I would hear people call him BBA and I would call him Theo BBA and everybody would laugh and

I’m like why are they laughing he’s Uncle Barber and I didn’t know that Barba was like Uncle in Greek so I used to call him Theo Theo like Uncle Uncle that’s so funny B we can’t underestimate the importance of nicknames in the Greek culture oh EXA yeah exactly that’s that’s a whole

Different segment in itself we should do one huh we should do one yeah yeah let’s origin their origins of nicknames well you know because kids for instance oldest son was named after father’s father and the oldest daughter depending on your area the mother’s mother or the father’s mother everybody

In a village had the same name correct so pretty soon they had to give them a different kind of Distinction yes was what they did or what they looked or some joke they had played or you know some characteristic or you know k for example you know and it’s stuck for

Generations like you were part of that that’s so fun yeah and they became last names often really oh man imagine that yeah we should def do that we should definitely do that for sure we’ll do a little bit of our own family uh research and kind of bring to the to the segment

Uh the paruk okay I have a Baptist year I have a goddaughter in Greece and she’s called Susanna oh is that so is that her paruk Susanna her par oh my gosh there’s only there’s only one AI the oneman party though so you just need to know that well you have a

Son now so unfortunately he’s going to have to take that Pari oh my gosh let me just say this um Susanna thank you so much we know you’re busy you’re writing four books I I don’t I mean I thought you would be writing five or six but you’re only writing four

But you’re so busy we appreciate your time before you go I want to show you one thing in my bedroom right this is to the inner sanctums I want to show you my wall of Jewish Mothers let’s see let’s see this oh wait wait let me let me

Spotlight you there you go oh wow those are amazing that’s my wall of Jewish Mothers oh my gosh those look like so cool aren’t those Beauties yeah abely Susanna are those vintage yes ions like how old what is the age on those um well the one has got

Their Village this one with the beaten silver is older it might be around 1600 whoa oh my gosh have that in a safe about 1800 and look how they’re holding up yeah I take care of them wow that’s amazing well you keep them in a safe place because uh they’re good I

Know so so does elevation help with that or is it worse for them oh it’s worse it’s worse I mean you have to put lotion even if you’re a guy on yourself after taking a shower from top to toe or you’re skin starts falling off not

Really falling off but you it you’re dry you crack and you get wrinkled and your hair is dry and I have to put on foot cream or I get cracks in my heels our humidity got up to an amazing 22% yesterday that huh yeah of course but I grew up here so

You’re used to it yeah I’m used to it in New York drives me crazy I can’t stand it New York New York is a very uh unique Place let’s just say it’s when it’s hot and humid I just die yeah B Boston’s the same way and I think DC is the same way

Yeah yeah excellent but I I have to say Susanna again thank you so much you’re you’re so busy you have so much going on you’re you’re doing so many things but you you you you join us for these segments and we truly truly appreciate it everybody out there appreciates it

Whenever we post these segments there’s so much viewership there’s so much interaction and we love it and it’s all because of uh what you bring to the table and we we love it I said it once I want to say thank you to FY for everything that he brings to the

Table Susanna once again thank you so much for everything you do for us and uh the recipes are amazing her books are amazing please go to gazon we have her books her cookbooks on sale on gazon um uh we post this everywhere that we do our platforms Urban Wine club Greek wine

Club GRE is on we want to thank you once again and wait let me hold on hold on hold on let me uh Spotlight you this recipe’s in this one yes the Bold cookbook this is an amazing cookbook I got to tell you because uh she has so many great recipes actually everything

We’ve done so far with the sips and dips is from the Bold cookbook you can find that on gazon so definitely check it out she her cookbooks are so good because it has information it has history it has everything that you know you find entertaining about these segments it’s

In the book check it out if you can please um and we want to thank everybody out there for listening for watching everything’s going to be posted YouTube app podcast everywhere we’ll have links to the book we’ll have links to um everything that we do thank you so much

Susanna thank you Susanna and stay tuned and P and AR thank you very much for having me it’s it’s great for me to be able to go back and do this oh we love it we absolutely love it we’ll do it again very soon okay all right all

Right thank you everybody out thank you everybody out there for watching listening uh streaming we have all the information check it out Dr Susanna Hoffman who um you know I I sing to her but uh she doesn’t like it so I I didn’t do it I’m not going to do it now I

Always sing Oh Susanna but she doesn’t want it I don’t care okay oh SU all right that’s all that’s all thank you so much everybody we’ll see you next time thank you for joining us byebye bye bye everybody

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