Roz Bel Laban, a creamy Egyptian rice pudding, is a comforting and delicious dessert, especially popular during Ramadan.

He your mama now the show will start bye- bye bye-bye hi everybody and welcome to cooking freaks Channel Channel today we will make the famous Ros Bell laan Ros Bell laan a creamy Egyptian rice pudding is a comforting and delicious dessert especially popular during Ramadan here’s a traditional recipe along with some

Tips and tricks to help you make it ingredients half cup rice washed and drained four cups whole milk 1/ cup sugar adjust to taste 1/4 taspo ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of salt chopped nuts raisins or shredded coconut for garnish now let’s start cook the rice in

A medium saucepan combine the washed and drained rice with two cups of water bring to a boil over medium high heat then reduce the heat to Low cover the sauce pan and let it simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the rice is cooked and tender and has absorbed most

Of the water prepare the milk mixture in a separate large sauce pan pour in the milk and add the cooked rice stir well to combine once the mixture starts boiling reduce the heat to low and let it simmer gently stir in the sugar ground cinnamon vanilla extract and a

Pinch of salt continue to simmer stirring occasionally for another 20 to 30 minutes or until the mixture thickens to a creamy consistency and the rice is completely cooked adjust the sweetness according to your taste preference once the RAS Bell laen reaches the desired consistency remove it from the Heat and

Let it cool slightly you can serve it warm or chilled depending on your preference now we come to the tips and tricks choose short or medium grain rice as they tend to release more starch contributing to the creamy texture of the pudding stir the rice pudding frequently especially after adding the

Milk mixture to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan and ensure even cooking the pudding will continue to thicken as it cools so it’s okay if it seems slightly runny while still warm adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste preference keep in mind that

The sweetness May intensify slightly as the pudding cools if you like this video please subscribe and hit the like button see you all in the coming recipe I Mama I’ve just finished we can continue gossiping now N

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